Now showing items 7608-7627 of 41648

    Contribution to the development of more efficient environmental policies via multi-objective optimization and environmentally extended input-output models 

    Cortés Borda, Daniel Enrique (Date of defense: 2014-07-18)

    Al mercat globalitzat d’avui en dia la falta de coneixement sobre la distribució dels impactes entre els estats dificulta el disseny de polítiques efectives per la reducció, a escala global, de la degradació ambiental. ...

    Contribution to the development of more sustainable process industries under uncertainty 

    Sabio Arteaga, Nagore (Date of defense: 2016-02-08)

    En les últimes dècades, els reptes originats com a resultat dels elevats preus de l'energia i la creixent pressió per reduir les emissions de gasos d'efecte hivernacle han estimulat un gran interès en la investigació ...

    Contribution to the development of new bio-based thermal insulation materials made from vegetal pith and natural binders : hygrothermal performance, fire reaction and mould growth resistance 

    Palumbo Fernández, Mariana (Date of defense: 2015-10-08)

    The building sector is moving towards new approaches to energy efficient design, which includes not only the improvement of the thermal performance of the building envelope but also the reduction of the embodied energy. ...

    Contribution to the development of pico-satellites for Earth observation and technology demonstrators 

    Jové Casulleras, Roger (Date of defense: 2015-02-17)

    The submitted Ph.D. thesis is a contribution to the development of pico-satellites and nano-satellites for Earth Observation and Technology Demonstrators. Development of satellites with a mass from 1 kg up to 10 kg has ...

    Contribution to the hydrogeological knowledge of the high mountain karst aquifer of the Port del Comte (SE, Pyrenees) 

    Herms Canellas, Joan Ignasi (Date of defense: 2022-06-02)

    This thesis has aimed to improve the hydrogeological knowledge of the Port del Comte Massif (PCM), a karstic aquifer system located in the south-eastern sector of the Pyrenees that plays a strategic role in the provision ...

    Contribution to the improvement of integral equation methods for penetrable scatterers 

    Úbeda Farré, Eduard (Date of defense: 2001-02-01)

    The study of the electromagnetic phenomena along the last two centuries has brought about outstanding contributions for the human progress. The electromagnetism represents still now, at the beginning of the third millenium, ...

    Contribution to the improvement of the performance of wireless mesh networks providing real time services 

    Vázquez Rodas, Andrés Marcelo (Date of defense: 2015-02-13)

    Nowadays, people expectations for ubiquitous connectivity is continuously growing. Cities are now moving towards the smart city paradigm. Electricity companies aims to become part of smart grids. Internet is no longer ...

    A contribution to the incorporation of sociability and creativity skills to computers and robots 

    Raya Giner, Cristóbal (Date of defense: 2018-11-14)

    This dissertation contains the research and work completed by the PhD candidate on the incorporation of sociability and creativity skills to computers and robots. Both skills can be directly related with empathy, which is ...

    Contribution to the model and navigation control of an autonomous underwater vehicle 

    González Agudelo, Julián (Date of defense: 2015-07-31)

    This thesis deals with the further development of an existing underwater vehicle for autonomous navigation. The vehicle was conceived to navigate over the sea surface and, at certain fixed points, to dive vertically in ...

    Contribution to the modelling and evaluation of radio network slicing solutions in 5G 

    Vilà Muñoz, Irene (Date of defense: 2022-04-06)

    Network slicing is a key feature of 5G architecture that allows the partitioning of the network into multiple logical networks, known as network slices, where each of them is customised according to the specific needs of ...

    Contribution to the operation of smart rural distribution grid with energy resources for improvement of the quality of service 

    Girbau Llistuella, Francesc (Date of defense: 2018-12-19)

    This Thesis aims for contributing in the deployment and operation of Smart Grid, in isolated rural areas. As it would be expected, technological developments and investments in the electrical field have mainly focused on ...

    Contribution to the Optimization and Flexible Management of Chemical Processes 

    Ferrer Nadal, Sergio (Date of defense: 2008-06-19)

    La industria química ha experimentado en las últimas décadas un aumento en la competencia por la cual las empresas se ven obligadas a adaptarse a un mercado cambiante y cada vez más exigente. Aunque la globalización ha ...

    Contribution to the optimization of 4G mobile communications by means of advanced carrier aggregation strategies 

    Lema Rosas, María Ángel (Date of defense: 2015-05-22)

    Mobile broadband subscriptions and data traffic have increasingly grown in the past years with the deployment of the 3G and 4G technologies and the massive use of mobile devices. In this sense, LTE-A has been presented as ...

    Contribution to the publish/subscribe communication model for the development of ubiquitous services in wireless sensor networks 

    García Davis, Ernesto J. (Date of defense: 2019-06-19)

    Advances in wireless technologies and the rapid development of integrated electronics have made wireless sensor networks (WSN) one of the key technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT). Thanks to the ability of these ...

    Contribution to the qualitative study of planar differential systems 

    Grau Montaña, Maria Teresa (Date of defense: 2004-12-17)

    Aquesta tesi es situa en el marc de la teoria qualitativa dels sistemes diferencials en el pla. Cada capítol conté un aspecte diferent. A la introducció, es dóna un resum dels resultats més coneguts i s'hi introdueix la ...

    Contribution to the risk assessment of ciguatera poisoning in europe (the balearic and Canary Islands and Madeira archipelago) 

    Tudó Casanova, Àngels (Date of defense: 2021-07-19)

    Actualment, la intoxicació alimentaria de la ciguatera (CP) es considera una malaltia emergent a les zones temperades d'Europa. La present tesi contribueix a l'avaluació del risc d'intoxicació per ciguatera a les Illes ...

    Contribution to the study and design of advanced controllers : application to smelting furnaces 

    Ojeda Sarmiento, Juan Manuel (Date of defense: 2013-10-09)

    In this doctoral thesis, contributions to the study and design of advanced controllers and their application to metallurgical smelting furnaces are discussed. For this purpose, this kind of plants has been described in ...

    Contribution to the study of alliances in graphs 

    González Yero, Ismael (Date of defense: 2010-12-13)

    Contribution to the study of alliances in graphs.<br/><br/>Resumen<br/><br/><br/>En este trabajo se estudian propiedades matemáticas de las alianzas (defensivas, ofensivas y duales) en grafos. Entre los temas tratados se ...

    Contribution to the study of boiling liquid expanding vapor explosions and their mechanical effects 

    Hemmatian, Behrouz (Date of defense: 2016-07-18)

    Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosions keep occurring from time to time in process plants, storage areas and transportation by road or rail, often with severe effects. There is no doubt that a better knowledge of their ...

    Contribution to the Study of Fourier Methods for Quasi-Periodical Functions and the Vicinity of the Collinear Libration Points 

    Mondelo González, José María (Date of defense: 2001-07-13)

    This works has been organized in three parts. The first (Chapter 1 to 5) is dedicated to the development and study of a procedure for the accurate computation of frequencies, as well ans the related Fourier coefficients, ...