Now showing items 20176-20195 of 42414

    Global evaluation of the fitness and virulence determinants in the phytopathogen Ralstonia solanacearum 

    Pedro Jové, Roger de (Date of defense: 2023-05-19)

    [eng] Losses to plant pathogens pose a major threat to global agriculture and food security worldwide. In the context of globalisation and climate change, the emergence and dispersion of pathogens resistant to conventional ...

    Global geometry of surfaces defined by non-positive and negative at infinity valuations 

    Moreno Ávila, Carlos Jesús (Date of defense: 2021-07-15)

    We consider plane divisorial valuations of Hirzebruch surfaces and introduce the concepts of non-positivity and negativity at infinity. We prove that the surfaces given by valuations of the last types have nice global and ...

    Global governance as promise-making. Negotiating and monitoring learning goals in the time of SDGs 

    Fontdevila Puig, Clara (Date of defense: 2021-04-16)

    Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu examinar els processos d’establiment d’objectius globals en educació mitjançant un estudi de cas de la negociació l’Objectiu de Desenvolupament Sostenible 4 (ODS4). L’establiment d’objectius ...

    Global Hamiltonian dynamics on singular symplectic manifolds 

    Oms, Cédric (Date of defense: 2020-10-02)

    In this thesis, we study the Reeb and Hamiltonian dynamics on singular symplectic and contact manifolds. Those structures are motivated by singularities coming from classical mechanics and fluid dynamics. We start by ...

    Global illumination techniques for the computation of hight quality images in general environments 

    Pérez Cazorla, Frederic (Date of defense: 2003-05-26)

    The objective of this thesis is the development of algorithms for the simulation of the light transport in general environments to render high quality still images. To this end, first we have analyzed the existing methods ...

    Global instability in Hamiltonian systems 

    Schaefer, Rodrigo Gonçalves (Date of defense: 2018-07-11)

    In Chapters 1 and 2 of this thesis, we prove that for any non-trivial perturbation depending on any two independent harmonics of a pendulum and a rotor there is global instability. The proof is based on the geometrical ...

    Global instability in the elliptic restricted three body problem 

    Rosa Ibarra, Abraham de la (Date of defense: 2014-06-16)

    The goal of this thesis is to show global instability or Arnold's diffusion in the elliptic restricted three body problem (ERTBP) by proving the existence of pseudo-trajectories diffusing along the phase space for certain ...

    Global ionospheric maps : estimation and assessment in post-processing and real-time 

    Roma Dollase, David (Date of defense: 2019-04-09)

    The research of this paper-based dissertation is focused on Global Ionospheric Maps (GIM) generation and assessment. In summary, the novelty and thematic unity in this works relies on four different but complementary topics: ...

    Global optimization applied to kinetic models of metabolic networks 

    Pozo Fernández, Carlos (Date of defense: 2012-11-27)

    Recientemente, el uso de técnicas de manipulación genética ha abierto la puerta a la obtención de microorganismos con fenotipos mejorados, lo que a su vez ha llevado a unas mejoras significativas en la síntesis de algunos ...

    Global patterns in wolf (Canis lupus) ecology: Implications for management = Patrons globals en l'ecologia del llop: Implicacions en la gestió 

    Sazatornil i Luna, Victor (Date of defense: 2018-12-19)

    Environmental authorities, conservation professionals, and several other social sectors frequently demand scientifically sound information to inform policy and decision-making processes. Beyond national or subnational ...

    Global Post-Socialist Workers and the Care Crisis 

    Kussy, Angelina Irena (Date of defense: 2023-03-08)

    La tesi doctoral següent explora la relació entre la migració massiva romanesa a la província de Castelló a la costa mediterrània d’Espanya des del 1989 fins a l’actualitat, la crisi de la reproducció social als dos països ...

    Global Sustainability overview and Role of Policy Instruments for Sustainable Tourism Management in Pakistan 

    Kamran, Muhammad (Date of defense: 2020-03-09)

    A la indústria turística, la sostenibilitat ha aparegut com a força durant les dues darreres dècades. Ofereix noves orientacions i valors per a les polítiques públiques i indueix a la creació del concepte de turisme ...

    Global, local and glocal brands in emerging markets: sources of brand value and brand purchase likelihood 

    López Lomelí, Miguel Angel (Date of defense: 2016-09-23)

    Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo dar respuesta a tres preguntas principales de investigación: RQ (1) ¿Cuáles son los antecedentes que aumentan la probabilidad de compra de marca local en mercados emergentes (EMS), ...

    Globalisation in David Greig’s Theatre Space, Ethics and the Spectator 

    Rodríguez Morales, Verónica (Date of defense: 2016-12-16)

    The present PhD thesis, entitled “Globalisation in David Greig’s Theatre: Space, Ethics and the Spectator”, aims to contribute to the field of contemporary British drama and theatre studies in the form of an extended ...

    Globalització Econòmica i Vulnerabilitat Financera: El cas de les crisis canviàries a Mèxic i a les economies emergents de l'Est d'Àsia durant la dècada dels '90 

    Ripoll i Alcón, Joan (Date of defense: 2005-06-16)

    La globalització de l'economia entesa com el procés dinàmic d'integració a nivell mundial dels mercats de béns i serveis, treball, tecnologia i capitals, derivat de l'eliminació progressiva de les traves al comerç i les ...

    Globalización de las relaciones laborales en el sector financiero: de la problemática de la difusión a la comunicación 

    Quiñones Montoro, Mariela (Date of defense: 2004-02-12)

    La investigación tiene por objeto el estudio de las relaciones laborales como una de las dimensiones por las cuales se constituye la globalización. A partir de una discusión con los abordajes de la globalización como ...

    Globalización: estudio del Movimiento de "Los Sin Papeles" en la ciudad de Barcelona 

    Bonilla Urbina, Johny Marcelo (Date of defense: 2023-05-12)

    En aquesta investigació s'estudia la mobilització de “Els Sense Papers” de la ciutat de Barcelona com un procés històric en què conflueixen: 1) la construcció d'un nou Règim d'Estrangeria d'escala europea, d'ajust entre ...

    Globalization in a world of equals: a normative analysis of trade-related inequalities 

    Astier Murillo, Cristina (Date of defense: 2022-03-16)

    International trade generates inequalities pervasively impacting citizens and the ability of domestic and international institutions to provide the conditions to promote equal treatment among their subjects. This thesis ...

    Globalizzazione, Governance e Istituzioni Internazionali 

    Petrone, Francesco (Date of defense: 2015-01-28)

    Questa tesi si propone di dibattere il significato e l’applicazione della governance alla luce dei processi di globalizzazione che, soprattutto negli ultimi decenni, hanno cambiato il volto del pianeta. Per poter analizzare ...

    Glocal citizenship education in lower secondary school. A case study in the Canton of Ticino (Switzerland) 

    Grano, Palma (Date of defense: 2022-11-09)

    [eng] Several countries have been expanding civic education beyond a national focus by incorporating a more global perspective at primary and secondary school levels. This trend is especially in Western democracies primarily ...