Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran (Date of defense: 2015-06-23)
The smart grid offers a new infrastructure for the management of energy demand and generation towards a sustainable future. Accordingly, there is the objective to provide consumers with a response ...
Urra i Fàbregas, Anna (Date of defense: 2006-12-18)
En les xarxes IP/MPLS sobre WDM on es transporta gran quantitat d'informacio, la capacitat de garantir que el trafic arriba al node de desti ha esdevingut un problema important, ja que la fallada d'un ...
Muñoz i Solà, Víctor (Date of defense: 2011-02-17)
En problemes d'assignació de recursos, normalment s'han de tenir en compte les incerteses que poden provocar canvis en les dades inicials. Aquests canvis dificulten l'aplicabilitat de les planificacions ...
Bacca Acosta, Jorge Luis (Date of defense: 2017-06-12)
One of the advantages of Augmented Reality (AR) in education is that AR increases student motivation. However, there is a lack of research on guidelines to inform the design and development of motivational ...
Coll Caballero, Jordi (Date of defense: 2019-07-15)
Scheduling problems consist in determining how to execute the activities of a project in order to satisfy some requirements. Such problems are ubiquitous nowadays in industry and services, but finding ...
Ila, Viorela (Date of defense: 2005-11-14)
El treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi aprofundeix i aporta solucions innovadores en el camp orientat a tractar el problema de la correspondència en imatges subaquàtiques. En aquests entorns, el que ...
Esteva Payet, Santiago (Date of defense: 2003-03-13)
The aim of this thesis is to narrow the gap between two different control techniques: the continuous control and the discrete event control techniques DES. This gap can be reduced by the study of Hybrid ...
Carvalho, Adalberto Dias de (Date of defense: 2018-07-12)
The present study assumes an interdisciplinary nature and privileges the undertaken assumption as hypothesis that there is a relation of anthropological nature of the human beings with the small islands, ...
Fàbrega i Soler, Lluís (Date of defense: 2008-07-11)
En aquesta tesi proposem dos esquemes de xarxa amb control d'admissió per al trànsit elàstic TCP amb mecanismes senzills. Ambdós esquemes són capaços de proporcionar throughputs diferents i aïllament ...
Mancera Valetts, Laura (Date of defense: 2019-02-06)
In this thesis, the Adaptative Hypermedia Systems (AHS) are used to generate e-Learning processes that consider the characteristics of university students who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity ...