Siqués, Carina (Date of defense: 2008-06-20)
Les aules d'acollida tenen com a objectiu principal donar suport lingüístic a l'alumnat estranger perquè aquest desenvolupi coneixement de la llengua de l'escola.La tesi presenta els resultats de ...
Oller Badenas, Judith (Date of defense: 2008-09-18)
La tesi presenta els resultats de coneixement de català i castellà de 515 alumnes estrangers escolaritzats a Catalunya al finalitzar sisè de primària durant el curs 2006/07. En concret, analitza la ...
Palomer Roca, Eduard (Date of defense: 2024-02-02)
Introduction Recovery as a concept and as a goal towards which to orient health services is being implemented in the Anglo-Saxon world. In our context, this new paradigm still has little weight but it ...
Morales Urbina, Esther María (Date of defense: 2008-07-10)
Esta investigación es un trabajo de intervención que se ha enmarcado dentro de la metodología cualitativa, bajo una perspectiva interpretativa, asumiendo como fundamento el desarrollo de un proceso de ...
Benavente Delgado, Mariavictoria (Date of defense: 2021-02-15)
The present thesis aims to know the psychometric properties of two scales intended to assess the subjective wellbeing of schooled adolescents and residents in urban contexts in Chile. The results obtained ...
Navarro Moya, Maria Pau (Date of defense: 2019-11-26)
Several studies highlight the fact that ambulance personnel are exposed to multiple psychosocial risk factors that can lead, among others, to burnout syndrome. There are few studies that provide information ...
Fernandez Suriñach, Jordi (Date of defense: 2020-07-27)
This study, conducted with a total of 56 people with an intellectual disability of whom 70% had never received sex education, tries to evaluate the effects of a psychoeducational program on sexuality ...
Rostán Sánchez, Carles (Date of defense: 1998-12-21)
Aquesta tesi està centrada en l'estudi dels períodes de regressió i transició. A partir dels treballs de van de Rijt-Plooij & Plooij (1992) sobre els períodes de regressió, l'autor analitza les ...
Perpiñà Martí, Georgina (Date of defense: 2021-12-20)
Why do some people adapt better to life's adversities? Why do some students with a high IQ fail at school, while others with less intellectual capacity do better academically? How do we explain that ...
Rodríguez Hernández, Neus (Date of defense: 2013-01-09)
This PhD dissertation examines how educational practice mediates learning the language of instruction with immigrant students in a linguistic support classroom in Catalonia. From a socioconstructivist ...