Now showing items 31-50 of 116

    Detección y caracterización de virus emergentes en su ciclo ambiental 

    Blanco Ortiz, Albert (Date of defense: 2021-09-07)

    Besides classic enteric viruses such hepatitis A virus and norovirus, there are other viruses that can reach water sources without being part of their transmission route. Some of these pathogens are enveloped viruses, which ...

    Determinación de la contaminación microbiológica del agua de riego aplicando nuevas estrategias de análisis 

    Cárdenas Youngs, Yexenia I. (Date of defense: 2018-06-20)

    Esta tesis doctoral tuvo como objetivo principal identificar y cuantificar la presencia de bacterias patógenas, mediante el uso de indicadores de contaminación fecal y Legionella en aguas de riego aplicando métodos ...

    Determining the Three-dimensional Structure of Genomes and Genomic Domains Integrating Chromosome Conformation Capture Data and Microscopy Images 

    Castillo Andreo, David (Date of defense: 2023-03-01)

    [eng] Microscopy and Chromosome Conformation Capture (3C) are the two main techniques for studying the three-dimensional (3D) organization of the genome. Microscopy, allowing the visualization of genomic loci in individual ...

    Development and regeneration of Drosophila wing imaginal discs: the role of IncRNAs and the stress sensor D-GADD45 

    Camilleri Robles, Carlos (Date of defense: 2022-07-22)

    Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are defined as transcripts longer than 200 nucleotides that lack protein-coding potential. Although multiple examples of functional lncRNAs have been described, particularly regulating gene ...

    Development and validation of a sequencing panel for translocations, copy number alterations and mutations with clinical relevance in mature B-cell neoplasms 

    Gómez Llonin, Andrea (Date of defense: 2021-04-30)

    The application of NGS techniques to the study of mature B-cell neoplasms at the research level is providing a large amount of new information, in certain cases with clinical implications, which includes the identification ...

    Dimensionality reduction in multigroup data: applications in integrative omics 

    Millapán Toledo, Carolina Andrea (Date of defense: 2023-12-18)

    [eng] The idea of this research is to propose dimensionality reduction methods considering multi- groups in a dataset. In multivariate analysis, there are many multigroup methods, but they have different objectives than ...

    Dissercting the activities of Capicua, Dorsal and Groucho in Drosophila dorsoventral patterning 

    Papagianni, Aikaterini (Date of defense: 2017-09-14)

    During early development of bilaterian animals, specific body structures are formed and body axes are established. The establishment of body axes requires the precise and coordinated function of signalling pathways and ...

    Diversitat bacteriana a les etapes de potabilització de les aigües de consum 

    Pinar Méndez, Anna (Date of defense: 2022-09-30)

    En els darrers anys l’augment poblacional així com els efectes d’un escalfament global estan minvant la capacitat i la qualitat dels recursos hídrics naturals disponibles. Els reptes als que ens enfrontem donen pas al ...

    Diversitat de comunitats heteròtrofes associades a les aigües de consum 

    Sala Comorera, Laura (Date of defense: 2016-12-14)

    Els indicadors microbians de la contaminació fecal han estat útils al llarg dels anys pel control sanitari de la qualitat de l’aigua de consum. Tot i així, l’aigua mineral embotellada i l’aigua de la xarxa de distribució ...

    Drosophila CIC-a: A chloride channel required in the glial niche for neural development 

    Plazaola Sasieta, Haritz (Date of defense: 2018-11-29)

    The chloride channel ClCN2 is expressed in glia in the mature nervous system of vertebrates and some physiological functions have been proposed. In addition, human patients with mutations in the gene or dysfunction of the ...

    Duplicaciones génicas y virulencia en Escherichia coli 

    Bernabeu Lorenzo, Manuel (Date of defense: 2021-06-08)

    The pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli can be divided into two large groups: those that cause intestinal infections and those that cause extra- intestinal infections. The strains that belong to the first group are ...

    Epidemiologia molecular dels brots de gastroenteritis per norovirus i d'hepatitits A: de la seqüència consens a la quasiespècie 

    Sabrià Sunyé, Aurora (Date of defense: 2018-10-18)

    Dos dels virus entèrics humans més rellevants en l’àmbit de la salut pública i la seguretat alimentària són els HuNoV, causants de gastroenteritis aguda (GEA) esporàdica i epidèmica, i l’HAV, la principal causa d’hepatitis ...

    Epidemiological study of aromatase inhibitors in women diagnosed with breast cancer: evaluation and management of secondary effects 

    Pineda Moncusí, Marta (Date of defense: 2020-12-16)

    Aromatase inhibitors (AI) are one of the main therapies to treat estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer. AI use is associated with several side effects that affects patient’s quality of life and reduces treatment adherence. ...

    Estudi comparatiu d’una col·lecció diversa de soques de Campylobacter jejuni 

    Guirado Frías, Pedro León (Date of defense: 2020-03-12)

    En aquest treball s’ha caracteritzat una col·lecció de 150 soques de C. jejuni de diferents orígens: 50 aïllaments provinents d’humans, 50 aïllaments provinents de pollastres d’engreix i 50 aïllaments provinents de diferents ...

    Estudi de l’efecte dels canvis socials sobre la conducta de tres grups familiars de goril·les de plana occidental (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) captius. A la recerca d’indicadors conductuals de benestar 

    Martínez Gutiérrez, Raquel (Date of defense: 2024-01-24)

    [cat] Un dels pilars bàsics que componen la raó de ser dels parcs zoològics actuals és la conservació ex situ d’espècies amenaçades. Aquesta comesa, comporta el compliment d’una sèrie de requisits, entre ells, el de ...

    Estudio de la especialidad sináptica en el sistema visual de Drosophila melanogaster 

    Fernández Pineda, Alejandra (Date of defense: 2017-12-12)

    El establecimiento de conexiones sinápticas específicas entre neuronas es esencial para la formación de los circuitos neuronales. En muchos sistemas esto requiere de una extensión hacia una capa sináptica concreta y la ...

    Evolución molecular de los genes del grupo Polycomb en el género Drosophila 

    Calvo Martín, Juan Manuel (Date of defense: 2017-07-21)

    Las proteínas codificadas por los genes del grupo Polycomb (PcG) constituyen un sistema clave de silenciamiento epigenético. Actúan en forma de complejos multiproteicos y modulan el estado de la cromatina mediante ...

    Evolutionary Genomics of Panarthropoda: Study of the chemosensory gene families across phyla and the radiation of the spider genus Dysdera (Araneae, Dysderidae) in the Canary Islands 

    Escuer Pifarré, Paula (Date of defense: 2022-12-21)

    [eng] During the last decade, advances in high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies have increased exponentially the generation of genomic data, especially of non-model species. In this thesis, we generated and used ...

    The evolutionary history of shearwaters: genomic analyses to resolve a radiation of pelagic seabrids 

    Ferrer Obiol, Joan (Date of defense: 2021-03-19)

    How populations differentiate and become new species is a foundational question to the field of evolutionary biology and has important implications for the generation of both local and global patterns of species-level ...

    Evolutionary recruitment and assembly of embryonic alternative splicing programs: insights form the Deuterostomia lineage 

    Burguera Hernández, Demian (Date of defense: 2017-09-22)

    In the present work, we studied the evolution of alternative splicing (AS) from different perspectives. First, we performed a preliminary analysis where we identified alternative exons with tissue-specific regulation in ...