Now showing items 29440-29459 of 41663

    Native & non-native perception of casual speech: English & Catalan 

    Pearman, Andrea (Date of defense: 2007-12-18)

    Un aspecto fundamental en la percepción del habla es cómo se transforma la señal acústica en unidades significativas y se reconocen palabras. El habla coloquial se ve frecuentemente afectada por procesos de reducción ...

    Native American genetic history through admixed populations of Brazil 

    Mas Sandoval, Àlex (Date of defense: 2018-11-30)

    Most of the Native American populations that lived in nowadays Eastern Brazil when the Europeans established in the area in the 16th century do not exist anymore. The colonization of Brazil implied huge migrations from ...

    Native Italians' comprehension of press information in Spanish: a phraseodidactic approximation from a cognitive linguistics approach 

    Mellado Blanes, Ester (Date of defense: 2019-04-26)

    This thesis analyses the interlanguage effect in the learning process of Spanish phraseology by native Italians. It is intended to investigate the interactions between native languages and the learning process of a foreign ...

    Natura cívica. Ciència, territori i ciutat al parc de la Ciutadella a principis de segle XX 

    Valls Plana, Laura (Date of defense: 2019-12-02)

    La recerca realitzada com a tesi doctoral ha estudiat el parc de la Ciutadella com a espai urbà privilegiat en la configuració de concepcions de la natura i d'un estil determinat de popularització de les ciències naturals ...

    Natura en conflicte. La construcció del patrimoni natural a Catalunya, del franquisme a la democràcia (1955-1992) 

    Gil Farrero, Judit (Date of defense: 2018-09-21)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral estudia el sorgiment del concepte de patrimoni natural a Catalunya i la seva implantació a la segona meitat del segle XX, mitjançant els processos de protecció de tres espais naturals: el Parc Nacional ...

    Natura hominis: escenarios (1997-2009), una propuesta de investigación y creación personal 

    Micó, Jesús, 1962- (Date of defense: 2013-09-13)

    Esta tesis plantea una doble propuesta: creativa y teórica. Basada en la obra artística personal del autor (un descarnado diario personal autobiográfico realizado durante más de una década), se realiza un profundo estudio ...

    Natura i cultura en l'evolució del paisatge de closes a l'Alt Empordà (1957-2007) 

    Llausàs i Pascual, Albert (Date of defense: 2008-06-19)

    La tesi doctoral és un estudi de l'evolució del paisatge de les closes de l'Alt Empordà entre els anys 1957 i 2001. Dins el marc teòric s'hi explora el concepte de paisatge cultural agrari tradicional, es fa una introducció ...

    Natural and anthropogenic control of water quality of an Amazon estuary : the Caeté estuary (Brazil) 

    Monteiro, Marcela Cunha (Date of defense: 2017-04-04)

    In the Amazon region, few data are available on the impacts caused by the urban settlements found in the proximity of estuaries. In the estuary of the Caeté River, the focus of the present study, the nutrient input is ...

    Natural and Induced Nitrate Attenuation Processes in Pétrola Basin (Albacete, Spain) 

    Carrey Labarta, Raúl (Date of defense: 2014-05-05)

    One of the main problems of diffused groundwater contamination is produced by nitrate (NO3‾). NO3‾ pollution is linked with fertilizer application, manure management and wastewater. Many areas of Spain have NO3‾ concentration ...

    Natural and Synthetic Hydrogels as Biomimetic Materials for Cancer Immunotherapies 

    Santos Abreu, Roberto Fabião (Date of defense: 2022-04-21)

    La immunoteràpia contra el càncer, la qual es basa en aprofitar el sistema immunitari dels mateixos pacients en comptes de tractar directament el tumor, com ho fan els tractaments convencionals (per exemple, cirurgia, ...

    Natural antisense transcripts control LEF1 gene expression 

    Aparicio i Prat, Estel (Date of defense: 2014-02-07)

    Non-coding RNA functions are emerging in the recent years. In this thesis we describe a Natural Antisense Transcript (NAT) that controls the expression of LEF1 transcriptional factor. This LEF1 NAT is transcribed from a ...

    Natural capital and human well-being: what are the links? A study among rural inhabitants from Kodagu district (Karnataka state), India. 

    Zorondo Rodríguez, Francisco (Date of defense: 2012-07-13)

    Los ecosistemas son propuestos como fuentes de bienestar humano. Sin embargo, las aproximaciones económicas principales han descuidado este esencial papel del capital natural (i.e. bienes y servicios de los ecosistemas) ...

    Natural enemies for the conservation biological control of Myzus persicae in Mediterranean peach orchards 

    Aparicio del Moral, Yahana Michelle (Date of defense: 2019-07-23)

    Peach and nectarine tree belongs to the species Prunus persica and is the third most produced fruit species in the world. Within Europe, Spain is a leading producer. Most of the crops are located in Catalonia (northeastern ...

    Natural feeding strategies to reduce enteric disorders and improve adaptation of young pigs to weaning 

    Hermes, Rafael Gustavo (Date of defense: 2011-09-22)

    El objetivo de la presente memoria de esta tesis doctoral fue evaluar el papel de diferentes ingredientes en la dieta para reducir las patologías digestivas en los lechones tras el destete, incrementando así su bienestar ...

    Natural language processing technologies in compensatory supports for people with aphasia and acquired reading impairments 

    Cistola, Giorgia (Date of defense: 2022-07-04)

    Aphasia is often associated with reading impairments. Nonetheless, supports designed for people with aphasia and acquired reading impairments allowing autonomous access to written material are lacking. These individuals ...

    Natural lighting in Mediterranean climates. Visual comfort in top-lit sports halls: from the Barcelona 1992 Olympics to the Tarragona 2018 Mediterranean Games 

    González Matterson, Maria Leandra (Date of defense: 2021-03-01)

    The role of natural light in the health and wellbeing of users is a central subject to architectural design today. Sustainability and energy efficiency are also leading concerns. Therefore, new and existing buildings must ...

    Natural outdoor environments and adults' health : associations, effect modifiers and mediators 

    Triguero Mas, Margarita (Date of defense: 2017-02-14)

    This thesis aims at (a) evaluating the association between natural outdoor environments (NOE) and health in adults and potential effect modifiers of this association, and (b) investigating the possible mechanism of this ...

    Natural sources against veterinary pathogens: evaluation of the anti-adhesive and anti-biofilm activity of wheat bran 

    González Ortiz, Gemma (Date of defense: 2013-12-19)

    La búsqueda de fuentes naturales podría ser una alternativa viable para prevenir o tratar infecciones bacterianas, así mejorando la salud de los animales y obteniendo productos de origen animal más seguros. Esta Tesis se ...

    Naturalesa i rellevància dels serveis universitaris: el cas dels serveis de cooperació i relacions internacionals 

    Ten Pujol, Agustí (Date of defense: 2007-09-28)

    En la primera part d'aquest treball, en el que es descriu l'objecte de l'estudi, es dedica un primer capítol a categoritzar aquest objecte mitjançant l'anàlisi de la naturalesa jurídica dels serveis universitaris entroncant-los ...