Now showing items 280-282 of 282

    What drives consumers to patronise a hedonic social network? an empirical test of consumers' experiences, and their impact on continuance intention 

    Doral, Fernando (Date of defense: 2017-11-09)

    My doctoral research focuses on the analysis of the various factors that potentially contribute to loyalty towards hedonic social networks. Among all the social networks, our study focuses on Facebook. After reviewing the ...

    Work related well-being. The case of knowledge workers in Poland 

    Wilczynska, Aleksandra (Date of defense: 2020-07-28)

    This thesis tackles the subject of well-being at work, investigating the relationship between employment flexibility, job insecurity, organizational justice and their association with job satisfaction and work-family ...

    Work, knowledge and subjective wellbeing 

    Viñas Bardolet, Clara (Date of defense: 2021-01-14)

    Aquesta tesi examina com les característiques de la feina afecten la satisfacció dels individus. Més concretament, intenta donar resposta a la pregunta: Com afecta la feina i les característiques actuals de la feina ...