Now showing items 40043-40062 of 42389

    Towards improvement of preclinical glioblastoma management: detection, therapy and assessment of response using magnetic resonance techniques 

    Arias Ramos, Nuria (Date of defense: 2019-06-04)

    El Glioblastoma (GB) es el tumor primario agresivo más común, con mal pronóstico y sin cura actualmente. Aunque se aplique tratamiento agresivo (quimioterapia con Temozolamida, TMZ, y radioterapia) generalmente hay recidiva. ...

    Towards improving lymphangioleiomyomatosis care : a study of biomarkers and therapies 

    Herranz Ors, Carmen (Date of defense: 2019-12-16)

    LAM is a rare metastasizing and destructive disorder of the lung. The disease is caused by cells carrying mutations in the TSC1/2 genes, but the tissue of origin of diseased cells remains unknown. The standard of care for ...

    Towards increasing genetic variability and improving fruit quality in peach using genomic and bioinformatic tools 

    Ribeiro Serra, Octávio Manuel (Date of defense: 2017-04-24)

    El préssec és un dels fruiters més conreats al món, la producció del qual s’ha duplicat en els darrers vint anys. Per augmentar el seu consum cal millorar-ne la qualitat, un repte difícil ja que es tracta d’una fruita de ...

    Towards industrial viability of organic solar cells: ITO-free, green solvents and technological aspects for upscalability 

    Burgués Ceballos, Ignasi (Date of defense: 2014-06-17)

    Des de la seva aparició com a alternativa per la conversió d’energia fotovoltaica, el camp de les cel·les solars orgàniques ha experimentat un progrés significatiu, especialment en els darrers 15 anys. El gran interès ...

    Towards instantaneous performance analysis using coarse-grain sampled and instrumented data 

    Servat Gelabert, Harald (Date of defense: 2015-07-31)

    Nowadays, supercomputers deliver an enormous amount of computation power; however, it is well-known that applications only reach a fraction of it. One limiting factor is the single processor performance because it ultimately ...

    Towards Integrated Management of the Supply Chain for Enterprise Sustainability 

    Laínez Aguirre, José Miguel (Date of defense: 2010-01-15)

    Las tendencias del mercado han hecho que las empresas cambien su forma de hacer negocios. La Globalización ha permitido a las empresas tener la posibilidad de acceder a distintos proveedores y mercados globalmente dispersos. ...

    Towards less segregation? : a study of women’s occupational mobility in the U.S. labor market 

    Torre Fernández, Margarita (Date of defense: 2011-05-26)

    This dissertation seeks to expand and refine our understanding of sex-segregation in the labor market. The rapid changes in women’s roles that have taken place in recent decades have made traditional explanations incapable ...

    Towards lightweight and high-performance hardware transactional memory 

    Tomić, Sasa (Date of defense: 2012-07-13)

    Conventional lock-based synchronization serializes accesses to critical sections guarded by the same lock. Using multiple locks brings the possibility of a deadlock or a livelock in the program, making parallel programming ...

    Towards LoRa mesh networks for the IoT 

    Pueyo Centelles, Roger (Date of defense: 2021-11-12)

    There are several LPWAN radio technologies providing wireless communication to the billions of connected devices that form the so-called IoT. Among them, LoRa has emerged in recent years as a popular solution for low power ...

    Towards more reliable feature evaluations for classification 

    Prat Masramon, Gabriel (Date of defense: 2016-02-01)

    In this thesis we study feature subset selection and feature weighting algorithms. Our aim is to make their output more stable and more useful when used to train a classifier. We begin by defining the concept of stability ...

    Towards more sustainable food systems 

    Derqui Zaragoza, Belén (Date of defense: 2017-12-04)

    Context: Globalization, increased competition for natural resources, the rise of non-financial performance indicators in decision making, among other new trends have made sustainability more and more relevant and linked ...

    Towards multi enterprise-wide coordination for large-scale chemical supply chains 

    Hjaila, Kefah (Date of defense: 2016-09-06)

    Current Supply chain (Se) decision support tools are devoted to the optimization of one objective function from a bias centralized perspective, without considering the coexistence with other participants and their uncertain ...

    Towards multiprogrammed GPUs 

    Tanasić, Ivan (Date of defense: 2017-02-17)

    Programmable Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have recently become the most pervasitheve massively parallel processors. They have come a long way, from fixed function ASICs designed to accelerate graphics tasks to a ...

    Towards new forms of learning. Exploring the potential of participatory theatre in sustainability science 

    Heras López, María (Date of defense: 2015-12-11)

    Frente a las limitaciones de la ciencia convencional para abordar la complejidad y los retos del cambio socio-ambiental global, la ciencia de la sostenibilidad emerge como un enfoque científico estratégico. Desde este ...

    Towards Objective Human Brain Tumours Classification using DNA microarrays 

    Castells Domingo, Xavier (Date of defense: 2009-06-10)

    Els tumors de cervell humans (HBTs) són uns dels càncers més agressius i intractables. El sistema actual de diagnosi i prognosi dels HBTs es basa en l'examinació histològica d'un tall de biòpsia, el qual es considera el ...

    Towards personalized medicine in psychosis: the roles of social cognition and metacognition 

    Ferrer Quintero, Marta (Date of defense: 2022-12-02)

    [eng] People with psychosis experience a range of symptoms and impairments that significantly impact their lives and often concur with disability. The best predictors of functional outcome are social cognition and ...

    Towards plastic electronic sensing devices with TTF-based molecular conductors as active components 

    Lebedev, Victor (Date of defense: 2014-12-18)

    Resums pendents

    Towards Practical Neural Image Compression 

    Yang, Fei (Date of defense: 2021-12-21)

    Les imatges i els vídeos són pervasius en les nostres vides i comunicacions. Amb el avenços en dispositius portables i intel·ligents, xarxes de comunicació d’alta capacitat i cine d’alta definició, la compressió d’imatges ...

    Towards precision medicine in pediatric liver cancer: discovery and validation of prognostic biomarkers 

    Carrillo Reixach, Juan (Date of defense: 2022-12-19)

    [eng] Pediatric liver cancer is considered a rare disease and represents <3% of all pediatric tumors worldwide. The main types of liver tumors in the pediatric age group are hepatoblastoma (HB) and hepatocellular carcinoma ...

    Towards Recognition of Polar Molecules in Water Using Calix[4]pyrrole Based Receptors 

    Peñuelas Haro, Guillem (Date of defense: 2020-07-16)

    Aquesta tesi s’ocupa del disseny, síntesi i estudis d’unió de receptors amfifílics solubles en aigua per a la unió selectiva de molècules o residus polars neutres relacionats amb la salut humana. Amb aquesta finalitat, es ...