Embodied avatar performance, han healing ritual and life-review: Intersections of art, health and virtual reality 

    Ryu, Semi (Date of defense: 2023-05-30)

    This Ph.D. dissertation presents the Embodied Avatar Performance (EAP) projects, which are grounded in transdisciplinary research that explores the potential of performance art, virtual reality (VR), and interactive ...

    La narrativa catalana de postcrisi. Llengua, gènere i país en el tríptic de Marta Rojals 

    Ojeda Caba, Júlia (Date of defense: 2023-12-12)

    La recerca se centra en les representacions literàries de la narrativa catalana post-2008, especialment en Marta Rojals. S'analitza l'etapa postcrisi (2010-2020), marcada per esdeveniments socials i polítics com els moviments ...

    Reformulation of the relationship between Individual freedom and technology theorized through/by the channel of cinematic philosophy 

    Erol, Alkim (Date of defense: 2022-02-22)

    This research seeks to explore whether and in what way cinematic pieces can philosophize and theorize on the restriction of individual freedom through/by technology, and thus contribute in their own right to cinematic ...