Now showing items 35422-35441 of 42171

    Resource and performance trade-offs in real-time embedded control systems 

    Lozoya Gámez, Rafael Camilo (Date of defense: 2011-07-19)

    The use of computer controlled systems has increased dramatically in our daily life. Microprocessors are embedded in most of the daily- used devices. Due to cost constraints, many of these devices that run control ...

    Resource extraction, trade and waste management: a regional approach to the Spanish socioeconomic metabolism 

    Sastre Sanz, Sergio (Date of defense: 2021-07-16)

    La tesi aborda el metabolisme socioeconòmic de totes les Comunitats Autònomes (CCAA) espanyoles entre 1996 i 2010, adaptant les metodologies harmonitzades a nivell estatal per a la seva aplicació regional. Sent escassos ...

    Resource Management in Multicarrier Based Cognitive Radio Systems 

    Shaat, Musbah M. R. (Date of defense: 2012-03-09)

    The ever-increasing growth of the wireless application and services affirms the importance of the effective usage of the limited radio spectrum. Existing spectrum management policies have led to significant spectrum ...

    Resource management research in ethernet passive optical networks 

    Garfias Hernández, Paola (Date of defense: 2013-11-25)

    The last decades, we have witnessed different phenomenology in the telecommunications sector. One of them is the widespread use of the Internet, which has brought a sharp increase in traffic, forcing suppliers to continuously ...

    Resource management techniques aware of interference among high-performance computing applications 

    Jokanović, Ana (Date of defense: 2014-12-19)

    Network interference of nearby jobs has been recently identified as the dominant reason for the high performance variability of parallel applications running on High Performance Computing (HPC) systems. Typically, HPC ...

    Resource management techniques for sustainable networks with energy harvesting nodes 

    Rubio López, Javier (Date of defense: 2016-06-22)

    his dissertation proposes novel techniques for assigning resources of wireless networks by considering that the coverage radii are small, implying that some power consumption sinks not considered so far shouldnow be ...

    Resource metabolism of the construction sector An application of material and exergy flow analysis 

    Rashedul Hoque, Mohammad (Date of defense: 2013-09-30)

    Ésta tesis tiene como objetivo evaluar el consumo de recursos del sector de la construcción, los residuos y las emisiones generadas por el sector. Ésto está motivado por el hecho de que el sector de la construcción es ...

    Resource optimization in passive optical networks: dynamic bandwidth Allocation, Evolution, and Cost-Effective Capacity Upgrades 

    Andrade Jardín, Marilet de (Date of defense: 2010-11-23)

    This thesis is a result of contributions to optimize or improve resource allocation in Passive Optical Networks (PON). The contributions are related with resource allocation during PON operation and with the upgrade process ...

    Resource optimization in SDN-based inter/intra data centre networks 

    Montero Herrera, Rafael (Date of defense: 2020-07-23)

    Upon the demanding requirements brought by next-generation services, current network infrastructures are required to evolve in the way they manage different types of resources at the data layer. To this end, a set of novel ...

    Resource theories of quantum dynamics 

    Hsieh, Chung Yun (Date of defense: 2022-10-10)

    (English) As one of our most successful theories, quantum theory has greatly strengthened our understanding of nature and significantly advanced technologies. Specifically, quantum effects provide advantages in a broad ...

    Resource, data and application management for cloud federations and multi-clouds 

    Xhagjika, Vamis (Date of defense: 2017-05-29)

    Distributed Real-Time Media Processing refers to classes of highly distributed, delay no-tolerant applications that account for the majority of the data traffic generated in the world today. Real-Time audio/video conferencing ...

    Respeto y escuela: Bases teóricas para una ética pedagógica 

    Fontán de Bedout, Laura (Date of defense: 2023-05-03)

    [spa] La reflexión sobre la escuela no sólo es el centro de interés en el debate pedagógico actual, sino que también es una de las características de las sociedades complejas. Por lo tanto, en un momento en el que la crisis ...

    Respiratory muscle dysfunction in respiratory and non-respiratory diseases : clinical and therapeutic approaches 

    Messaggi-Sartor, Monique (Date of defense: 2017-04-07)

    Respiratory muscle dysfunction is a clinical condition that may be present in both respiratory and non-respiratory diseases. This impairment of muscle function can have a negative effect on clinical outcomes, contributing ...

    Responding to New Synthetic Opioids: A multicentre approach 

    Alías i Ferri, María (Date of defense: 2022-11-28)

    En els últims anys, la ràpida aparició i crescuda en el mercat negre dels Nous Opiacis Sintètics (NSO), una classe de Nova Substància Psicoactiva (NPS), ha provocat un problema de salut pública a nivell global. Aquestes ...

    La responsabilidad civil del principal por hecho de sus auxiliares. En especial, la relación de dependencia 

    Casadellà Sánchez, Mònica (Date of defense: 2014-06-13)

    If the person who actually caused the damage is not a sufficiently solvent debtor, if he is impossible to identify or does not have sufficient liability insurance coverage, liability of the actual wrongdoer will not help ...

    Responsabilidad civil y deporte 

    Piñeiro Salguero, José (Date of defense: 2008-07-04)

    La tesi doctoral Responsabilidad civil y deporte analitza el marc regulatori esportiu i, en particular, les normes aplicables als accidents esportius, així com els criteris d'imputació emprats pels tribunals a l'hora de ...

    Responsabilidad civil y derecho penal de menores 

    Sapena Mas, Santiago, (Date of defense: 2017-07-20)

    La qüestió de la responsabilitat civil a Espanya, en conductes executades per menors, al quals se`ls sotmetia a processos especials, mai ha sigut objecte del seu enjudiciament en aquesta jurisdicció. Sempre s´ha resolt ...

    Responsabilidad civil y entidades aseguradoras: el derecho de repetición en el seguro del automóvil 

    Fernández Gallego, Mª Mercedes (Date of defense: 2016-02-09)

    La importancia del riesgo de circulación se traduce en la suscripción de un seguro que cubra los posibles daños, con la finalidad de que las víctimas de accidentes de tráfico sean siempre indemnizadas. Sin embargo, el ...

    Responsabilidad contractual por utilización indebida de tarjeta de crédito 

    Mariño López, Andrés (Date of defense: 2003-12-17)

    El objeto de esta investigación es el riesgo de uso no autorizado de la tarjeta de crédito. Cuando una utilización fraudulenta de una tarjeta de crédito ha ocurrido es necesario decidir quién es responsable por los daños ...