Now showing items 1546-1565 of 1761

    Signatures bacterianes com a eines de diagnòstic diferencial i monitoratge de les malalties inflamatòries intestinals 

    Amoedo Cibeira, Joan (Date of defense: 2020-12-15)

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a group of immune-based pathologies that affect the digestive tract, causing chronic inflammatory diseases processes. In recent years, the microbial communities that inhabit the human ...

    Siloxane removal in the energy recovery of biogas: sequential adsorption/oxidation processes 

    Cabrera-Codony, Alba (Date of defense: 2016-07-27)

    The thesis deals with removal of organosilicon compounds in the energy recovery of biogas. Alternative adsorbents for the siloxane removal were studied, and the physical and chemical mechanisms involved in the siloxane ...

    Simplification, approximation and deformation of large models 

    Paradinas Salsón, Teresa (Date of defense: 2011-10-13)

    The high level of realism and interaction in many computer graphic applications requires techniques for processing complex geometric models. First, we present a method that provides an accurate low-resolution approximation ...

    Simulation of delamination in composites under quasi-static and fatigue loading using cohesive zone models 

    Turon Travesa, Albert (Date of defense: 2006-12-18)

    Es desenvolupa una eina de disseny per l'anàlisi de la tolerància al dany en composites. L'eina pot predir el inici i la propagació de fisures interlaminars. També pot ser utilitzada per avaluar i planificar la necessitat ...

    Simulation of interlaminar and intralaminar damage in polymer-based composites for aeronautical applications under impact loading 

    González Juan, Emilio Vicente (Date of defense: 2011-03-08)

    La aplicación de materiales compuestos de matriz polimérica reforzados mediante fibras largas (FRP, Fiber Reinforced Plastic), está en gradual crecimiento debido a las buenas propiedades específicas y a la flexibilidad en ...

    Simultaneous detection and segmentation for generic objects 

    Torrent Palomeras, Albert (Date of defense: 2013-07-08)

    This thesis deals with the simultaneous detection and segmentation for generic objects in images. The proposed approach is based on building a dictionary of patches, which defines the object and allows the extraction of ...

    Simultaneous localization and mapping using single cluster probability hypothesis density filters 

    Lee, Chee Sing (Date of defense: 2015-09-01)

    The majority of research in feature-based SLAM builds on the legacy of foundational work using the EKF, a single-object estimation technique. Because feature-based SLAM is an inherently multi-object problem, this has led ...

    Single and multiple addition to C60. A computational chemistry study 

    Cases Amat, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2003-09-30)

    Des del seu descobriment, a la molècula C60 se li coneixen una varietat de derivats segons el tipus de funcionalització amb propietats fisicoquímiques específiques de gran interès científic. Una sel·lecció de derivats ...

    Sintaxis neuronal y sintaxis lingüística. Implementación cerebral de las estructuras sintácticas 

    Ramírez Fernández, Javier (Date of defense: 2019-02-20)

    We discover properties of language in the light of independent knowledge of the brain and the mind. We will review brain structures and connections on a large scale; the activity, in the form of brain oscillations, that ...

    Sistema d'ajut a la decisió per la selecció de sistemes de sanejament 

    Castillo Llorens, Alba (Date of defense: 2017-03-17)

    The selection of the most appropriate wastewater treatment involves a complex decision making process. For that reason, some tools have been developed in recent years in order to deal with this complexity, as Novedar_EDSS ...

    Sistema immunitari i marcadors de risc cardiometabòlic en l'edat pediàtrica 

    Gispert-Saüch Puigdevall, Montse (Date of defense: 2018-03-02)

    We studied the relationship between the circulating levels of the innate immune system molecules (α-defensins and BPI) and the acquired immune system (IgG, IgA and IgM) with obesity and cardiometabolic risk factors in ...

    Sistema radicular de Quercus suber: estructura i desenvolupament 

    Verdaguer Murlà, Dolors (Date of defense: 1995-01-12)

    This thesis is a study of the structure and development of the young radicular system of Quercus suber. The work is focused on the sprouting capacity of the radicular system of the seedling, the development and organization ...

    Sistemàtica per a l'anàlisi de resultats d'activitats educatives a les institucions museístiques 

    Bosch Bonacasa, Josep (Date of defense: 2022-10-14)

    Museum education has aspects in common with formal education. The objective of this thesis is to define a system for the design and evaluation of educational activities that allows designers and evaluators to improve the ...

    Síndrome de l’espai gluti profund (deep gluteal syndrome). Bases anatòmiques de la seva fisiopatologia i indicacions quirúrgiques 

    Servitja Tormo, Ramon (Date of defense: 2024-03-15)

    Pain in the buttock region without lumbar pathology will lead us to focus the study on the region of the subgluteal space. This is defined as the deep gluteal syndrome. The deep gluteal syndrome is a condition with a very ...

    Síntesi de 1-oxaspiro [4.4]nonans polifuncionalitzats i (+-)-andirolactona 

    Planas i Grabuleda, Marta (Date of defense: 1996-03-15)

    Spiro-γ-lactones are widely distributed among natural products, several of them being well known by their interesting biological activities. We describe herein the synthesis of 1-oxaspiro[4.4]nonan derivatives and ...

    Síntesi de base sòlida de pèptids biarílics contenint 5-arilhistidines 

    Cerezo Frias, Vanessa (Date of defense: 2009-05-28)

    Els aminoàcids biarílics es troben en una àmplia varietat de pèptids naturals amb important activitat biològica. Concretament, les arilhistidines formen part de les aciculitines, pèptids amb activitat citotòxica i antifúngica, ...

    Síntesi de lipopèptids i de pèptids conjugats derivats de BP100. Caracterització estructural de lipopèptids lineals i cíclics 

    Oliveras Rovira, Àngel (Date of defense: 2020-10-27)

    Nowadays, around a third of the agricultural production is lost due to the damage caused by pests, resulting in a significant economic impact. It is estimated that about a third of these losses are provoked by phytopathogens. ...

    Síntesi de nous complexos de Coure i Ruteni amb lligands de tipus tri-N-dentats: estudi de les seves propietats magnètiques i/o electroquímiques 

    Rodríguez Pizarro, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2000-06-20)

    This doctoral dissertation is divided in two different parts. The first one deals with copper complexes and their magnetic properties. The second one describes the synthesis and characterization of a new family of ruthenium ...

    Síntesi de nous macrocicles nitrogenats poliinsaturats. Estudis de coordinació i reactivitat 

    Torrent i Palomeras, Anna (Date of defense: 2007-04-27)

    La síntesi i caracterització estructural d'un nou tipus de macrocicles nitrogenats de 15, 20 i 25 membres, els quals contenen triples i dobles enllaços i diferents unitats aríliques a la seva estructura, ha estat estudiada. ...

    Síntesi de nucleopèptids en fase sòlida, i de derivats de Pantocina B 

    Mejias Ruiz, Francesc Xavier (Date of defense: 2010-06-04)

    La tesis doctoral está dividida en 3 partes:<br/>La primera presenta la aplicación del grupo TCP a la síntesis de PNAs en fase sólida. La segunda está dedicada a la síntesis de un nuevo tipo de nucleoaminácido para la ...