Now showing items 13826-13845 of 42389

    Electromagnetic models for ultrasound image processing 

    Navarrete Hurtado, Hugo Ariel (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    Speckle noise appears when coherent illumination is employed, as for example Laser, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Sonar, Magnetic Resonance, X-ray and Ultrasound imagery. Backscattered echoes from the randomly distributed ...

    Electromagnetic propagation in tunnels 

    Izquierdo Fernández, Benjamín (Date of defense: 2011-09-22)

    Introduction of wireless communications systems in railway communications are at the origin of this thesis. Ifercat, the company in charge of the development of Línia 9 of Barcelona Metro, decided that wireless systems ...

    Electromechanical and electrocaloric properties of antiferroelectric PbZrO3 

    Vales Castro, Pablo (Date of defense: 2021-06-02)

    Els antiferroelèctrics són materials no polars que, sota un camp elèctric, canvien a una fase ferroelèctrica (polar), mostrant una característic cicle d’ histèresi doble de polarització-voltatge. Actualment aquests materials ...

    Electromechanical large scale computational models of the ventricular myocardium 

    Arís Sánchez, Ruth (Date of defense: 2014-11-06)

    Els models computacionals del cor són una eina important que pot donar als investigadors biomèdics una font addicional d’informació per entendre el funcionament del miocardi. Els models numèrics poden ajudar a interpretar ...

    La Electromiografía Laríngea en las Alteraciones del Movimineto de las Cuerdas Vocales 

    Ramírez Ruiz, Rosa Delia (Date of defense: 2023-02-10)

    La precisió diagnòstica de l’EMGL en pacients amb paràlisi de cordes vocals i amb disfonia de diagnòstic difícil va ser del 79%. El valor predictiu positiu va ser de 0,88, el valor predictiu negatiu va ser 0,73, l’especificitat ...

    Electron beam lithography for Nanofabrication 

    Rius Suñé, Gemma (Date of defense: 2008-03-10)

    La litografía por haz de electrones (Electron Beam Lithography, EBL) se ha consolidado como una de las técnicas más eficaces que permiten definir motivos en el rango nanométrico. Su implantación ha permitido la nanofabricación ...

    Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Solutions for Nanoscale Materials Science Problems 

    Estradé Albiol, Sònia (Date of defense: 2009-02-21)

    In the Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), an incident electron suffers both elastic and inelastic scattering by the solid state thin sample that is being characterised. In the event of inelastic scattering, the incident ...

    Electron microscopy studies on functional carbon nanotubes 

    Pach, Elzbieta (Date of defense: 2017-07-19)

    La presente tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio exhaustivo de nanotubos de carbono funcionales por medio de técnicas de microscopía electrónica. Los nanotubos de carbono (CNTs) funcionales están atrayendo una creciente ...

    Electron re-collision dynamics in strong mid-IR fields for diffraction imaging of molecular structure and its fragmentation 

    Wolter, Benjamin (Date of defense: 2018-02-26)

    One of the grand challenges of modern science is to image chemical reactions and biological functions while they are taking place. To realize these molecular movie, experimental techniques need to resolve the relevant ...

    Electron transfer processes in biomimetic membranes incorporating prenylquinones 

    Hoyo Pérez, Javier (Date of defense: 2014-10-17)

    The photosynthesis is the process used by the plants and bacteria cells to convert the inorganic matter in organic thanks to the light energy. This process consist on several steps, being one of them the plastoquinone-9 ...

    Electron transport in low-dimensional systems: optoelectronic device simulations 

    Illera Robles, Sergio (Date of defense: 2015-06-04)

    The main topic of this thesis is the theoretical and computational investigation of the opto-electronic properties of large arrays of semiconductor quantum dots embedded in an insulator matrix. For that purpose, an electronic ...

    Electron-induced x-ray emission from solids. Simulation and measurements 

    Llovet Ximenes, Xavier (Date of defense: 1998-07-21)

    Theoretical methods to compute accurate x-ray spectra emitted from targets bombarded with kV electrons are required for quantification in Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA), especially for the analysis of non-homogeneous ...

    Electronic & ionic conduction & correlated dielectric relaxations in molecular solids 

    Zachariah, Manesh (Date of defense: 2016-11-17)

    The study of crystalline materials has played a prominent role in solid state physics, whose basic theories were formulated for crystalline matter. However, disordered materials are more abundant in nature than crystalline ...

    Electronic and magnetic factors in the design of optimum catalysts for hydrogen fuel cells 

    Biz, Chiara (Date of defense: 2022-02-24)

    Fuel cells represent one of the most promising energy storage system nowadays. Nonetheless, several obstacles need to be overcome in order to commercially exploit this technology. One of them lies in the efficiency loss ...

    Electronic and topological properties of bilayer graphene nanostructures 

    Benchtaber, Nassima (Date of defense: 2023-02-06)

    [eng] This thesis is devoted to studying the electronic properties of bilayer graphene (BLG) by focusing on the confined states, especially the topological states and the study of the transport in this material, addressing ...

    Electronic commerce of services 

    Llorente Viejo, Silvia (Date of defense: 2004-10-15)

    La tesis "Electronic Commerce of Services" presentada por Silvia Llorente Viejo realiza un estudio de los diferentes componentes presentes en el comercio electrónico de servicios. <br/><br/>En esta tesis se presentan los ...

    Electronic Effects Governing the Redox Properties of Polyoxometalates 

    Aparicio Sánchez, Pablo Arturo (Date of defense: 2014-09-26)

    Els polioxometalats (POMS) són agregats inorgànics compostos per oxigen i metalls de transició, normalment en el seu estat d'oxidació més alt. Aquest fet fa que una de les seves principals característiques sigui el seu ...

    Electronic identification of goats: comparison of different types of radio-frequency and visual devices 

    Carné i Fructuoso, Sergi (Date of defense: 2010-05-14)

    L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi ha estat avaluar diferents dispositius de identificació del bestiar cabrum, recentment contemplades a la legislació europea. S'han portat a terme 4 experiments per tal d'avaluar els següents ...

    Electronic properties of organic semiconductors and low-dimensional materials 

    Boskovic, Desanka (Date of defense: 2017-07-10)

    Los semiconductores orgánicos se han convertido en un grupo muy interesante de materiales por sus buenas propiedades de transporte de carga y aplicaciones tecnológicas masivas. Entre todos ellos, el rubreno ganó gran ...

    Electronic spin transport and thermoelectric effects in graphene 

    Neumann, Ingmar (Date of defense: 2014-05-21)

    La espintrónica y la espín caloritronica en grafeno son campos de investigación muy activos, y esta tesis es una contribución a ambos campos. El tema principal es el estudio de la corriente de espín a través de métodos de ...