Trophic ecology of small pelagic fish in the northwestern Mediterranean / Ecología trófica de peces pelágicos pequeños en el Mediterráneo noroccidental 

    Costalago Meruelo, David (Fecha de defensa: 2012-12-10)

    In the northwestern Mediterranean anchovy and sardine are among the most ecologically and economically important species. Both species are planktivorous during all their life stages, which could alledgedly lead to expect ...

    Wildfire effects on macroinvertebrate communities in Mediterranean streams / Efectes dels incendis forestals sobre las comunitats de macroinvertebrats en rius Mediterranis 

    Verkaik, Iraima (Fecha de defensa: 2010-12-09)

    Wildfire effects on macroinvertebrate communities have not been intensively studied in other areas than the Western US, and the results in fire prone areas like NE Mediterranean and SE Australia are scarce. In this study, ...