Now showing items 44-63 of 209

    Determinación y desarrollo de competencias para la formación del administrador 

    Felisardo, Frank da Silva (Date of defense: 2020-11-19)

    In todays professional environment, it presents day-by-day challenges to those who are inserted in that reality. Thinking about a connected, integrated, innovative, creative, and multiculturalized world is just one of these ...

    Determinants i conseqüències de la lleialtat empresarial vers les seves entitats financeres 

    Carrillo Pujol, Jordi (Date of defense: 2016-01-28)

    Loyalty has been a topic deeply studied by marketing literature. Generally speaking, companies have understood the importance of the customer loyalty, and the benefits derived. This is especially important for financial ...

    Developing innovation competences in engineering education through project-based and challenge-based learning 

    Charosky Larrieu-Let, Guido (Date of defense: 2021-12-09)

    There is a gap between industry needs and engineering graduates’ competences that since the past two decades has been under discussion. Engineering graduates are perceived as “too theoretical” by the industry and face ...

    Diagnóstico del pensamiento crítico en la enseñanza de la matemática en el contexto de la educación secundaria peruana : caso de estudio : Lima 

    Mesones Málaga, Gustavo Omar (Date of defense: 2016-07-04)

    This thesis develops a model evaluation in class of the critical thinking competence in mathematics, which was applied in the association of private schools ADECOPA constituted by 24 institutions with a population of 20,000 ...

    Diseño de sistemas de electrificación autónomos para comunidades rurales considerando incertidumbre en la estimación de la demanda 

    Galleguillos Pozo, Rosa (Date of defense: 2023-06-19)

    (English) The United Nations objective to ensure energy access for all is still far from being achieved, particularly in rural areas of developing countries. In order to expand access to electricity, isolated systems, ...

    Diseño de un plan estratégico docente para la formación de universitarios hacia la creación y dirección de empresas familiares en Barcelona, España 

    García Rodríguez, Linda (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    The family businesses are one of the main motors of the economy, There for the relevance of its study. The contributions of national specialists are diverse on the subject of family businesses, but the studies and developed ...

    Disponibilidad y obtención del crédito de las PYME : evidencia del mercado peruano 

    Montero Flores, Roberto Elías (Date of defense: 2015-06-16)

    The objective of the present investigation is to analyze two important issues that contribute in great measure to the economic growing of the country, as is the growing and permanence of the SMEs, framed in the access to ...

    Disseny d'un model d'avaluació de resultats de l'activitat de màrqueting per a empreses competint al mercat català i amb relació contractual amb els seus clients 

    Sansó Mata, Marc (Date of defense: 2013-07-17)

    L’objectiu de la tesi doctoral és el de desenvolupar un model que permeti valorar de forma objectiva les actuacions en matèria de màrqueting portades a terme per una organització. Aquest model està constituït per un conjunt ...

    Disseny,Aplicació i Avaluació d'un model de Gestió Hospitalària de Qualitat Total (GESHQUAT) 

    Fortuny Organs, Gabriel (Date of defense: 2002-06-27)


    Economía social y solidaria : el cambio del consumidor hacia la energía verde 

    Saura Agel, Ma. José (Date of defense: 2016-12-15)

    In this dissertation, I propose a theoretical model to rate enterprises in the context of social, solidarity or popular economics . The model defines a model of three dimensions to classify these organizations, going from ...

    Efectos de la formación en los resultados de las empresas: el caso de Álava, País Vasco 

    Rodríguez Ossadón, Paula (Date of defense: 2013-01-21)

    The effectiveness of knowledge and technology transfer through university-business collaboration in science parks 

    Olvera, Caludia (Date of defense: 2019-09-17)

    Science and Technology Parks (STPs) facilitate the flow of knowledge and technology among universities; R&D institutions; companies and markets, and foster the creation and growth of innovation-based companies. Among the ...

    Eficiencia de mercado y el canal internet. Estudio empírico del mercado de CDs de música en Barcelona 

    Sabaté, Ferran (Date of defense: 2005-07-08)

    La consolidación del fenómeno Internet ha supuesto la creación de mercados virtuales que compiten con los mercados tradicionales. Según la teoría económica clásica, los mercados minorista en Internet deberían presentar ...

    El arquitecto : formación, competencias y ejercicio profesional 

    Puig-Pey Clavería, Ana (Date of defense: 2011-02-02)

    The thesis "The architect: training, competences and professional practice" study and analyze the relationships between the professional competences acquired during the training period and the professional competences ...

    El feedback efectiu personalitzat en entorns virtuals : estudis des de la perspectiva estudiant-professor 

    Plana Erta, Dolors (Date of defense: 2016-07-13)

    La implantació de l'EEES ha plantejat profundes transformacions en l'educació superior al posar l'atenció en el procés d'aprenentatge de l'estudiant en lloc d'estar, com fins ara, focalitzat en el procés d'ensenyament del ...

    El gobierno de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en las instituciones públicas de educación superior en México 

    Franco Reboreda, Carlos Alberto (Date of defense: 2017-09-26)

    Information and communication technologies (ICT) are considered as strategic assets in most organizations because of their decisive influence in an increasing number of processes and their high impact on the competitiveness ...

    El impacto de las barreras de aprendizaje en el rendimiento de las organizaciones 

    Suñé Torrents, Albert (Date of defense: 2004-07-14)

    El resurgimiento de las teorías del aprendizaje, en el campo de la dirección estratégica, aparece como una posibilidad de explicar los resultados de la empresa más allá del paradigma ECR (estructura comportamiento resultados) ...

    El perfil de la mujer emprendedora en la microempresa en el subsector alimentos 

    García Vences, Delia Esperanza (Date of defense: 2017-03-27)

    Business activity has shown fundamental changes compared with women's micro-enterprises entrepreneurship due to their importance in the economy. This doctoral thesis come up from the particular interest to investigate ...

    El protocolo familiar y el manejo de conflictos en empresas familiares peruanas 

    Montalbetti Solari, Pablo (Date of defense: 2016-07-05)

    Family-owned businesses have been an object of study for decades. Likewise, family protocols and their usefulness for these enterprises have been the subject of research, especially in hispanic countries where their ...

    El retorno de la inversión individual en la educación superior privada en México 

    Barrera Villar, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2013-07-25)

    In a dynamic and constantly more complex educational environment, one of the most frequent inquiries students and parents express is whether investment in college education corresponds to benefits obtained at the next level ...