Fontich Julià, Ernest (Date of defense: 1985-12-05)
Se consideran familias de difeomorfismos con un punto fijo parabólico para el valor cero del parámetro y un punto fijo hiperbólico para valores mayores que cero que tengan en este caso puntos ...
Benseny Ardiaca, Antoni (Date of defense: 1984-09-03)
El problema de 3 cossos i, en particular, el problema restringit de 3 cossos, ha estat i és, com diu Wintner, la pedra de toc per als matemàtics de les successives generacions de Newton fins ara. Cada ...
Simon i Estrada, Sergi (Date of defense: 2007-07-09)
In this thesis, we present a proof of the meromorphic non-integrability for some problems arising from Celestial Mechanics, as well as a new necessary condition for partial integrability in a wider ...
Delshams, Amadeu (Date of defense: 1984-01-01)
El teorema de Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser no asegura la estabilidad cerca de los toros m-dimensionales que se conservan para hamiltonianos casi integrables con "m" grados de libertad. Puede aparecer una ...
Bosch Gual, Miquel (Date of defense: 1992-09-30)
L'objectiu del treball és mostrar que alguns aspectes de certs sistemes dinàmics discrets bidimensionals poden ser estudiats mitjançant sistemes de dimensió 1 que corresponen a casos particulars o ...
Tatjer i Montaña, Joan Carles (Date of defense: 1990-03-01)
It is known that for the study of continuous dynamical systems the discret case plays an important role because, with it we can study the continuous one by using the Poincaré return map. In the discret ...
Jorba i Monte, Àngel (Date of defense: 1991-10-11)
In this work we study several topics concerning quasi-periodic time-dependent perturbations of ordinary differential equations. This kind of equations appear as models in many applied problems of Celestial ...
Haro, Àlex (Date of defense: 1998-10-02)
We have divided this thesis in four parts:<br/><br/>a) PART I: Exact symplectic geometry (introduction of the problems). This part contains the basic tools of symplectic geometry and outlines the four ...