Now showing items 1720-1739 of 1780

    Una aproximació a l'estat dels serveis socials. La persona i el seu univers temàtic i lèxic com a centre de la intervenció 

    Ferrer Santanach, Núria (Date of defense: 2017-12-05)

    La tesi doctoral "Una aproximació a l’estat dels serveis socials. La persona i el seu univers temàtic i lèxic com a centre de la intervenció" té per objecte d’estudi els serveis socials, la intervenció socioeducativa i el ...

    Una aproximació pluridisciplinària a les escriptures populars. Els anònims en l'exili republicà (1939-1952) 

    Carbonell, Natàlia (Date of defense: 2016-05-20)

    La història de les llengües s'ha enfocat tradicionalment des de l'òptica dels sectors cultes. Aquesta tesi, en canvi, posa en el seu centre d'estudi els anònims. Les escriptures populars són una tipologia de documents ...

    Una mirada sobre la comunitat de parla nord-occidental lleidatana. La representació social de la llengua i els sentiments lingüístics 

    Gràcia Damas, Annabel (Date of defense: 2020-10-26)

    A language may be a central element of a community’s identity, but the relationships established between the centre and the periphery of that community may vary with physical distance and the existence of administrative ...

    Una reconstrucción del concepto de daño desde las teorías de la referencia directa 

    Fernández Alle, Lucila (Date of defense: 2021-11-12)

    This research aims to achieve a greater understanding of the concept of damage according to its use in the legal practice of extra-contractual civil liability. The observation of both dogmatics and Spanish civil jurisprudence ...

    Underdrain design and operational conditions in sand media filters using reclaimed effluents in drip irrigation systems 

    Solé Torres, Carles (Date of defense: 2020-05-29)

    At present, agriculture is the human activity which requires more volume of water. Given the importance and scarcity of this resource, the efficient use of water has become a priority. On one hand, if possible, it is ...

    Understanding C-H oxidation and amination reactions performed by late first-row transition metals: trapping high-valent metal-O/N species 

    Corona Prieto, Teresa (Date of defense: 2017-02-17)

    The transformation of C-H bonds into C-O/N bonds is a process of interest in organic synthesis, but controlling the reactivity and selectivity among the multiple C-H bonds existing in most molecules is a challenging task. ...

    Understanding the ecological success of two worldwide fish invaders (Gambusia holbrooki and Gambusia affinis) 

    Srean, Pao (Date of defense: 2015-05-29)

    This thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of the invasive success of two invasive fishes (Gambusia affinis and G. holbrooki). We reviewed four Internet databases and the literature to clarify their introduction ...

    Underwater 3d sensing using structured light: development of an underwater laser scanner and a non-rigid point cloud registration method 

    Castillón Sánchez, Miguel (Date of defense: 2023-02-10)

    Accurate underwater 3D perception is essential to advance towards the automation of expensive, dangerous and/or time-consuming tasks, such as the inspection, maintenance and repair of off-shore industrial sites. Accurate ...

    Underwater image-based 3D reconstruction with quality estimation 

    Istenič, Klemen (Date of defense: 2021-03-25)

    This thesis addresses the development of resources for accurate scaling and uncertainty estimation of image-based 3D models for scientific purposes based on data acquired with monocular or unsynchronized camera systems in ...

    Underwater navigation and mapping with an omnidirecional optical sensor 

    Bosch Alay, Josep (Date of defense: 2018-10-17)

    Omnidirectional vision has received increasing interest during the last decade from the computer vision community. However, the use of omnidirectional cameras underwater is still very limited. In this thesis we propose ...

    Underwater slam for estructured environments using and imaging sonar 

    Ribas Romagós, David (Date of defense: 2008-09-29)

    Aquesta tesi tracta sobre el problema de la navegació per a vehicles submarins autònoms que operen en entorns artificials estructurats com ara ports, canals, plataformes marines i altres escenaris similars. A partir ...

    Unraveling the success of invaders: biotic and abiotic factors determining the invasibility of Mediterranean benthic assemblages by Caulerpa cylindracea 

    Santamaría Pérez, Jorge (Date of defense: 2021-09-27)

    Biological invasions have become one of the most pervasive threats to native ecosystems worldwide, causing species extinctions, disrupting the functioning of ecosystems, altering the provision of critical ecosystem services ...

    Unstructured P2P social search query routing algorithms for agentified social networks 

    Trias Mansilla, Albert (Date of defense: 2013-07-19)

    The village paradigm presents some benefits compared with the library paradigm; people can adapt the answer content as a function of who is requesting the information, or furthermore, people can perform clarifications of ...

    Urbanismo ambiental y evaluación estratégica 

    Cuyás Palazón, Mercedes (Date of defense: 2005-10-07)

    La tesis doctoral "Urbanismo Ambiental y Evaluación Estratégica" investiga y propone un renovado papel del urbanismo y muy especialmente de la ordenación del territorio como instrumentos no tan sólo de valor para la ...

    Uso excesivo de las TIC y las redes sociales y media multitasking en adolescentes: estudio sobre su relación con la personalidad, el contexto social y las funciones ejecutivas 

    Martín Perpiñá, Mercedes (Date of defense: 2019-05-28)

    The excessive use of ICT and Social Networks, and Media Multitasking among adolescents is a complex phenomenon due to the multiplicity of factors involved in its genesis. The main objective is the study of the excessive ...

    Utilidad de la resonancia magnética testicular con espectroscopía en el análisis cuantitativo de la infertilidad 

    Baleato González, Sandra (Date of defense: 2012-12-12)

    PURPOSE: To determine the role of MRI and MR spectroscopy (MRSI) in the diagnosis of infertility. To stablish normal values of the metabolites involved in the spermatogenesis (choline, creatine, and lipids) and to quantify ...

    Utilització de suports polimèrics en processos de separació de metalls valuosos. Aplicacions hidrometal.lúrgiques i analítiques 

    Iglesias Juncà, Mònica (Date of defense: 2000-03-03)

    The present study focuses on the characterization of solid-liquid extraction techniques for the separation and preconcentration of rare-earth elements and precious metals. We developed an impregnated resin with di ...

    UV index measurement and model agreement: uncertainties and limitations 

    Badosa i Franch, Jordi (Date of defense: 2005-09-27)

    En les últimes dècades, l'increment dels nivells de radiació solar ultraviolada (UVR) que arriba a la Terra (principalment degut a la disminució d'ozó estratosfèric) juntament amb l'augment detectat en malalties relacionades ...

    Validació d’un model predictiu per a la identificació de lesions intracranials en els pacients amb traumatisme cranial lleu assistits en el medi extrahospitalari 

    Portabella Serra, Anna (Date of defense: 2022-06-01)

    The severity of traumatic brain injury (TBI) depends on the primary injury and subsequent complications. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is used to assess its initial severity. We talk about mild TBI when the GCS score ranges ...

    Validation of availability and policy based management for programmable networks 

    Maldonado López, Ferney A. (Date of defense: 2017-09-12)

    SDN is a network technology that separates control functions and the data plane. This separation allows flexibility in the management and use of network resources because the software is specialized in controlling the ...