Now showing items 21146-21165 of 41723

    Impact of energy metabolism, paraoxonase-1, and inflammation on cancer patient's prognosis and response to treatment 

    Rodríguez Tomàs, Elisabet (Date of defense: 2022-10-25)

    El càncer és una preocupació sanitària mundial i un gran repte per augmentar l'esperança i la qualitat de vida dels pacients. Considerant que el metabolisme relacionat amb el balanç energètic, l'estrès oxidatiu i la ...

    Impact of fatty acid metabolism in breast cancer peritumoral tissue. Clinical and pathogenic aspects 

    Adriá Cebrián, Jose (Date of defense: 2022-05-06)

    El càncer de pit es el càncer més comú en dones i el segon càncer amb més morts relacionades. Conèixer el comportment de les cèl·lules tumorals en el seu microambient pot obrir noves posibilitats d’estudis i dianes ...

    Impact of feedback in students' engagement: The case of MOOCs 

    Floratos, Nikolaos (Date of defense: 2021-11-12)

    Our results provided insights, first of all, on how student engagement can be measured in MOOCs and also which feedback factors affect student engagement, for instance: the existence and type of assessment; the actors ...

    Impact of game restocking on common quail populations 

    Sánchez Donoso, Inés (Date of defense: 2014-10-29)

    The common quail (Coturnix coturnix) is a popular game bird in Europe. The massive restocking of farm-reared individuals for hunting purposes is a common practice in several European countries. Although restocking of common ...

    Impact of gene-environment interaction on the real-world expression of psychosis risk: linking genetic variation, childhood adversity and daily-life experiences across the extended psychosis phenotype 

    Cristóbal Narváez, Paula (Date of defense: 2016-11-29)

    La investigación en el ámbito de la interacción gen-ambiente, basada en la sinergia de factores genéticos y ambientales, ha tenido una gran relevancia en el campo de la psicosis. El principal objetivo de la tesis fue ...

    Impact of gestational diabetes on fetal precursors and lipoprotein profile: effects on offspring 

    Algaba Chueca, Francisco (Date of defense: 2020-07-14)

    La diabetis mellitus gestacional (DMG) és una de les complicacions més comunes de l'embaràs i s'ha associat amb alteracions metabòliques i nutricionals maternes que pertorben les adaptacions metabòliques d'ell mateix. ...

    Impact of guidelines for stratification of community acquired and hospital pneumonia severity and treatment 

    Liapikou, Adamantia (Date of defense: 2012-07-13)

    Treatment failure in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is the failure to normalize the clinical features (eg, fever, cough, sputum production), or nonresolving image in chest radiograph, despite antimicrobial therapy. The ...

    Impact of hepatitis D viraemia on patient liver-related outcomes 

    Palom Agustí, Adriana (Date of defense: 2022-04-28)

    El virus de l’hepatitis D (HDV) és un virus ARN hepatotròpic i defectiu que requereix la presència del virus de l’hepatitis B (VHB) per a propagar-se. El VHD afecta aproximadament 20 milions de persones arreu del món. ...

    Impact of imperfections on correlation-based quantum information protocols 

    Passaro, Elsa (Date of defense: 2016-05-30)

    Quantum information science is a rapidly evolving field both from the theoretical and the experimental viewpoint, motivated by the fact that protocols exploiting quantum resources can perform tasks that are unfeasible in ...

    Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Remote Testing. Forced Spirometry as a Use Case 

    Burgos Rincón, Felip (Date of defense: 2013-09-12)

    INTRODUCTION The deployment of new health care models based on the coordination between different levels is a priority at European level to manage the dysfunctions generated by health and social impact of chronic ...

    Impact of International Diversification on the Performance of Spanish Multinationals: The Moderating Role of the Firm's Sector and the Firm's Geographical Focus 

    Araya Castillo, Luis (Date of defense: 2016-12-19)

    La tesi investiga la qüestió de perquè unes empreses multinacionals espanyoles obtenen millors resultats que altres, centrant-se en la relació entre diversificació internacional i resultats empresarials (DI-RE). L'existència ...

    The impact of ISO 9001 on employee engagement 

    Yazdani, Shirin (Date of defense: 2021-07-07)

    In the past few decades, ISO 9001 quality management and human resources are major issues in business and management research, due to their potential impact on a range of individual and organizational outcomes. In this ...

    Impact of large-scale atmospheric variability on sea level and wave climate 

    Martínez Asensio, Adrián (Date of defense: 2015-09-28)

    This thesis aims at quantitatively characterizing the recent (last few decades) and future climate variability of marine climate in the Western Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. Namely it focuses on sea level ...

    Impact of medication adherence on mortality and cardiovascular morbidity: a population-based cohort study. IMPACT study 

    Sotorra Figuerola, Gerard (Date of defense: 2022-03-17)

    Aquesta tesi és part de l’estudi IMPACT, un estudi de cohorts de base poblacional realitzat amb dades d’històries clíniques electròniques de centres d’atenció primària de Catalunya. Aquesta és una tesi per compendi de ...

    Impact of membrane transporters polymorphisms on nucleoside-derived drug bioavailability and action = Impacte dels polimorfismes en transportadors de membrana en la biodisponibilitat i acció de fàrmacs anàlegs de nucleòsids 

    Arimany Nardi, Cristina (Date of defense: 2013-12-03)

    Nucleoside-derived drugs are used for the treatment of haematological malignancies, viral infections and autoimmune or inflammatory diseases. These drugs require membrane transporters to be internalised and be active. ...

    Impact of molecular methods in the analysis of the invasiveness of Streptococcus pneumoniae 

    Amo Moran, Eva del (Date of defense: 2016-05-02)

    This doctoral thesis proves the necessity of applying molecular techniques in direct sample for a more accurate study of the Invasive Disease Potential (IDP) of Streptococcus pneumoniae and for its epidemiological surveillance. ...

    The impact of nursing interventions and hospitalization on patients’ sleep quality 

    Bellon, Filip (Date of defense: 2022-09-23)

    Objectius: L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi va ser determinar el paper de l’hospitalització i les intervencions d’infermeria en la qualitat del son dels pacients hospitalitzats. Per assolir aquest objectiu, es van plantejar ...

    The impact of nutrients on clock genes and metabolism: their role for the prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases 

    Castillo Figueroa, Ana Lucía (Date of defense: 2017-04-24)

    A number of recent studies in animals and humans have linked energy regulation and the circadian clock at the molecular, physiological and behavioral levels, concluding that disruption of clock genes results in metabolic ...

    Impact of ocean warming and acidification on coccolithophore ecology and calcification in the North Pacific 

    Rosas Navarro, Anaid (Date of defense: 2018-07-13)

    Los cocolitofóridos son fitoplancton calcificante unicelular cosmopolita involucrado en importantes ciclos biogeoquímicos globales. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en los impactos del calentamiento del océano y la acidificación ...

    The impact of open spaces in the social life : the case of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 

    Summan, Maher Mafoz A. (Date of defense: 2019-12-04)

    This study discusses social life in public open spaces within an urban context of Jeddah city, by examining the quality and design of these spaces. Jeddah is a multicultural city, with a high proportion of immigrant ...