Now showing items 3702-3721 of 5510

    Monitorización del patrón ventilatorio (PV) mediante tomografía por impedancia eléctrica (TIE) en paciente con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) 

    Balleza Ordaz, José Marco (Date of defense: 2012-07-20)

    El objetivo de esta investigación fue obtener un modelo matemático de calibración que permita estimar cuantitativamente el patrón ventilatorio (PV), en términos de volumen, en un grupo de voluntarios sanos y pacientes con ...

    Monitorización del progreso en el aprendizaje. Marco teórico y evidencia empírica en la aplicación de teorías de evaluación y monitoreo de procesos en la creación de herramientas para monitorear el progreso en el aprendizaje en escenarios de e-learning. 

    Sampieri Bulbarela, Mónica (Date of defense: 2008-03-28)

    La tesis "Monitorización del progreso en el aprendizaje" se desarrolla en el contexto de la educación y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Si podemos aprovechar los beneficios que ofrecen las TIC para ...

    Monitorizaçao de redes sociais na gestao do conhecimento em comunidades de I+d+i 

    Cadima, Rita Alexandra Cainço Dias (Date of defense: 2009-12-15)

    En un contexto de I+D+i (investigación + desarrollo + innovación), diversos estudios apuntan a la existencia de una fuerte relación entre comunicación y resultados, mostrando que la colaboración y compartición de conocimiento ...

    Monocular depth estimation in images and sequences using occlusion cues 

    Palou Visa, Guillem (Date of defense: 2014-02-21)

    When humans observe a scene, they are able to perfectly distinguish the different parts composing it. Moreover, humans can easily reconstruct the spatial position of these parts and conceive a consistent structure. The ...

    Monocular SLAM : data association and sensing through a human-assisted uncalibrated visual system 

    Guerra Paradas, Edmundo (Date of defense: 2017-07-17)

    The Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem is widely acknowledged as one of the fundamental problem to solve in perception and robotics to produce actual mobile robotic agents. The problem itself is that of ...

    Monodromías geométricas en familias de curvas de género 4 

    Berna Sepúlveda, Isabel (Date of defense: 2012-02-10)

    The goal of the thesis is the effective computation of the geometric monodromy, equivalently the monodromy in the fundamental group, for families of compact connected Riemann surfaces (complex algebraic curves) of genus ...

    Monotonicity preserving shock capturing techniques for finite elements 

    Hierro Fabregat, Alba (Date of defense: 2016-11-28)

    The main object of study of this thesis is the development of artificial diffusion shock capturing techniques for continuous and discontinuous Galerkin (cG and dG) approximations of the convection-diffusion problem. Special ...

    Monotonicity-preserving finite element methods for hyperbolic problems 

    Bonilla de Toro, Jesús (Date of defense: 2019-12-17)

    This thesis covers the development of monotonicity preserving finite element methods for hyperbolic problems. In particular, scalar convection-diffusion and Euler equations are used as model problems for the discussion in ...

    Monte Carlo and experimental small-field dosimetry applied to spatially fractionated synchrotron radiotherapy techniques 

    Martínez Rovira, Immaculada (Date of defense: 2012-03-12)

    Two innovative radiotherapy (RT) approaches are under development at the ID17 Biomedical Beamline of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF): microbeam radiation therapy (MRT) and minibeam radiation therapy ...

    A Monte Carlo approach to statics and dynamics of quantum fluids 

    Ferré Porta, Guillem (Date of defense: 2017-09-16)

    The main objective of the thesis is to study static and/or dynamic properties of a set of quantum fluids by means of quantum Monte Carlo techniques, mainly using the path integral formalism to obtain results both at zero ...

    Monte Carlo simulations of the population of single and binary white dwarfs of our galaxy 

    Camacho Díaz, Judit (Date of defense: 2014-06-19)

    Since white dwarfs are the final stage of the evolution of the vast majority of stars, they carry important information about the chemical evolution of our Galaxy, its star formation rate, and its structure and dynamics. ...

    Monte Carlo study of quantum phase transitions at zero temperature 

    Osychenko, Oleg N. (Date of defense: 2012-12-20)

    The Thesis is devoted to simulations of quantum phase transitions by means of Quantum Monte Carlo techniques. Quantum phase transition is a transition between phases at zero or low enough temperature, where quantum effects ...

    Morfologia y microclima urbano análisis de la forma espacial y materiales como modeladores del microclima de tejidos urbanos mediterraneos costeros: el caso de la ciudad de Valparaiso 

    Carrasco Aldunate, Claudio (Date of defense: 2010-10-16)

    The city morphology is the greater evidence of human habitation and intervention on the natural landscape aimed both at individual protection and community living. It is an intervention that modifies not only the landscape ...

    Morphing arquitectónico: transformaciones entre las casas usonianas de Frank Lloyd Wright 

    Herrera Velazco, Rodrigo (Date of defense: 2012-02-16)

    Esta tesis investiga sobre el proceso de transformación de la forma arquitectónica, analizando una técnica específica denominada morphing. La técnica del morphing se utiliza en los gráficos por ordenador para la transformación ...

    Morpho-functionality of the toothed whale external ear canal 

    de Vreese, Steffen (Date of defense: 2021-06-17)

    While marine, anthropogenic noise pollution is a scientific and societal matter of concern, there is limited knowledge on how sea animals, particularly cetaceans, perceive their environment through sounds. Toothed whales, ...

    Morphological stability models: Shoreface-connected sand ridges 

    Calvete Manrique, Daniel (Date of defense: 1999-07-29)

    En esta tesis se estudia la formación y mantenimiento de los bancos de arena sobre la plataforma continental asociados a la costa. Estos son estructuras sedimentarias de forma alargada y que se repiten periódicamente a lo ...

    Morteros de CAC reforzados con fibras vegetales : microestructura, evaluación físico-mecánica y durabilidad para su aplicación en materiales de construcción : ejemplo de pavimento 

    Ramírez Sánchez, Madelin Jaroni Del Pilar (Date of defense: 2021-01-13)

    The natural fibers that come from vegetable origin have become a potential and competitive option as a reinforcement composite based on cement. This is due to their high resistance and low cost features, and also their ...

    MOS interface improvement based on boron treatments for high channel mobility SiC MOSFETs 

    Cabello Fusarés, Maria (Date of defense: 2019-12-02)

    Although silicon (Si) is used in most current commercial power semiconductor components, Si capabilities are insufficient for new energy conversion requirements. Some of its important limitations are related with power ...

    Motion planning using synergies : application to anthropomorphic dual-arm robots 

    García Hidalgo, Néstor (Date of defense: 2019-10-08)

    Motion planning is a traditional field in robotics, but new problems are nevertheless incessantly appearing, due to continuous advances in the robot developments. In order to solve these new problems, as well as to improve ...

    Motor asíncrono trifásico con rotor de chapas en espiral 

    Mujal Rosas, Ramón Ma. (Ramón María) (Date of defense: 2004-04-14)

    El objeto de este trabajo pasaba por obtener un motor con un alto par de arranque pero con intensidades limitadas, con variaciones de la intensidad en función de la carga prácticamente inapreciables aunque con pérdidas en ...