Casualties of turbulent economic transition: premature mortality and foregone fertility in the post-communist countries 

    Billingsley, Sunnee (Date of defense: 2009-09-23)

    In this thesis, I analyze the contribution of the economic context to the fertility and mortality crises that took place across the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe during the transition from communism. ...

    Cautious inference : random life course events of parents and children in context 

    Wagner, Sander (Date of defense: 2014-08-01)

    Esta tesis aborda el tema de los experimentos naturales o políticos que afectan el curso de la vida de padres e hijos y de las limitaciones de inferencia en tales experimentos. El primer trabajo "A non-linear Assessment ...

    Coalition Governance: Causes and consequences 

    Falcó Gimeno, Albert (Date of defense: 2011-07-28)

    Els governs de coalició poden, per una banda, dividir-se les tasques i funcionar de forma compartimentalitzada, on cada soci decideixi sol les polítiques sota les seves jurisdiccions ministerials. Per contra, també poden ...

    Diverging parenting behavior: education, gender, class and institutions 

    Gracia, Pablo (Date of defense: 2012-07-10)

    Esta tesis doctoral investiga cómo el cuidado parental varía por educación, género, clase social y países. Se usan datos de uso del tiempo para Gran Bretaña, Dinamarca, Flandes y España. Éstos son los resultados principales: ...

    Diversity in uniform. An exploration of diversity and a comprehensive analysis of the regional police forces in Catalonia and Utrecht 

    Ewijk, Anne R. van (Date of defense: 2011-07-08)

    This dissertation consists of three papers on diversity and diversity policy within organizations in general and within police forces in Europe in particular. The first paper provides an analytical framework that identifies ...

    El anarquismo en el espejo judío 

    Mellado López, Yago (Date of defense: 2013-12-18)

    En esta investigación abordaremos la confrontación del anarquismo y la politización de la identidad judía. Lo haremos analizando la participación judía en el interior del movimiento y el pensamiento anarquista, los ...

    Essays on residential trajectories and social ties in the stage of early adulthood 

    Vidal Torre, Sergi (Date of defense: 2009-11-13)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral es composa de tres linies de recerca en que s'analitza de forma dinàmica l'associació entre mobilitat residencial / migracions i les relacions social que es troben en el lloc de residència. Les tres ...

    Ethnicity and education in England: ethnic diferentials in academic progress, expectations and choices 

    Fernández Reino, Mariña (Date of defense: 2013-09-20)

    This dissertation focuses on the ethnic inequalities in education in the English context. It is structured in three main thematic sections, each of which aims at answering different though highly connected research questions. ...

    From national catholicism to democratic patriotism?: An empirical analysis of contemporany Spanish national identity 

    Muñoz Mendoza, Jordi (Date of defense: 2009-03-02)

    El nacionalcatolicisme franquista, ha sigut substituït per un patriotisme democràtic espanyol? Aquesta tesi explora, mitjançant l'anàlisi del cas espanyol, com els estats establerts promouen i dónen forma a la identitat ...

    Going beyond individuals : understanding the influence of the political context on informational shorcuts 

    Bermúdez Torres, Sandra (Date of defense: 2012-09-21)

    This thesis addresses the omission in the literature of how political context influences the performance of informational shortcuts. In line with this research gap, the first article suggests that parliamentarian and ...

    Impact of the mode of data collection on the quality of survey questions in social sciences 

    Revilla, Melanie (Date of defense: 2012-09-26)

    This dissertation studies the impact of the mode of data collection on the quality of answers to survey questions, defined as the product of reliability and validity. Using data from the Netherlands about different topics ...

    L'educació en la ciutadania global. Estudi sobre els fonaments ideològics, el desenvolupament històric, la dimensió internacional i els valors i pràctiques de l'escoltisme mundial. 

    Vallory i Subirà, Eduard (Date of defense: 2007-12-21)

    Tradicionalment, s'ha assumit que nacionalisme i cosmopolitisme eren tendències contraposades, i que el reforç de la identitat nacional debilita el sentit de pertinença global, i a la inversa. L'anàlisi del cas de l'escoltisme ...

    Understanding the nationalization of party 

    Simón Cosano, Pablo (Date of defense: 2011-11-03)

    This thesis is focused on the nationalization of party systems in Western Europe and combines four different approaches. Despite the literature claiming that political decentralization reduces party system nationalization, ...