Fava, Nadia (Date of defense: 2004-03-29)
La tesis propone dar una visión de la larga duración en los procesos urbanos de reconversiones implicados en la redefinición del frente marítimo de las ciudades portuarias e investigar las razones de ...
Rodeghiero, Benedetta (Date of defense: 2008-10-07)
El Objeto de la tesis son las ciudades de Gibellina y Salemi (valle del Belice, Sicilia), destruidas, en su totalidad o en parte, por un violento terremoto en enero de 1968. El objetivo de la tesis es ...
Drago, Samuel Joseph (Date of defense: 2016-01-27)
Despite Rudolf Schwarz is one of the leading figures of contemporary architecture, he is also one of the lesser-known both in his country and outside. However, to quote the words of Mies van der Rohe, ...
Morganti, Michele (Date of defense: 2013-12-16)
This research aims at exploring meanings, qualities and analytical abilities of density concept and its potential interpretations in architecture and sustainability fields. Despite the growing ...
Gasco, Giorgio (Date of defense: 2007-10-15)
La tesis se compone de cuatro partes. <br/>La primera tiene carácter introductivo, ofreciendo un visión general de la breve pero intensa experiencia profesional de Bruno Taut en Turquía. En particular ...
Tranchida, Roberta (Date of defense: 2016-01-19)
The thesis "The form of living in modern Belgian architecture" is a travel through the most industrialized cities of Belgium. lts main objective is to investigate the history of the social habitat in ...
Pizza, Antonio (Date of defense: 1989-04-05)
El análisis se ha desarrollado tomando en consideración un conjunto de producciones arquitectónicas, a las que se añade el examen de las posturas teóricas sostenidas por los mismos arquitectos, a través ...
Necchi, Silvia (Date of defense: 2012-06-14)
Between 1953 and 1957 Giovanni Ponti (Mlan 1891-1979) designed, from his studio in Milan (Italy), a single family house on the top of a hill in the outskirts of Caracas (Venezuela) for Mr. and Mrs . ...
Russo Spena, Raffaella (Date of defense: 2015-09-23)
The thesis analyses the debate on the architecture of the European Modern Movement that took place in the United States during the period between the two world wars. With regard to this debate, which ...
Licitra, Fabio (Date of defense: 2014-06-10)
This research enquires into the investigating perspective of Carlos Marti Arias. To this effect his privileged field of action is framed, more concretely the articulated link that is established in ...