Now showing items 24-43 of 80

    Estructura y composición de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en ríos altoandinos del Ecuador y Perú. Diseño de un sistema de medida de la calidad del agua con índices multimétricos 

    Villamarín Flores, Christian Patricio (Date of defense: 2012-07-09)

    En la presente tesis se muestrearon ríos sobre los 2000 msnm (ríos altoandinos tropicales) que se distribuyen en la amplia región de los Andes del Norte (Ecuador) y los Andes Centrales (Perú) en Sudamérica. El muestreo de ...

    Estructura y distribución de la comunidad íctica acompañante en la pesca del camarón (Golfo de Tehuantepec. Pacífico Oriental, México) 

    Martínez-Muñoz, Marco A. (Date of defense: 2012-06-06)

    En la presente investigación, se estudió la estructura espacial de las asociaciones de peces demersales que forman parte de la captura incidental de la pesca de camarón, en el ecosistema costero del Golfo de Tehuantepec, ...

    Estudi de les poblacions d'algues del riu Ter 

    Sabater, Sergi (Date of defense: 1987-11-20)

    La tesi que es presenta té un doble objectiu: descriure la composició i la dinàmica pigmentària de les poblacions bentòniques, i així mateix descriure les poblacions d'algues que es troben en el riu, analitzant la seva ...

    Estudio del comportamiento fagotrófico del fitoplancton mediante técnicas de análisis celular / Study of the feeding behaviour of mixotrophic phytoplankton using single cell analysis 

    Ballen Segura, Miguel Angel (Date of defense: 2012-09-14)

    El comportamiento fagotrófico en especies fitoplanctónicas fue evaluado por medio de técnicas de análisis celular que permiten establecer patrones individuales de cada una de ellas. Primeramente, se calibró el contenido ...

    Estudio taxonómico biogeográfico y ecológico de los crustáceos epigeos e hipogeos de las Baleares (Branchiopoda, Copepoda, Mystacocarida y Malacostraca) 

    Pretus Real, Joan Lluís (Date of defense: 1991-04-12)

    Se ofrece una síntesis actualizada sobre la corología y ecología de los crustáceos epicontinentales (excepto ostrácodos) de las Baleares, y se revisan cuestiones de Biogeografía Ecológica e Histórica.<br/><br/>El tratamiento ...

    Eutrofización y calidad del agua de una zona costera tropical 

    Aranda Cirerol, Nancy (Date of defense: 2004-06-29)

    La calidad del agua costera está siendo alterada por el incremento de los desechos propios de las actividades humanas; los nutrientes nitrógeno y fósforo generados por estas fuentes pueden acrecentar el desarrollo del ...

    Evolución actual del litoral de Natal-RN (Brasil) y sus aplicaciones a la gestión integrada / Evolução atual do litoral de Natal-RN (Brasil) e suas aplicações a gestão integrada 

    Soares Cunha, Eugenio Marco (Date of defense: 2005-03-11)

    O<br/><br/>A análise da evolução costeira recente da região de Natal (Estado do Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil) é delineada nesta tese de doutorado que tem como objetivo primeiro fornecer subsídios à gestão ambiental desta ...

    Fire legacies in Mediterranean streams: the key roles of the riparian canopy and the top predator on food webs 

    Rodríguez Lozano, Pablo (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    Wildfires are expected to increase in frequency and intensity because of climate change and changes in land use and management. In last decades, the research on fire effects on aquatic systems has grown, but it has been ...

    Fish as local stressors of Pyrenean high mountain lakes: Arrival process and impact on amphibians and other organisms 

    Miró Pastó, Alexandre (Date of defense: 2016-01-08)

    Pyrenean high mountain lakes are naturally fishless due to natural barriers that have prevented the natural colonisation of fish species from lower streams. However, there have been numerous trout introductions to such ...

    Flora and vegetation of the Guayana highlands : past dynamics, global warming and conservation guidelines = Flora i vegetació de les Terres de Guayana : dinàmica del passat, escalfament global i directrius de conservació 

    Safont Crespo, Elisabet (Date of defense: 2016-02-09)

    This thesis is aimed at the study of the flora and vegetation of the Guayana Highlands (GH), a set of -50 table mountains (called tepuis) located in the Guayana Shield of northern South America. Special emphasis is put on ...

