Ara mostrant els elements 62-81 de 114

    MCDM approach for assessing the sustainability of buildings' facades 

    Gilani, Golshid (Data de defensa: 2020-10-09)

    Construction industry is known to cause major social, economic and environmental impacts on the society so that promoting sustainable construction practice affects positively and allows generating a balance among these ...

    Memoria biocultural del conocimiento ancestral del agua para la resiliencia comunitaria : casos de estudio Embera-Katios y Zenúes (Colombia) 

    Moreno Barros, Ángela María (Data de defensa: 2021-07-14)


    Metodologia integral de perfilat ràpid intel·ligent i interpretable pel suport a la presa de decisions complexes (MIPRI2D). Aplicacions a sostenibilitat 

    Angerri Torredeflot, Xavier (Data de defensa: 2023-07-25)

    (English) Living in the era of big data and artificiall intelligence this thesis wants to contribute with a new methodology to support data-driven decisions rapidly after data collection, and a technological infrastructure ...

    Metodología de diseño de máquinas apropiadas para contextos de comunidades en desarrollo 

    Blanco Romero, María Elena (Data de defensa: 2018-07-20)

    The design of industrial equipment or product in a developed country is a process characterized by creativity and, at the same time, conditioned by the fulfillment of requirements imposed by the customer, users, market ...

    Metodología de evaluación de la sostenibilidad de proyectos de electrificación rural 

    López González, Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2018-12-20)

    Currently, around 1.2 billion people remain without access to electricity in rural areas of Africa, Asia and Latin America. To date, rural electrification programs have been carried out mainly using conventional technologies ...

    Microbial fuel cell running on high strength animal wastewater : nitrogen removal strategies and microbial community characterization 

    Sotres Fernández, Ana (Data de defensa: 2015-07-24)

    A microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a bioelectrochemical system (BES) capable of converting the chemical energy contained in the chemical bonds of a substrate into electrical energy by means of electrochemical reactions catalyzed ...

    Model de simulació per l'optimització en l'edificació atenent la normativa de sostenibilitat (impactes ambientals, econòmics i socials) 

    Fonseca i Casas, Antoni (Data de defensa: 2017-02-27)

    In the last years, international and national policies have been developed in order to encourage the improvement of energy efficiency. They have also been developed in order to reduce the environmental, economic and social ...

    Modeling strategies for volcanic ash dispersal and management of impacts on civil aviation 

    Scaini, Chiara (Data de defensa: 2015-03-18)

    During April-May 2010, the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland caused the larger breakdown of civil aviation after World War II. Although the eruption was weak in intensity, the dispersal of volcanic ash clouds ...

    Modelització energètica d’edificis a escala urbana a Andorra. Reducció dels desajustos dels models mitjançant dades de consum d'energia desagregades 

    Borges Martins, Patricia Alexandra (Data de defensa: 2023-06-16)

    (English) The building sector has nowadays become a key point for policies and strategies to reduce energy and greenhouse gas emissions. The significant and unprecedented urban expansion that occurred in recent years and ...

    Modelització matemàtica de la transferència de massa i energia en el procés de compostatge 

    Illa Alibés, Josep (Data de defensa: 2012-11-23)

    El procés de compostatge és complex degut a que hi intervenen simultàniamentfenòmens de naturalesa molt diversa que interactuen entre ells. La modelitzaciómatemàtica és una eina que facilita l’anàlisi d’aquests sistemes ...

    Modelización 3D de la dispersión de residuos generados en piscifactorías marinas 

    Chaperón Cordero, Wilson (Data de defensa: 2015-06-17)

    Intensive fish culture in floating cages is one of aquaculture activities that has grown fastest in recent years. However, this activity produces impacts ranging from alterations in the natural environment to social and ...

    Modelización de problemas ambientales en entornos urbanos : deslizamientos de tierra en ciudades andinas 

    Londoño-Linares, Juan Pablo (Data de defensa: 2016-02-03)

    The available literature on Landslide Risk Assessment is less than the available on Hazard zonation topics. A reason is the inherent difficult to develop quantitative landslide risk assessment; this type of analysis requires ...

    Modelo de sostenibilidad regional: dinámica de sistemas para enfrentar la pobreza en Suramérica. 

    Gallón Londoño, Luciano (Data de defensa: 2012-02-07)

    En 1950 vivían en Suramérica unos 113 millones de personas; en 2010, 393 millones, tres veces y media más. La mitad de ellos vive en la pobreza. En 2050, alrededor de 485 millones vivirán allí. Las figuras contemporáneas ...

    Multi-criteria and participatory approach to socio-economic, environmental and institutional indicators for sustainable water use and management at river basin level 

    Pires Carneiro, Alex (Data de defensa: 2015-07-21)

    Water is a limited resource essential for life. Human activities have been exercising considerable pressures on it. The unsustainable use and the need to improve the management of water are among the largest global concerns ...

    Nature-based solutions for waterfronts reconfigurations: Litoral Besòs, analysis of an urban sustainability transition in the Barcelona metropolitan area 

    Ramírez Agudelo, Nancy Andrea (Data de defensa: 2022-07-01)

    (English) Cities need to respond urgently to societal challenges, such as urbanization, changes in climate, and risk management. These challenges require innovative solutions in urban systems developed with citizens to ...

    Numerical modelling of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment 

    Samsó Campà, Roger (Data de defensa: 2014-03-28)

    Constructed Wetlands (CWs) are a wastewater treatment technology that inherits the purification potential of natural wetlands and optimizes it to comply with regulations for treated discharges. CWs have become an equally ...

    Numerical modelling of microalgae systems for wastewater treatment 

    Solimeno, Alessandro (Data de defensa: 2017-05-04)

    Reactions and processes that occur in microalgae and bacteria systems are difficult to understand because most of them take place simultaneously and depend on many parameters such as temperature, solar radiation, nutrients ...

    Planes de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial e Índice de Desarrollo Humano Sostenible : análisis de correlación : caso de los municipios de la Provincia del Guayas, Ecuador (2001-2016) 

    Franco Arias, Omar Orlando (Data de defensa: 2019-02-22)

    This thesis aims to identify other alternatives to evaluate the Development Plans and Territorial Planning (PDOT), since traditionally the system of evaluation of the municipalities is only to measure if the objectives, ...

    Portraying urban diversity patterns through exploratory data analysis 

    Salazar Llano, Lorena (Data de defensa: 2019-12-09)

    This thesis analyzes the complexity of the urban system, being described with multiple variables that represent the environmental, economic, and social characters of the city. The portrayal of the urban diversity and its ...

    Preferencias de los consumidores hacia el Omega 3 como reclamo de salud en los productos alimentarios 

    Baba El Mokhtari, Yasmina (Data de defensa: 2017-07-12)

    In this thesis we analyzed the preferences of consumers towards foods enriched with healthy components, in particular omega-3 (n-3). Beef and egg have been chosen as case studies. In the first case study, the preferences ...