Now showing items 4124-4143 of 5496

    Optimization of yard operations in container terminals from an energy efficiency approach 

    Terán Cobo, Pablo (Date of defense: 2018-06-25)

    This Thesis addresses common operational issues related to maritime container terminals. In the last decades, containerization of maritime transportation has grown very rapidly, forcing terminal operators to cope with ...

    Optimization on industrial problems focussing on multi-player strategies 

    Coma Company, Martí (Date of defense: 2022-07-26)

    Algorithms (EA) are useful optimization methods for exploration of the search space, but they usually have slowness problems to exploit and converge to the minimum with accuracy. On the other hand, gradient based methods ...

    Optimization strategies for efficient dosage of H2O2 in Fenton and photo-Fenton processes 

    Yu, Xiangwei (Date of defense: 2021-07-07)

    This Thesis work addresses the challenge of designing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) dosage Strategies for improving Fenton and photo-Fenton applications. The determination of the H2O2 dosage scheme that minimizes hydrogen ...

    Optimization techniques for fine-grained communication in PGAS environments 

    Alvanos, Michail (Date of defense: 2013-12-10)

    Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) languages promise to deliver improved programmer productivity and good performance in large-scale parallel machines. However, adequate performance for applications that rely on ...

    Optimized content caching strategies for multi-access edge computing (MEC)-assisted future cellular networks 

    Ayenew, Tadege Mihretu (Date of defense: 2023-11-21)

    (English) Handling the tsunami of multimedia content is a big challenge for heterogeneous cellular networks. Serving large volumes of content from the central system to end-users, through a bandwidth-limited network, at ...

    Optimizing IETF multimedia signaling protocols and architectures in 3GPP networks : an evolutionary approach 

    Viamonte Solé, David (Date of defense: 2019-06-16)

    Signaling in Next Generation IP-based networks heavily relies in the family of multimedia signaling protocols defined by IETF. Two of these signaling protocols are RTSP and SIP, which are text-based, client-server, ...

    Optimizing programming models for massively parallel computers 

    Farreras Esclusa, Montse (Date of defense: 2008-12-12)

    Since the invention of the transistor, clock frequency increase was the primary method of improving computing performance. As the reach of Moore's law came to an end, however, technology driven performance gains became ...

    Optimizing SIMD execution in HW/SW co-designed processors 

    Kumar, Rakesh (Date of defense: 2014-07-24)

    SIMD accelerators are ubiquitous in microprocessors from different computing domains. Their high compute power and hardware simplicity improve overall performance in an energy efficient manner. Moreover, their replicated ...

    Optimizing VLIW architectures for multimedia applications 

    Salamí San Juan, Esther (Date of defense: 2007-06-01)

    The growing interest that multimedia processing has experimented during the last decade is motivating processor designers to reconsider which execution paradigms are the most appropriate for general-purpose processors. On ...

    Optimizing workspace division for multi-UAV systems 

    Skorobogatov, Georgy (Date of defense: 2023-10-27)

    (English) With the advance of UAV-related technology using several drones in the context of a single mission becomes more and more common. New problems and challenges appear as a result. When analyzing research works ...

    Optoelectronic optimization of photocatalytic processes for wastewater treatment 

    Tapia Tlatelpa, Tecilli (Date of defense: 2019-10-03)

    Water pollution is an alarming problem that endangers the health of all living beings. The textile industry is listed as one of the most contaminating industries, since in order to carry out its dyeing and finishing ...

    Optomechanical resonators based on low dimensional materials 

    Tepsic, Slaven (Date of defense: 2021-07-07)

    Mechanical resonators based on low dimensional materials have attracted a lot of attention due to their remarkable properties. Their ultra-low mass and high Q factors make them exceptional sensors, offering new possibilities ...

    Optomechanical resonators based on transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers 

    Morell Bennasser, Nicolás (Date of defense: 2018-12-17)

    Suspended monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) aremembranes that combine ultralow mass and exceptional optical prop-erties, making them intriguing materials for opto-mechanical applica-tions. However, the low ...

    Opus Angelicum: el imaginario arquitectónico de las Elegías de Duino 1912-1922 

    García Estévez, Carolina Beatriz (Date of defense: 2012-04-20)

    Desde la crisis que experimentó la cultura europea a finales del siglo XIX en el lenguaje de las artes, las correspondencias entre arquitectura y literatura que se formulan alrededor del estudio micro histórico de la ...

    Orbital differential SAR interferometry with polarimetric data 

    Monells Miralles, Daniel (Date of defense: 2017-01-18)

    Space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems have demonstrated great effectiveness to survey wide areas, independently of the weather conditions and the day/night cycle. One of the most exploited applications is ...

    Orchestrating datacenters and networks to facilitate the telecom cloud 

    Asensio Garcia, Adrian (Date of defense: 2016-06-10)

    In the Internet of services, information technology (IT) infrastructure providers play a critical role in making the services accessible to end-users. IT infrastructure providers host platforms and services in their ...

    Orchestration of distributed ingestion and processing of IoT data for fog platforms 

    Pérez Rico, Juan Luis (Date of defense: 2018-11-26)

    In recent years there has been an extraordinary growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its protocols. The increasing diffusion of electronic devices with identification, computing and communication capabilities is ...

    Organització espacial i temporal de la pluja a l'àrea metropolitana de Barcelona 

    Navarro Bosque, Javier (Date of defense: 2022-03-17)

    In order to avoid the catastrophes caused by intense or even moderately intense, rainfall episodes, it is essential to have as exhaustive a knowledge as possible of the behaviour of the same. We have a source of information ...

    Organització no jeràrquica de l'empresa 

    Corominas, Joaquim (Date of defense: 1980-01-01)

    Se ha analizado los problemas de organización del trabajo y de dirección así como las modificaciones en las teorías clásicas de organización. también se han estudiado las experiencias practicas. a partir de ello se ha ...

    Organización de empresas y responsabilidad penal corporativa 

    Costa Sanjurjo, Pere (Date of defense: 2015-11-06)

    En la meva tesi, començo exposant una idea general sobre què és el Dret Penal, i en especial el Dret Penal Empresarial. Seguidament desenvolupo unes idees generals envers la organització empresarial. Tenint en compte que ...