Ara mostrant els elements 116-126 de 126

    Siloxane removal in the energy recovery of biogas: sequential adsorption/oxidation processes 

    Cabrera-Codony, Alba (Data de defensa: 2016-07-27)

    The thesis deals with removal of organosilicon compounds in the energy recovery of biogas. Alternative adsorbents for the siloxane removal were studied, and the physical and chemical mechanisms involved in the siloxane ...

    Sistema d'ajut a la decisió per la selecció de sistemes de sanejament 

    Castillo Llorens, Alba (Data de defensa: 2017-03-17)

    The selection of the most appropriate wastewater treatment involves a complex decision making process. For that reason, some tools have been developed in recent years in order to deal with this complexity, as Novedar_EDSS ...

    Supervisory systems in waste water treatment plants: sistematise their implementation 

    Cortés de la Fuente, Christian (Data de defensa: 2002-12-17)

    La implantació de Sistemes de Suport a la presa de Decisions (SSD) en Estacions Depuradores d'Aigües Residuals Urbanes (EDAR) facilita l'aplicació de tècniques més eficients basades en el coneixement per a la gestió del ...

    Synthetic antifungal peptides for controlling brown spot of pear caused by Stemphylium vesicarium. Activity, mode of action and field evaluation 

    Puig Garcia, Mireia (Data de defensa: 2015-12-15)

    Brown spot of pear is a fungal disease caused by Stemphylium vesicarium. Currently, the disease control efficacy is limited, due to the characteristics of disease and the reduction of the allowed fungicides. Therefore, ...

    Taking advantage of autotrophic nitrogen removal: potassium and phosphorus recovery from municipal wastewater 

    Johansson, Sara (Data de defensa: 2019-04-29)

    Increasing awareness on the limited nature of the raw materials for the production of inorganic fertilizer is pushing for a shift from removal to recovery of nutrients from waste streams. In municipal wastewater treatment ...

    Technologies to determine quality parameters and the effect of high pressure processing on dry-cured ham 

    Rubio Celorio, Marc (Data de defensa: 2015-07-09)

    The research for new technologies able to determine quality parameters as well as study the effect of High Pressure Processing (HPP) on dry-cured ham is of scientific interest because the information obtained is useful for ...

    The socio-cognitive dimension of water: the case of politicisation of water in Barcelona 

    Popartan, Lucia Alexandra (Data de defensa: 2020-10-08)

    The thesis studies the discursive construction of cognitive frames in the water sector in order to understand the dynamics of politicisation and depoliticisation in the water conflict in Barcelona between 2011 and ...

    Treatment of mature urban landfill leachates by anammox process 

    Ruscalleda Beylier, Maël (Data de defensa: 2012-02-17)

    This thesis results from the collaborative projects between the LEQUIA-UdG group and Cespa (a company in charge of several landfill sites in Spain). The aim of the work was the development of a suitable alternative treatment ...

    Underdrain design and operational conditions in sand media filters using reclaimed effluents in drip irrigation systems 

    Solé Torres, Carles (Data de defensa: 2020-05-29)

    At present, agriculture is the human activity which requires more volume of water. Given the importance and scarcity of this resource, the efficient use of water has become a priority. On one hand, if possible, it is ...

    Valoración de materiales compuestos de HDPE reforzados con fibras de Agave sisalana. Aproximación a un paradigma de geometría fractal para las fibras 

    Bayer Resplandis, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2013-10-18)

    Natural fibers have been used recently as reinforcement of polymer-matrix based composites. The present thesis examines the mechanical properties of high density polyethylene (HDPE) composite reinforced with sisal fiber, ...

    Valorisation of industrial wastes for the removal of metals and arsenic from aqueous effluents 

    Escudero Oñate, Carlos (Data de defensa: 2009-03-27)

    En la presente tesis se han realizado estudios de eliminación de metales pesados y arsénico de aguas contaminadas mediante procesos de adsorción sobre materiales de bajo coste. Dichos materiales son, en todos los casos, ...