L'Institut de Ciències Fotòniques té com a objectius la recerca, la docència i l'incentiu del sector industrial en l'àmbit de les ciències de la llum i de totes les disciplines en les quals la fotònica tingui incidència, com ara les nanotecnologies òptiques, les tecnologies de la informació, les biotecnologies, les ciències de la salut i de la vida, les tecnologies de la informació quàntica i els sistemes làser. Referent únic a Europa per les seves característiques, l'ICFO es va crear com a fundació privada el març de 2002, constituïda inicialment per la UPC i el Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació (DURSI) de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
Si sou doctor o doctora per la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i voleu publicar la vostra tesi a TDX, contacteu amb tdx@upc.edu. Per a més informació consulteu les preguntes més freqüents
Rodríguez Echarri, Álvaro (Date of defense: 2022-12-12)
(English) The fundamental science and technological applications of light-matter interactions on nanometer length scales form the field of study known as nanophotonics. Explorations in nanophotonics expand our understanding ...
Jiménez Machado, Gerard (Date of defense: 2022-12-02)
(English) This thesis, mostly experimental, is based on two fundamental pillars: nonlinear interferometers and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). Nonlinear interferometers are a class of interferometers that exhibit ...
Dias, Eduardo José Machado Correia Brioso (Date of defense: 2022-11-18)
(English) Besides its relevant fundamental interest, the in-depth understanding of light-matter interactions at the nanoscale has a profound impact on modern technological applications in diverse areas including ...
Grava, Stefano (Date of defense: 2022-10-28)
(English) The interface between light and cold atomic ensembles is a fundamental platform to unravel the quantum world and develop quantum technological applications. Its success relies on the simple idea that the efficiency ...
Rombaut Segarra, Juan (Date of defense: 2022-07-12)
(English) Highly transparent optical surfaces with anti-reflection (AR) and self-cleaning properties have the potential to increase performance in a wide range of applications, such as display screens, photovoltaic cells ...
Tagliabue, Susanna (Date of defense: 2022-04-29)
(English) In the intensive care, the multimodal monitoring of the patient is crucial. The systemic physiology is routinely and comprehensively monitored but the practical monitoring of the brain is lacking. Hybrid diffuse ...
Abiuso, Paolo (Date of defense: 2022-12-12)
(English) In this thesis, we study the optimization of operational tasks that involve the manipulation of quantum resources. In most cases, such optimizations are aided by understanding the geometric properties of the ...
Scandi, Matteo (Date of defense: 2023-07-13)
(English) The modern understanding of physics is deeply linked with the concept of information. The revival of the study of quantum mechanics in the form of quantum information is just an example of a more general trend ...
Mazzinghi, Chiara (Date of defense: 2023-07-26)
(English) In this work we propose and demonstrate cavity-enhanced polarization rotation to detect magnetic effects in transparent media with greater sensitivity at equal optical disturbance to the atomic medium. We use the ...
Kobayashi Frisk, Lisa (Date of defense: 2023-07-14)
(English) The brain is an organ with a large energy budget compared to its volume and weight and constantly requires oxygen-rich blood to meet its metabolic needs. Given this fact, a tool that enables the continuous ...
Bera, Mohit Lal (Date of defense: 2023-07-28)
(English) n this thesis, our main objective is to utilize different kinds of quantum dynamics as resources. To do so, we investigate thermodynamics, non-equilibrium steady states, and dynamical spectroscopy in order to ...
Barcons Ruiz, David (Date of defense: 2023-07-11)
(English) Graphene has revolutionized the field of condensed matter physics over the last two decades, emerging as an outstanding research platform. This is because graphene electrons behave as massless Dirac fermions, ...
Rakonjac, Jelena Velibor (Date of defense: 2023-06-26)
(English) Future networks for quantum communication will require a new form of technology in order to operate over long distances. The no-cloning theorem precludes the use of amplification, so quantum repeater schemes have ...
Das, Ipsita (Date of defense: 2023-05-24)
(English) The discovery of two dimensional materials opened a unique pathway to study the electronic properties of quantum materials which are otherwise absent in bulk systems. Soon after the discovery of graphene (2004), ...
Afridi, Adeel (Date of defense: 2023-04-28)
(English) Optical metasurfaces established themselves as potential platform for planar and integrated optics. Progress in the material sciences and fabrication process paves the way towards ultra-thin metasurface based ...
Sanfeliu Cerdán, Neus (Date of defense: 2024-03-12)
(English) In recent years, our understanding of the ion channels and receptors that orchestrate the conversion of physical stimuli into physiological signals has deepened significantly. Nevertheless, there remains some ...
Avtzi, Stella (Date of defense: 2024-05-03)
(English) Hybrid diffuse optical devices offer a non-invasive and continuous and cost-effective method for monitoring cerebral blood flow and metabolism on the bedside use and realistic simulation applications. The ...
Requena Pozo, Borja (Date of defense: 2024-04-24)
(English) The integration of artificial intelligence into research is propelling progress and discoveries across the entire scientific landscape. Artificial intelligence tools boost the development of novel scientific ...
Lago Rivera, Darío (Date of defense: 2022-11-02)
(English) The future quantum Internet will allow the transfer of quantum states between remote locations. However, bridging large distances is a challenging task due to losses in optical fibres. A promising approach to ...
Kumar, Gaurav (Date of defense: 2024-03-11)
(English) Bolometer technology, crucial for uncooled thermal detection in thermography, industrial inspection, monitoring, and surveillance applications, relies on thermistors primarily made of VOx, a-Si, and Si/SiGe QWs ...