    Freshwater meiofauna in Mediterranean lotic systems: community structure, adaptations and contribution to functional processes / Meiofauna d’aigua dolça en sistemes lòtics mediterranis:estructura de les seves comunitats, adaptacions i contribució en els processos funcionals 

    Gaudes Saez, Ainhoa (Date of defense: 2011-07-07)

    This thesis focuses on the study of the meiofaunal community in streams and rivers of the Mediterranean region. It approaches to a community level from a functional point of view, studying their response as a whole to ...

    From flood to drought: Transport and reactivity of dissolved organic matter along a Mediterranean river 

    Ejarque Gonzalez, Elisabet (Date of defense: 2014-11-17)

    Rivers play a key role in the global biogeochemical functioning, as they link the biogeochemical cycles of the terrestrial and oceanic systems. In the framework of the carbon cycle, streams and rivers receive dissolved ...

    The functional role of emergent macrophytes in nature-based solutions (NBS) aiming to mitigate nutrient loading in freshwater ecosystems 

    Nikolakopoulou, Myrto-Georgia (Date of defense: 2021-01-29)

    Freshwater degradation has been largely attributed to excess nutrient concentrations of anthropogenic origin. Freshwater degradation in combination with water scarcity are the reason of severe stress on water resources ...

    Global changes in headwater streams: effects of hydrological and nutrient fluctuations on the quality of basal resources = Canvis globals en rius de capçalera: efectes de les fluctuacions hidrològiques i dels nutrients en la qualitat dels recursos basals 

    Sanpera Calbet, Isis (Date of defense: 2014-04-11)

    Streams are complex and highly diverse ecosystems. Within the stream network, headwater streams (1st to 3rd order) are highly important. Headwaters represent most of the total length, influence the structure and functioning ...

    Heterotrophic and autotrophic metabolism in Mediterranean streams 

    Romaní i Cornet, Anna M. (Date of defense: 1997-10-21)

    Helerotrophic (cetoenzymatic and respiratory activities) and autotrophic (photosynthetic activity) metabolism on epilithic strearn biofilms have been measured, analyzed and studied in this thesis.<br/><br/>The main objective ...

    Impacte de l'accident miner d'Aznalcóllar sobre el riu Guadiamar. Recuperació de la comunitat de macroinvertebrats i bioacumulació de metalls pesants. 

    Solà Ortega, Carolina (Date of defense: 2004-07-21)

    L'abril de 1998, durant l'accident miner d'Aznalcóllar, més de 6 milions de m3 de llots i aigües àcides altament contaminades amb metalls pesants van ser vessats al riu Guadiamar (Sevilla), destruint els ecosistemes fluvials ...

    Influence of hydrology on dissolvedorganic matter quantity and properties in a temporal Mediterranean stream = Influència de la hidrologia sobre la quantitat i disponibilitat de la matèria orgànica dissolta en una riera temporal mediterrània 

    Vázquez Garcia, Eusebi (Date of defense: 2013-10-11)

    The studies presented in this thesis focus on the biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in an intermittent stream in a Mediterranean climate zone, with great emphasis on extreme hydrologic events: floods and ...

    Insights into seascape ecology: landscape patterns as drivers in coastal marine ecosystems = Perspectives en l'ecologia del paisatge marí: els patrons del paisatge com a factors de control en els ecosistemes marins costaners 

    Martínez Ricart, Aurora (Date of defense: 2016-04-08)

    Habitats commonly occur as more or less interconnected patches constituting spatial heterogeneous mosaics. Connectivity and interactions among habitats can determine their functioning. Therefore, ecological patterns and ...

    Invertebrate community responses to pollutants in mediterranean basins : insights from ecotoxicological approaches = Respostes de la comunitat d'invertebrats als contaminants en conques mediterrànies: aproximacions ecotoxicològiques 

    Castro Català, Núria de (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    Aquatic systems are under pressure from multiple stressors that affect the structure, the functioning, and the health of species, communities and ecosystems. One of the main human pressures affecting the Earth’s ecosystems ...

    Irreversibility and Criticality in the Biosphere 

    Pueyo Puntí, Salvador (Date of defense: 2003-03-25)

    This work is the result of a search for general (or nearly general) regularities at ecosystem level, and an exploration of their practical relevance in our relations with the environment.<br/>I began by adding some new ...