Ara mostrant els elements 1-6 de 6

    "Au-delà du code civil mais par le code civil". Raymond Saleilles (1855-1912) y la lucha por el derecho comparado 

    Aragoneses, Alfons (Data de defensa: 2006-06-09)

    Raymond Saleilles (1855-1912) és considerat pels comparatistes com pare del dret comparat modern. De fet fou el màxim responsable de l'organització del primer congrés internacional de dret comparat a París el 1900. L'època ...

    El concepto de 'poder constituyente'. Un estudio de teoría analítica del derecho 

    Baquerizo Minuche, Jorge (Data de defensa: 2020-10-09)

    This doctoral thesis consists of a conceptual study: an analysis of the concept of ‘constituent power’ in a legal key and through the instruments of analytical philosophy received by the theory of law. Throughout the five ...

    El principio de igualdad y no discriminación de las trabajadoras migrantes: un factor clave en el estudio de género en la sociedad global 

    Navarro Cejas, Mercedes (Data de defensa: 2019-06-17)

    The present doctoral thesis work analyzes the issue of migrant women in relation to gender equality and non-discrimination in employment. In particular, the group of domestic migrant women whose condition is most vulnerable ...

    La normatividad de la costumbre. Normatividad, racionalidad y arbitrariedad 

    Mattei-Gentili, Piero (Data de defensa: 2022-06-07)

    This doctoral thesis consists of an analysis of custom as a source of norms, as well as the implications that this has when we affirm that custom is a source of law and that, therefore, among the norms that make up the law ...

    Metadesacuerdos. La teoría del derecho frente al fenómeno de los desacuerdos jurídicos fundamentales 

    Rapetti, Pablo Ariel (Data de defensa: 2017-02-24)

    This doctoral thesis analyzes various philosophical treatments of the phenomenon of legal disagreements, particularly focusing on the exchange, based on it, stemming from Ronald Dworkin’s challenge to legal positivism. The ...

    Un aporte jurídico a los debates sobre instituciones y desarrollo. Aproximación desde problemáticas compartidas por los países de América Latina 

    Fernández Blanco, Carolina (Data de defensa: 2018-01-25)

    The starting point of this research is the observation that current theories that link economic and human development with the presence of certain type of institutions (understood as "rules of the game present in a society") ...