Validation of the triarchic model of psychopathy: Physiological indicators for threat sensitivity, affiliative capacity, and inhibitory control


Branchadell, Victoria ORCID


Moltó Brotons, Francisco Javier

Poy Gil, Rosario


Moltó Brotons, Francisco Javier

Date of defense



259 p.


Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat

Doctorate programs

Programa de Doctorat en Psicologia


The triarchic model conceptualizes psychopathy in terms of three trait constructs formulated in biobehavioral terms: boldness (threat sensitivity), meanness (affiliative capacity), and disinhibition (inhibitory control). This research aimed to provide further evidence on the biobehavioral dispositions underlying the triarchic constructs by identifying new, distinct physiological indicators. Boldness was associated with higher vagally-mediated heart rate variability, indicating adequate emotional self-regulation, and with reduced heart rate changes throughout the cardiac defense response, specifically during its second acceleration, reflecting decreased metabolic mobilization for active defense. Meanness was associated with a reduced amplitude of the late positive potential (which reflects sustained attention to relevant stimuli) toward pictures of others in pain, indicating blunted electrocortical processing of others’ distress. Disinhibition was associated with reduced amplitude of error-related ERPs, suggesting impairments in error-monitoring. Globally, these findings contribute to the neurobiological research of psychopathy, aiding in the development of more comprehensive nomological networks for each triarchic disposition.


Triarchic model of psychopathy; Heart rate variability; Cardiac defense response; Event-related potentials; Late positive potential; Error-related negativity


159.9 - Psychology

Knowledge Area

Ciències de la Salut


Compendi d'articles, Doctorat internacional


This document contains embargoed files until 2024-09-18


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