Now showing items 304-323 of 369

    Seismic vulnerability assessment of traditional timber frame and masonry wall buildings : aplication to the historical centre of Valparaíso, Chile. 

    Jiménez Ramirez, Belén (Date of defense: 2021-01-13)

    The seismic vulnerability of urban assets exposed to earthquake hazard represents a growing concern in the engineering field due to the potential risk of collapse for the buildings, and the associated devastating consequences ...

    Selenium and zinc enriched bioproducts generated from wastewater as micronutrient feed supplements and biofertilizers 

    Li, Jun (Date of defense: 2021-05-31)

    This thesis aimed to explore the potential of Se/Zn-enriched bioproducts produced from wastewater treatment processes by eco-technologies (phytoextraction, bioreduction and microalgae-based systems) as Se/Zn feed supplements ...

    Shaping transport infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa (1884-2020). The impact of decision-making on network efficiency and sustainability: the case of Cameroon 

    Oliete Josa, Sergio (Date of defense: 2023-07-05)

    (English) The objective of this research is to delve into the decision-making processes that shape the provision of transport infrastructure. To this end, it analyses the historical evolution of transport networks in ...

    Shear transfer mechanism in steel-concrete composite slabs and columns 

    Soltanalipour, Milad (Date of defense: 2023-05-10)

    (English) Composite structures are frequently used in the construction of high-rise buildings due to their high ductility and strength. This article-based doctoral thesis has multiple objectives related to different ...

    Simulation tools for biomechanical applications with PGD-based reduced order models 

    Zou, Xi (Date of defense: 2018-03-12)

    Numerical simulation tools are generally used in all modern engineering fields, especially those having difficulties in performing large number of practical experiments, such as biomechanics. Among the computational methods, ...

    Sistema de categorización integral de mezclas asfálticas para capas finas y ultrafinas en pavimentos 

    Garcia Gil, Livia (Date of defense: 2019-06-20)

    Traditional design procedures of asphalt mixtures are based on volumetric parameters and the compliance with certain mechanical and functional properties, and do not provide minimum requirements in terms of cracking ...

    Sistema predictivo multiescala de la degradación del frente urbano edificado 

    Gibert Armengol, Vicente (Date of defense: 2016-12-21)

    Evidence from progressive deterioration of the urban building stock is well known. This brings about a large social and economic impact due to maintenance costs and associated personal hazards. This thesis explores ways ...

    Sistemas de Gestión de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) : Metodología para el análisis técnico-económico con valoración de las externalidades y casos de estudio 

    Medina Mijangos, Rubí Alejandra (Date of defense: 2021-10-05)

    Currently, there is a serious problem due to the large generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) due to the high consumption rates of the population and the short time of use of the products. Moreover, there is poor waste ...

    Soil-structure interaction in the performance-based seismic design of reinforced-concrete buildings 

    Baquero Mosquera, Juan Sebastián (Date of defense: 2023-06-22)

    (English) When analyzing structures for seismic design and performance assessment purposes, it has been common to assume that the ground motions or their equivalent representations correspond to that of the free-field ...

    Spatial, temporal and behavioral patterns of marine protists = Patrons espaials, temporals i de comportament dels protistes marins 

    Rodríguez Giner, Caterina (Date of defense: 2017-09-27)

    The oceans are microbial-dominated ecosystems, where protists (single-celled eukaryotes) play fundamental roles performing multiple functions as primary producers, consumers, decomposers as well as trophic linkers in aquatic ...

    Spatio-temporal association of physic characteristics and chemical composition of the atmosphere with human mortality data 

    Sánchez Balseca, Joseph (Date of defense: 2021-11-15)

    Air pollution is an environmental challenge that has an important influence on the life of human beings. Therefore, the development, implementation, and evaluation of new statistical approaches will improve the numerical ...

    Spatio-temporal processes explaining salp aggregations in the Catalan Sea, Northwestern Mediterranean 

    Pascual Torner, Maria (Date of defense: 2016-09-28)

    Salps are marine pelagic tunicates that have evolved opportunistic skills to bloom under favorable conditions and persist during adverse periods. They experience population outbursts (blooms) which, combined with their ...

    Static structural system identification using observability method 

    Lei, Jun (Date of defense: 2018-08-14)

    During the construction and operation stages of structures, various factors lead to irreversible degradation that could affect the normal use and the public safety of these structures. In recent years, it has been common ...

    Station keeping analysis and design for new floating offshore wind turbines 

    Trubat Casal, Pau (Date of defense: 2020-03-12)

    In the framework of the reduction of the emissions of greenhouse gases, FOWT will be the technology that will exploit the wind resources in deep seas. In order to achieve a commercial deployment of this technology, a cost ...

    Strategies to enhance microalgae anaerobic digestion in wastewater treatment systems : pretreatments and co-digestion 

    Solé Bundó, Maria (Date of defense: 2018-09-20)

    Microalgae-based wastewater treatment systems are promising solutions to shift the paradigm from wastewater treatment to energy and resources recovery. In these systems, microalgae assimilate nutrients and produce oxygen ...

    Structural behaviour and plastic design of carbon and stainless steel frames in fire 

    Segura Valdivieso, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2023-09-22)

    (English) This thesis investigates the response of carbon and stainless steel frames in fire, and proposes new and more efficient approaches for their design. The investigation is mainly focused on one bay frames comprised ...

    Structural behaviour of masonry arches on moving supports : from on-site observation to experimental and numerical analysis 

    Ferrero, Chiara (Date of defense: 2021-07-20)

    Since ancient times, master builders have used arches to cover large spans in masonry structures. As a consequence, nowadays the safety assessment of these structural elements plays a fundamental role in the conservation ...

    Structural behaviour of stainless steel frames. Safety against accidental seismic actions 

    González de León, Isabel (Date of defense: 2023-05-19)

    (English) Stainless steel is one of the most promising construction materials due to its long service life, low maintenance requirements, excellent mechanical properties and high residual value. Nevertheless, for an efficient ...

    Structural damage monitoring based on machine learning and bio-inspired computing 

    Vitola Oyaga, Jaime (Date of defense: 2021-01-28)

    For a few decades, systems for supervising structures have become increasingly irnportant. In origin, the strategies had as a goal only the detection of damages. Furthermore, now monitor­ing the civil or military structures ...

    Structural diagnosis of masonry heritage : contributions to non-destructive testing, structural health monitoring and risk assessment. 

    Makoond, Nirvan Chandra (Date of defense: 2020-12-16)

    Many cultural heritage sites across the globe consist of masonry structures. To ensure the preservation of such structures, an accurate evaluation of their current structural condition is often of utmost importance. However, ...