Mostrando ítems 10657-10676 de 11304

    The use of Java in large scientific applications in HPC environments 

    Fries, Aidan (Fecha de defensa: 2013-01-21)

    Java is a very commonly used computer programming language, although its use amongst the scientific and High Performance Computing (HPC) communities remains relatively low. In this thesis, the option of using Java for ...

    The vegetative and the minimally conscious state: brain function, connectivity and structural abnormalities 

    Fernández Espejo, Davinia (Fecha de defensa: 2010-12-10)

    The Vegetative State (VS) is a clinical condition characterized by wakefulness in the absence of awareness of self or environment. A person in a VS retains autonomic functions but exhibits no evidence of voluntary responses ...

    The World As I Found It. A Subjectivist Metaphysics of the Mental 

    Merlo, Giovanni (Fecha de defensa: 2015-06-01)

    The first part of this thesis articulates and defends the Subjectivist View of the Mental. According to this view, my mental states are essentially different from the mental states of everyone else, but the fact that they ...

    Themes in linguistic understanding. Cognition and epistemology 

    Grodniewicz, Jędrzej Piotr (Fecha de defensa: 2020-12-10)

    In this thesis, I have presented and defended a series of claims regarding the nature and epistemic role of linguistic understanding. Firstly, I have argued that, besides the state- and disposition-sense of ...

    Theoretical and experimental approaches for the initiation and propagation of activity in spatially embedded neuronal cultures 

    Hernández Navarro, Lluís (Fecha de defensa: 2018-05-08)

    Spatial embedding and inherited metric constraints are a fundamental trait of biological neuronal circuits. However their role in shaping connectivity and dynamics has been often disregarded, with models of neuronal networks ...

    Theoretical modeling of heterogeneous catalysts based on platinum and cerium oxide 

    Bruix Fusté, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2014-02-17)

    This thesis focuses on the computational study of models for platinum catalysts supported on cerium oxide (CeO2) which are of technological relevance. In these catalysts, ceria is often found acting as a non-inert support, ...

    Theoretical reaction and relaxation dynamics in superfluid helium nanodroplets 

    Blancafort Jorquera, Miquel (Fecha de defensa: 2019-11-15)

    The study of superfluid helium has been carried out mainly by physicists. In recent years, taking advantage of the potentialities presented by superfluid helium nanodroplets (HeNDs) as inert matrices at very low temperatures ...

    Theoretical study of excited states in molecules and molecular aggregates relevant for optoelectronic applications 

    Climent Biescas, Claudia (Fecha de defensa: 2017-07-07)

    In this thesis, different organic and organometallic molecules with interest for optoelectronic applications have been studied from a computational standpoint. The work presented in this thesis belongs to the molecular ...

    Theoretical study of ligand migration in Hemeproteins: Truncated Hemoglobin N and Nitrophorin 7 

    Novo de Oliveira, Ana Luísa (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-18)

    The diversity of functional roles played by heme proteins in all kingdoms of life is to a large extent regulated by the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of their interaction with small gaseous molecules. The aim of ...

    Theoretical Study of Phospholipid Membranes: the Complex Role of Cholesterol and Lipid Unsaturation 

    Martínez-Seara Monné, Hector (Fecha de defensa: 2010-05-07)

    The Doctoral dissertation titled “Theoretical Study of Phospholipid Membranes: the Complex Role of Cholesterol and Lipid Unsaturation” covers biological membrane modeling by means of molecular dynamics. The main focus ...

    Theories of gravitation confronted with cosmological observations 

    Garcia Garcia, Carlos (Fecha de defensa: 2020-11-10)

    This thesis studies Dark Energy, a central topic of Modern Cosmology, from different points of view. It covers from models and parametrizations to likelihood approximations for the observations of the Large Scale Structure ...

    Theories of modified gravity and reconstruction schemes of cosmological models 

    López Revelles, Antonio Jesús (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-08)

    En esta memoria de tesis se expone el trabajo llevado a cabo por el doctorando durante los últimos cuatro años, el cual versa principalmente sobre diversos aspectos de soluciones cosmológicas obtenidas a partir de teorías ...

    Therapeutic inhibition of PI3K/AKT and WNT/b-catenin pathways in colorectal cancer 

    Arqués Casamitjana, Oriol (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-04)

    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a leading cause of death worldwide, especially in the late stages of the disease when relapse and metastasis occur. Despite the improvements achieved recently in terms of treatment and diagnosis, ...

    Thermal adaptation of amphibians in tropical mountains: consequences of global warming = Adaptaciones térmicas de anfibios en montañas tropicales: consecuencias del calentamiento global = Adaptacions tèrmiques d’amfibis en muntanyes tropicals: conseqüències de l’escalfament global 

    Pintanel Costa, Pol (Fecha de defensa: 2018-11-26)

    Temperature is likely to be one of the most important abiotic factors given how it affects the physiology of the whole organism and as a consequence, it has an essential role in ecology and evolution. However, how the ...

    Thermal and chemical imaging of the upper mantle anomalies: application to Western Mediterranean 

    Kumar, Ajay (Fecha de defensa: 2020-11-17)

    The closure of the Ligurian-Tethys Ocean, opened during Jurassic and consisting of highly segmented margins in between Africa and Iberia, has produced the Alboran and Algerian basins in the Western Mediterranean through ...

    Thermal Diagnostics in the LISA Technology Package Experiment 

    Nofrarias Serra, Miquel (Fecha de defensa: 2007-12-13)

    LISA Pathfinder (LPF) is an ESA mission, with NASA contributions, devoted to pave the way to the future spaceborne gravitational wave observatory LISA.<br/>The LISA Technology Package (LTP) experiment in the LPF mission ...

    Thermally stable ion-exchange resins as catalysts for the liquid-phase dehydration of 1-pentanol to di-n-pentyl ether 

    Bringué Tomás, Roger (Fecha de defensa: 2007-06-18)

    En este trabajo, se propone di-n-peintil éter (DNP) como un buen producto para la reformulación delos combustibles diesel por sus buenas propiedades, en especial un elevado número de cetano y buen comportamiento en frío. ...

    Thermodynamical Properties of Nuclear Matter from a newline Self-Consistent Green's Function Approach 

    Rios Huguet, Arnau (Fecha de defensa: 2007-02-23)

    The main contribution of this thesis concerns the application of the Luttinger-Ward formalism to the study of the thermodynamical properties of nuclear matter. This formalism is devoted to compute the different thermodynamical ...

    Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Nucleic Acids Folding 

    Rissone, Paolo (Fecha de defensa: 2023-04-20)

    [eng] This doctoral work investigates nucleic acids' thermodynamic and kinetic properties. The main objective is the characterization of the energetics and the folding mechanisms driving the hybridization of DNA and RNA ...

    Theta synchronization correlates of musical pleasure 

    Ara Romero, Alberto (Fecha de defensa: 2021-07-21)

    Arguably, one of the stimuli that move human the most is music. What physically consists in an array of sounds organized in time and frequency, is capable of evoking a rich palette of emotions, thoughts and behaviors in ...