Delgado Bermúdez, Ariadna (Date of defense: 2022-07-28)
The spermatozoon is a highly specialised cell that travels along the female reproductive tract to deliver its genetic information into the oocyte. During this journey, the interaction with the varying ...
Castro Gallegos, Jessica (Date of defense: 2010-10-26)
En aquesta tesi s'han estudiat les propietats antitumorals d'una variant de la ribonucleasa pancreàtica humana anomenada PE5 que incorpora un senyal de localització nuclear. Aquest estudi mostra que PE5 ...
Rodríguez Maynou, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2006-12-15)
En aquesta tesi s'ha caracteritzat la ruta d'internalització de l'onconasa, una RNasa citotòxica. Els resultats indiquen que l'onconasa entra a les cèl·lules per la via dependent de clatrina i del complex ...
Torner Bosch, Eva (Date of defense: 2014-06-20)
This thesis is about challenges that currently concern in vitro production (IVP), sex determination procedures and sex-related survival of in vitro-produced porcine embryos. Specifically, the current ...
Mas de Xaxars Rivero, Teresa (Date of defense: 2012-10-02)
Colorectal Cancer is the main type of cancer in Spain. Up to 90% of the cases are sporadic in nature and its aetiology is still unclear. It is supposed to be a multi-factorial disease, where factors ...
Pérez Garay, Marta (Date of defense: 2011-02-07)
Este trabajo demuestra que los genes que codifican para los enzimas beta-galactosido alfa-2,3-sialiltransferasa 3 (ST3Gal III), y en menor medida beta-galactosido alfa-2,3-sialiltransferasa 4 (ST3Gal ...
Oliveras Ferrarós, Cristina (Date of defense: 2013-06-21)
The aim of this doctoral thesis was to unravel mechanisms underlying primary resistance to trastuzumab regarding a putative new breast cancer subtype with mixed basal & ErbB2+ molecular features. Using ...
Castillo Martín, Miriam (Date of defense: 2014-07-09)
In the present Thesis, we observed that vitrifying-warming porcine embryos had detrimental effects. Indeed, vitrification and warming were seen to reduce developmental ability and quality of in vitro ...
Sepúlveda, Lilian (Date of defense: 2016-09-30)
Boar semen is not collected under sterile conditions,so boar ejaculates are commonly contaminated with a broad range of microorganisms, which may affect sperm quality and lead to a low reproductive ...
Casas Roqueta, Isabel (Date of defense: 2010-07-08)
L'ús d'esperma criopreservada en la inseminació artificial (IA) d'espècies d'interès productiu permet un major control sanitari i la creació de bancs de germoplasma d'alt valor genètic, entre d'altres ...