Advances in high throughput and affordable phenotyping for adapting maize and wheat to climate change 

    Gracia Romero, Adrián (Date of defense: 2021-06-17)

    Supplying sufficient food to an increasing population is one of the most important challenges over the next century. To meet this demand, crop productivity will need to increase while it is being threatened by climate ...

    Agricultura i comunitats urbanes en transició cap a la sostenibilitat: Estudi de casos i avaluació al sistema agrourbà de Girona 

    Perxacs Motgé, Helena (Date of defense: 2017-01-20)

    Davant dels reptes socioambientals actuals, apareixen diversos actors i iniciatives que plantegen una nova manera de viure més connectada amb la natura i la comunitat. Aquestes noves pràctiques van configurant, de mica en ...

    Agroecological Landscape Modelling as a Deliberative Tool, Learning from Social Metabolism Assessment of Historical Transitions to Industrial Agriculture for Future Sustainable Food System 

    Padró i Caminal, Roc (Date of defense: 2018-02-15)

    The fundamental objective of this thesis is setting up a model to optimize the functioning of agricultural activity at the landscape level. It is a thesis with a strong methodological component. However, to base how the ...

    Desarrollo, estabilidad y eficacia de biofertilizantes para la mejora del cultivo de plantas de tomate y maíz 

    Navarro Arenas, Miriam (Date of defense: 2021-10-07)

    El aumento de la población mundial en las últimas décadas, junto con la disminución de las tierras cultivables, ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de aumentar la producción agrícola para satisfacer la creciente demanda ...

    Dialogues between Nature, Class and Gender: Revisiting Socio-Ecological Reproduction from Past Advanced Organic to Industrial Agricultures (Sentmenat, Catalonia, 1860-1999) 

    Marco Lafuente, Inés (Date of defense: 2018-02-16)

    This PhD dissertation is part of an international research project, Sustainable Farm Systems, which seeks to analyze pre-industrial to industrial agriculture transition from a biophysical perspective. The main objective ...

    Effects of dispersal and competition with "Avena Sterilis" L. on the spatial structure and dynamics of "Lolium rigidum" Gaudin in dryland cereal fields 

    Blanco Moreno, José Manuel (Date of defense: 2004-11-11)

    This thesis focuses on different spatial issues in relation to the commonest weed species (<i>Avena sterilis</i> L. and <i>Lolium rigidum</i> Gaudin) in dryland cereal crops.<br/>A 3-year detailed study of <i>L. rigidum</i> ...

    Estructura de la propietat agrària. Aplicació a la Regió Catalana de l'Ebre 

    Franquet i Bernis, Josep Maria (Date of defense: 1995-07-07)

    L'estructura de la propietat agrària, sobre la qual es basen i desenvolupen les activitats pròpies del sector primari de l'Economia, és una qüestió fonamental per entendre la realitat social i econòmica del món rural i, ...

    Estudio integral de las respuestas ecofisiológicas al estrés hídrico: caracterización de variedades de almendro 

    Herralde Travería, Felicidad de (Date of defense: 2000-03-29)

    El almendro (Prunus amygdalus Batsch, syn P.dulcis (Miller) D.A. Webb) es un cultivo leñoso típicamente mediterráneo, que se adapta con facilidad a regiones con escasos recursos hídricos. El clima mediterráneo promueve ...

    Multi-scale and multi-sensor remote sensing in international agricultural development 

    Buchaillot, Maria Luisa (Date of defense: 2023-02-10)

    [eng] Personal food security means that they have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and quality food. On the other hand, there are three main causes of food insecurity: 1. the high vulnerability of agriculture ...

    Seed treatments for the protection of crops 

    Estévez Geffriaud, Virginia (Date of defense: 2021-02-03)

    This thesis focuses on the development and subsequent application of a seed treatment protocol using a phytosanitary product named T34 Biocontrol (Biocontrol Technologies S.L., Spain) containing the active ingredient ...

    Sociometabolic analysis of a traditional Mediterranean agroecosystem. Historical transition and Biocultural Heritage. (Les Oluges, Catalonia, c.1860-1959-1999) 

    Díez Sanjuán, Lucía (Date of defense: 2019-09-26)

    ith the spread of the Green Revolution from the mid-20th century, large part of the agricultural systems in the world experienced a series of transformations that have ultimately led to important sustainability problems. ...

    Variabilitat de la mongeta Ganxet ("Phaseolus vulgaris" L.): determinació de tipologies i selecció de línies comercials 

    Sánchez Bell, Esther (Date of defense: 2004-01-27)

    En el context europeu actual l'ampliació en l'oferta de cultius i tipus varietals és una eina important per a l'agricultor. Les varietats tradicionals bé poden ocupar un lloc significatiu dins del panorama agrícola actual ...