Tirrito, Emanuele (Date of defense: 2020-07-13)
For a long time, quantum states of matter have been successfully characterized by the Ginzburg-Landau formalism that was able to classify all different types of phase transitions. This view changed ...
Dawid Lekowska, Anna Maria (Date of defense: 2022-09-20)
(English) Quantum many-body physics poses a substantial computational challenge resulting from the exponential growth of the wave function complexity and many non-trivial correlations encoded in it. ...
Braungardt, Sibylle (Date of defense: 2011-07-12)
Trefzger, Christian (Date of defense: 2010-04-19)
Esta tesis es un trabajo teórico, en el que estudiamos la física de los átomos dipolares bosónicos ultrafríos en retículos ópticos. Éstos gases consisten de átomos o moléculas bosónicas, enfriados bajo ...
Kottmann, Korbinian Gebhard (Date of defense: 2022-10-14)
(English) We perform quantum simulation on classical and quantum computers and set up a machine learning framework in which we can map out phase diagrams of known and unknown quantum many-body systems ...
Guenther, Nils Eric (Date of defense: 2021-09-08)
At sufficiently low temperatures, fluids of bosonic particles may undergo a phase transition, below which a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) forms. The BEC is one of the most fundamental concepts in ...
Beian, Mussie (Date of defense: 2016-06-22)
Spatially indirect excitons, being composite bosons, are attractive candidates to explore correlated many-body systems. They possess an inherent large electric dipole, a four-fold spin manifold, and can ...
Raventós Ribera, David (Date of defense: 2019-04-15)
Understand and tame complex quantum mechanical systems to build quantum technologies is one of the most important scientific endeavour nowadays. In this effort, Atomic, molecular and Optical systems ...
González Cuadra, Daniel (Date of defense: 2020-12-11)
The outstanding progress achieved in the last decades to isolate and manipulate individual quantum systems has revolutionized the way in which quantum many-body phenomena, appearing across Nature's ...
Alloing, Mathieu (Date of defense: 2014-05-28)
In this thesis, we report experimental evidence of a "gray" condensate of excitons, as predicted theoretically by M. Combescot et al. Most importantly, the condensate is characterized by the macroscopic ...