Browsing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya by Subject "334"

    Active transformative pathways for local agri-food systems : drawing and applying an integrated framework to assess agri-food systems vulnerability under the political paradigm of food sovereignty in Ecuadorian Andes 

    Vallejo-Rojas, Virginia (Date of defense: 2016-09-15)

    Taking into account the limitations of official approaches for addressing agri-food research, as well as their associated policies to tackle the problems of hunger and vulnerability of agri-food systems to global change, ...

    Afrontar los asuntos globales : fundamentación teórica y propuesta metodológica para la creación de alianzas estratégicas entre organizaciones de la sociedad civil 

    Rocuts Pabon, Asthriesslav (Date of defense: 2010-03-03)

    This research aims to contribute to the integral management of Global Issues. Topics whose complexity and magnitude is so high that affect all humanity, they are long-term issues and cannot be solved by one sole nation. ...

    Analysis of the specialization patterns for scientific and industrial activities in the EU regions in the framework of the smart specialization strategy 

    Esparza Masana, Ricard (Date of defense: 2014-11-18)

    The thesis aims to provide a complete overview of the specialization trends of the EU regions in the context of the regional innovation smart specialization strategy (RIS3), as well as to evaluate whether some priorities ...

    Anticooperación Norte Sur : cuando la coherencia es más importante que la ayuda. El caso de Ecuador y la "cooperación" española 

    Llistar, David (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    The thesis states that, as economies become more internationalized and as monetary and physical transnational flows increase, the negative externalities associated with these flows also rise. Externalities are distributed ...

    Contribución a la representación y generación de planes con incertidumbre 

    Paniagua Aris, Enrique (Date of defense: 1998-03-23)

    Planificación de Desarrollo Cooperativo (PDC) es un modelo de planificación de Proyectos de Cooperación y Desarrollo, implementado en el ONGIA, una prototipo de Inteligencia Artificial para el estudio predictive de ...

    Modelo de sostenibilidad regional: dinámica de sistemas para enfrentar la pobreza en Suramérica. 

    Gallón Londoño, Luciano (Date of defense: 2012-02-07)

    En 1950 vivían en Suramérica unos 113 millones de personas; en 2010, 393 millones, tres veces y media más. La mitad de ellos vive en la pobreza. En 2050, alrededor de 485 millones vivirán allí. Las figuras contemporáneas ...

    Monitoring water, sanitation and hygiene services : developing tools and methods to measure sustainable acces and practice at the local level 

    Giné Garriga, Ricard (Date of defense: 2015-11-21)

    Water and sanitation improvements together with good hygiene (WaSH) have well-known positive impacts on human development and poverty alleviation. However, universal access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation remains ...

    Organización de empresas y responsabilidad penal corporativa 

    Costa Sanjurjo, Pere (Date of defense: 2015-11-06)

    En la meva tesi, començo exposant una idea general sobre què és el Dret Penal, i en especial el Dret Penal Empresarial. Seguidament desenvolupo unes idees generals envers la organització empresarial. Tenint en compte que ...

    Propuesta de un marco axiológico para la evaluación de un desarrollo tecnológico : el proyecto del tren de alta velocidad México-Querétaro 

    Bernal-Pérez, Rolando Javier (Date of defense: 2016-11-25)

    Based on technology and science developments as a way of knowing the world, our way of life and the way we interact with the environment have been transformed, in the last two and a half centuries. These changes imply ...

    Propuesta metodológica para el análisis de la sostenibilidad regional 

    Antequera Baiget, Josep (Date of defense: 2012-12-12)

    En esta tesis hemos elaborado una propuesta metodológica de análisis de la sostenibilidad regional utilizando la visión sistémica para su conceptualización, el paradigma de la sostenibilidad para su análisis, la metodología ...

    The adoption of global leadership competences and Total Quality Management by the staff of Egyptian and Jordanian exporting companies: case studies 

    Kamal, Walid Abd Alla Arif (Date of defense: 2012-12-18)

    The main purpose of this research is to conduct exploratory qualitative research to analyze the level of global leadership competencies and Total Quality Management (TQM) in Egyptian and Jordanian exporting companies and ...

    La transferencia del conocimiento dentro de las spin-offs universitarias 

    Gouza, Assia (Date of defense: 2016-02-04)

    The knowledge transfer in traditional enterprises has been deeply studied, although there are no articles to be treated within the university spin-off companies, which often operate in dynamic environments. In this paper ...