Now showing items 27819-27838 of 41739

    Metástasis cerebral en el cáncer de mama: biomarcadores de predicción y pronóstico y modelos experimentales de investigación preclínica 

    Martínez Aranda, Antonio (Date of defense: 2022-05-12)

    Aquest treball exposa dos aspectes de la investigació translacional de la metàstasi cerebral en càncer de mama. Primer, el desenvolupament d’un model preclínic de tractament, demostrant la seva utilitat per investigar ...

    Methicilin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: evolution of endemic clones and emergence of community clones in the hospital environment 

    Adrião Camoez, Marina (Date of defense: 2016-02-08)

    Infections by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are still an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Health-care associated infections, especially bacteremia, often represent a clinical ...

    Methodological advancements in lca of waste management systems 

    Bala Gala, Alba (Date of defense: 2015-04-10)

    La gestió de residus ha estat identificada per la Comissió Europea, l'Agència de Protecció Ambiental dels Estats Units i l'Organització per a la Cooperació Econòmica i el Desenvolupament, entre altres institucions, com un ...

    Methodological advancements of AGNES and its implementation for the determination of free metal ion concentrations in synthetic and natural samples 

    Chito Trujillo, Diana Maria (Date of defense: 2012-04-11)

    Aquest treball presenta nous avenços de la tècnica AGNES (Absence of Gradients and Nernstian Equilibrium Stripping) per a la determinació de Cd, Pb i principalment Zn, en sistemes sintètics i naturals. Entre els progressos, ...

    Methodological Approach to Conformational Search. A Study Case: Cyclodextrins 

    Burusco Goñi, Kepa Koldo (Date of defense: 2009-10-09)

    No és difícil trobar exemples que mostrin la inqüestionable importància de la estereoquímica en temes com la salut o l'economia: D'una banda, la quiralitat és tristament ben coneguda a causa del desastre de la Talidomida. ...

    Methodological approaches for the study of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging in Down syndrome 

    Cañete Massé, Cristina (Date of defense: 2022-12-22)

    [eng] Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal condition associated with intellectual disability. Although many researchers have focused on their physiological and cognitive characteristics, the underlying brain ...

    Methodological Challenges in Ancient and Forensic DNA Analysis: Improvements in DNA Extraction and Genetic Characterization from Human Skeletal Remains 

    Vinueza Espinosa, Diana C. (Date of defense: 2022-06-17)

    En els últims 40 anys, els camps de l’ADN antic i forense han experimentat un desenvolupament impressionant dels seus mètodes i procediments. Aquests avenços han estat des de una simple Reacció en Cadena de la Polimerasa ...

    Methodological preparation and characteritzation of the microbial ecology on the skin 

    Garcia i Garcerà, Marc (Date of defense: 2013-06-21)

    The study of skin microbiota has always been focused from a clinical point of view. However, an ecological approach to the skin microbiota is impeded by different methodological limitations, including the high host/microbial ...

    Methodological strategies in contemporary symbiosis research and their historical roots: From mechanistic to non-mechanistic modes of explanation 

    Suárez Díaz, Javier (Date of defense: 2020-05-20)

    Symbiosis research is a growing field in contemporary biology. Current advances in modelling and experimental techniques have made possible to develop new ways of studying some multispecies symbiotic systems whose study ...

    Methodologies for hardware implementation of reservoir computing systems 

    Alomar Barceló, Miquel Lleó (Date of defense: 2017-09-11)

    [cat]Inspirades en la forma en què el cervell processa la informació, les xarxes neuronals artificials (XNA) es crearen amb l’objectiu de reproduir habilitats humanes en tasques que són difícils de resoldre mitjançant la ...

    Methodologies for hybrid systems diagnosis based on the hybrid automaton framework 

    Vento, Jorge (Date of defense: 2014-06-20)

    Hybrid systems play an important role in the modeling of complex systems since they take into account the interaction between both continuous dynamics and discrete events. Complex systems are subject to changes in the ...

    Methodologies for the analysis of veterinary drugs and growth promoters in the scope of food safety control 

    Praveen Kumar, K. (Date of defense: 2014-04-10)

    Veterinary drugs and growth promoters are a part of many chemical hazards that can be found in the modern food chain, and they pose risks to human health such as antimicrobial resistance. The presence of these drug residues ...

    Methodologies using soil organisms for the ecotoxicological assessment of organic wastes 

    Domene, X. (Xavier) (Date of defense: 2007-04-27)

    La correcta gestió dels residus orgànics és un dels principals reptes actuals a la Unió Europea, en resposta al fort increment en la seva producció en les darreres dècades. Les creixents limitacions en la incineració i el ...

    A methodology and a mathematical model for reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the suppply chain redesign 

    Pinto Taborga, Carola (Date of defense: 2018-07-16)

    Virtually the entire scientific, political, business, and social community is aware of the importance of climate change. Countries adhering to the Kyoto Protocol have taken up the challenge of reducing carbon emission, ...

    Methodology for automatic classification of atypical lymphoid cells from peripheral blood cell images 

    Alférez Baquero, Edwin Santiago (Date of defense: 2015-06-26)

    Morphological analysis is the starting point for the diagnostic approach of more than 80% of the hematological diseases. However, the morphological differentiation among different types of abnormal lymphoid cells in ...

    Methodology for malleable applications on distributed memory systems 

    Aguilar Mena, Jimmy (Date of defense: 2022-11-23)

    (English) The dominant programming approach for scientific and industrial computing on clusters is MPI+X. While there are a variety of approaches within the node, denoted by the ``X'', Message Passing interface (MPI) is ...

    Methodology for optimal design of efficient air transport network in a competitive environment 

    Trapote Barreira, César (Date of defense: 2015-12-16)

    This thesis aims to dissert about air transport network design taking into consideration the current needs about efficiency in a very competitive industry. The main focus for this work is the airline's point of view and ...

    A methodology for pre-post intervention studies : an application for a nutritional case study 

    Sevilla Villanueva, Beatriz (Date of defense: 2016-02-09)

    Nowadays, it is widely accepted that many of modern lifestyle habits such as diet and exercise, together with genetics, play an important role in the development of many diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, ...

    Methodology for seismic vulnerability assessment of existing masonry buildings in urban centres. Application to the Eixample district in Barcelona 

    Dimovska, Sara (Date of defense: 2023-05-26)

    (English) Unreinforced masonry buildings (URM), which prevail in many historic and urban centres, can be considered to be significantly vulnerable to seismic actions due to their peculiar constructive and structural features ...

    A methodology for the design of Euroregional cross-border organizations and its application in the Sicily-Malta Cross-Border Region 

    Camonita, Francesco Maria (Date of defense: 2019-09-23)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral presenta una proposta teòrica i metodològica així com coherent i innovadora per al desenvolupament de noves iniciatives Euroregionals de Cooperació Transfronterera (CTF) dins dels territoris de la ...