Aguilera Becker, Rosana (Date of defense: 2015-03-10)
This work investigated the effect of global change phenomena, particularly land use and climatic changes, on water quality patterns in Mediterranean rivers. A hybrid process-based and statistical model ...
Barral Fraga, Laura (Date of defense: 2017-10-26)
Based on the current knowledge about biofilm ecotoxicology and arsenic biogeochemistry in freshwater ecosystems, this thesis studied, under realistic environmental concentrations, i) the role of benthic ...
Mora Gómez, Juanita (Date of defense: 2014-12-19)
This thesis studied the principal environmental controlling factors and microbial mechanisms involved in leaf litter decomposition in Mediterranean intermittent streams. Additionally, drought disturbance ...
Bacardit Peñarroya, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2011-06-01)
Human activities have been interfering with the natural biogeochemical cycles of trace elements since the ancient civilizations. Although they are inaccessible and remote, high mountain lake catchments ...
Gallardo, Belinda (Date of defense: 2009-07-10)
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo proporcionar una base de conocimiento sólida para la restauración ecológica de ríos, basada en la respuesta de comunidades acuáticas a cambios en la conectividad ...
Cáliz Gelador, Joan (Date of defense: 2011-12-13)
Pollution by toxic compounds is one of the most relevant environmental damages to ecosystems produced by human activity and, therefore, it must be considered in environmental protection and restoration ...
Mandarić, Ladislav (Date of defense: 2018-10-24)
The main aim of this thesis was to establish a link between the urban origin of chemical contamination (e.g. PhACs) and other stressors, particularly associated to water scarcity (Chapter 1, 2, and 3). ...
Gionchetta, Giulia (Date of defense: 2019-10-25)
Hydrological drought is a process of natural desiccation mainly due to large shortage of rainfall events. Reduced precipitations and prolonged droughts are spreading worldwide and threaten the integrity ...
Alcaraz Cazorla, Carles (Date of defense: 2006-10-02)
Actualment una de les principals amenaces a la biodiversitat és la introducció d'espècies. Revisant 26 variables de les 69 espècies de peixos continental de la Península Ibèrica concloem que la filogènia, ...
Serra Gasa, Alexandra (Date of defense: 2009-07-03)
L'activitat humana és una de les majors causes d'elevades concentracions de nutrients i substàncies tòxiques en els ecosistemes fluvials. Entre la gran varietat de factors que alteren aquests ecosistemes, ...