Cavity optomechanics with optically trapped particles 

    Mestres Junqué, Pau (Fecha de defensa: 2017-09-07)

    Optical trapping and manipulation have emerged as powerful tools to investigate single microscopic objects in a controlled environment. Using the momentum carried by light, forces can be exerted to confine and manipulate ...

    Complex systems for quantum technologies 

    Braungardt, Sibylle (Fecha de defensa: 2011-07-12)

    Development and application of localization-based microscopy methods to study the structure and dynamics of chromatin through the process of cellular differentiation 

    Gómez García, Pablo (Fecha de defensa: 2020-04-24)

    Recent advancements in single-molecule localization-based microscopy have made it possible to visualize biological structures and dynamic processes within the cell with unprecedented spatial resolution. Determining the ...

    Dynamics of optically levitated nanoparticles in high vacuum 

    Gieseler, Jan (Fecha de defensa: 2014-02-03)

    Nanotechnology was named one of the key enabling technologies by the European Commission and its tremendous impact was envisioned early by 20th century physicist R.Feynman in his now oft-quoted talk "Plenty of Room at the ...

    Experimental tools for quantum networking operations with single photons and sinlge ions 

    Huwer, Jan Henning (Fecha de defensa: 2014-01-29)

    One promising approach for future quantum networks is the combination of strings of trapped ions as quantum-information processors with entangled photon pairs produced by spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) to ...

    Mass sensing with graphene and carbon nanotube mechanical resonators 

    Schwender, Jill (Fecha de defensa: 2018-11-12)

    In recent years, carbon nanotube and graphene mechanical resonators have attracted considerable attention because of their unique properties. Their high resonance frequencies, high quality factors and their ultra-low mass ...

    New phenomena in high-quality suspended nanotube devices 

    Urgell Flores, Carlos (Fecha de defensa: 2021-03-30)

    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have attracted the attention of the scientific community since their discovery in the 90s. They are an excellent material for the development of research fields as diverse as nanomechanics or quantum ...

    Noise assisted effects in physics and biophysics studied by the optical trapping technique 

    Martínez Sánchez, Ignacio A. (Fecha de defensa: 2014-04-25)

    Almost two centuries after the first observations of Robert Brown, the study of systems ruled by noise has become a significant part of modern physics and other so diverse situations, such as the stock market, personal ...

    Optomechanical resonators based on transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers 

    Morell Bennasser, Nicolás (Fecha de defensa: 2018-12-17)

    Suspended monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) aremembranes that combine ultralow mass and exceptional optical prop-erties, making them intriguing materials for opto-mechanical applica-tions. However, the low ...