Now showing items 12-31 of 44
Perea Virgili, Laura (Date of defense: 2010-05-21)
Formation flying offers space-dependent disciplines such as astrophysics, astrodynamics, and geodesy, to name a few, the possibility of creating large spaceborne sensors from an array of small spacecraft flying in formation. ...
Alberti, Marina (Date of defense: 2013-02-21)
In this thesis, several methods for the automatic analysis of Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) sequences are presented, aimed at assisting physicians in the diagnosis, the assessment of the intervention and the monitoring ...
Pérez Palau, Daniel (Date of defense: 2015-11-30)
L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és afegir una petita fulla a l’arbre del coneixement. En particular a la branca del sistemes dinàmics. La teoria de sistemes dinàmics és la branca de les matemàtiques que estudia l’evolució del ...
Domingo Salazar, Carlos (Date of defense: 2016-04-07)
In this thesis, we study different variants of Rubio de Francia’s extrapolation that allow us to obtain estimates near L1. This theory is subsequently applied to deduce enpoint boundedness for the Bochner-Riesz operator ...
Gutiérrez i Serrés, Pere (Date of defense: 1995-06-02)
La memòria recull contribucions a diversos aspectes del problema de l'estabilitat en sistemes hamiltonians quasi-integrables. Aquests aspectes inclouen resultats d'estabilitat efectiva, que comporten el confinament de ...
Bosch Gual, Miquel (Date of defense: 1992-09-30)
L'objectiu del treball és mostrar que alguns aspectes de certs sistemes dinàmics discrets bidimensionals poden ser estudiats mitjançant sistemes de dimensió 1 que corresponen a casos particulars o simplificacions. Els tres ...
Ripoll i Missé, Jordi (Date of defense: 2005-10-05)
In this Thesis we address the study of some non-linear evolution equations (e.g. pde's) modelling the dynamics of sexually-reproducing structured populations, with special emphasis on biological evolution driven by natural ...
Hernández-Vela, Antonio (Date of defense: 2015-03-09)
The visual analysis of humans from images is an important topic of interest due to its relevance to many computer vision applications like pedestrian detection, monitoring and surveillance, human-computer interaction, ...
Puertas i Prats, Eloi (Date of defense: 2014-11-04)
Over the past few decades, machine learning (ML) algorithms have become a very useful tool in tasks where designing and programming explicit, rule-based algorithms are infeasible. Some examples of applications ...
Reyes Estany, Miguel (Date of defense: 2017-02-27)
The visual analysis of humans is one of the most active research topics in Computer Vision. Several approaches for body pose recovery have been recently presented, allowing for better generalization of gesture recognition ...
Carro Rossell, María Jesús (Date of defense: 1988-01-30)
El primer resultado de interpolación de operadores data del año 1911 y es debido a I. Schur. Dos años más tarde, Young prueba un resultado del mismo tipo referente a espacios Lp y a un operador L La extensión de estos ...
Jorba Jorba, Lambert (Date of defense: 2003-05-26)
El sistema de les marques s'enquadra dins del camp de l'anàlisi intervalar modal. <br/>En aquest context la tesi aporta un estudi de les operacions lineals, de la seva semàntica i sobretot de la seva operativitat quan les ...
Tatjer i Montaña, Joan Carles (Date of defense: 1990-03-01)
It is known that for the study of continuous dynamical systems the discret case plays an important role because, with it we can study the continuous one by using the Poincaré return map. In the discret case we can distinguish ...
Bautista Martín, Miguel Ángel (Date of defense: 2016-02-11)
Real life is full of multi-class decision tasks. In the Pattern Recognition field, several method- ologies have been proposed to deal with binary problems obtaining satisfying results in terms of performance. However, the ...
Fontich Julià, Ernest (Date of defense: 1985-12-05)
Se consideran familias de difeomorfismos con un punto fijo parabólico para el valor cero del parámetro y un punto fijo hiperbólico para valores mayores que cero que tengan en este caso puntos homoclínicos asociados a ...
Congost Iglesias, Maria Assumpta (Date of defense: 1981-01-01)
En una primera part s'estudien els conjunts de mesures que prenen valors en un grup reticualt, per a les quals la T-aditivitat es defineix a partir de l'estructura ordenada. L'estudi realitzat a partir de les propietats ...
Ortega Aramburu, Joaquín Mª (Date of defense: 1972-01-01)
Esta memoria recoge algunos de los puntos fundamentales e inéditos que han aparecido al iniciar un estudio sobre los métodos espectrales en Análisis y, en particular, sobre los anillos y estructuras diferenciables. Dicho ...
Canela Sánchez, Jordi (Date of defense: 2015-03-18)
This PhD thesis belongs to the area of discrete dynamical systems in the complex plane, i.e. the iteration of analytic functions in one complex variable. Given a rational map f from the Riemann sphere onto itself, we ...
Jorba i Monte, Àngel (Date of defense: 1991-10-11)
In this work we study several topics concerning quasi-periodic time-dependent perturbations of ordinary differential equations. This kind of equations appear as models in many applied problems of Celestial Mechanics, and ...
Simon i Estrada, Sergi (Date of defense: 2007-07-09)
In this thesis, we present a proof of the meromorphic non-integrability for some problems arising from Celestial Mechanics, as well as a new necessary condition for partial integrability in a wider Hamiltonian setting. ...