Now showing items 33-52 of 114

    Detailed energy and comfort simulation of integral refurbishment of existing buildings in Catalonia 

    Ortiz Ferrà, Joana Aina (Date of defense: 2016-11-11)

    The energy renovation of buildings is an essential action to achieve the European target of 20/20/20. However, the dynamics of the energy renovation are very slow and the development of urgent policy actions beyond the ...

    Developing tools to evaluate the environmental status of Andean basins with mining activities 

    Yacoub López, Cristina (Date of defense: 2013-05-13)

    The water quality status of an Andean river basin was characterised and the pressures from anthropogenic activities were evaluated to enhance the available knowledge of the environment within an ecosystem in Peru. This ...

    Development of a standardized tool to calculate carbon footprint in ports 

    Azarkamand, Sahar (Date of defense: 2021-11-04)

    An important goal to tackle environmental problems and foster sustainable development in the near future is to reduce the generation of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from different industrial sectors including ports. ...

    Diseño de un modelo de análisis de sostenibilidad de políticas públicas en salud 

    Salas Zapata, Walter Alfredo (Date of defense: 2012-07-17)

    Public health policies are often influenced by social-ecological interactions that affect the achievement of policy goals and may produce early interruptions of actions. Paradigms, frameworks and models most commonly used ...

    Effect of design and operational factors on the removal of emerging organic contaminants in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment 

    Ávila Martín, Cristina (Date of defense: 2013-12-09)

    Water of quality constitutes a scarce and essential resource for life and public health, and its sustainable management is of crucial importance. Thus, wastewater treatment, reuse and reclamation represent a key practice ...

    Eficiència energètica en edificis d'ús docent en la ciutat mediterrània. Cas a estudi, ciutat de Barcelona 

    Bosch González, Montse (Date of defense: 2015-07-16)

    Based on the experience gained during more than 10 years working on energy efficiency in public buildings of various uses, this thesis develops a methodology for intervention in school buildings. The aims were to define ...

    Estudio de la mejora de la eficiencia energética de la ventilación en sistemas de climatización con el uso de recuperadores de calor 

    Ribé, Óscar (Date of defense: 2018-11-09)

    Energy recovery elements play a major role in the efficiency and sustainability of building ventilation systems. The use of a sensible or total energy recovery ventilator is a key decision for ventilation systems designers. ...

    Evaluación de planes de electrificación rural y propuesta de planificación con criterios técnicos y sociales 

    Gómez Hernández, Dorian Francisco (Date of defense: 2021-11-18)

    Energy access allows to improve population life quality, specifically in terms of food, education and health. Currently, 10% of the world population does not have electricity. 85% of this population is mainly concentrated ...

    Extensió dels Learning Management Systems cap al m-learning des d'una perspectiva sostenible 

    Casañ Guerrero, Maria José (Date of defense: 2013-03-14)

    L’educació va ser marcada a l’any 2000 per les Nacions Unides com un dels Objectius del Mil·lenni pel desenvolupament. Amb aquest objectiu, també conegut com “educació per a tothom”, es pretén que per l’any 2015, tots els ...

    Factors affecting the engagement of academics of engineering studies towards sustainable development 

    Lazzarini, Boris (Date of defense: 2019-01-14)

    Higher education institutions (HEIs) play a critical role in societies’ transition towards sustainable development (SD), as they educate future professionals and decision makers. Engineering is widely recognised as a ...

    Farmers' preferences and the factors affecting their decision to improve maize crops in Mexico 

    Sánchez Toledano, Blanca Isabel (Date of defense: 2017-06-08)

    Mexico is one of the countries with the highest corn production in the world (24.6 million tons) (FAOSTAT, 2016). However, in some regions, the yields are very low (2.0 Tn.ha-1) compared to the national average (9.39 ...

    From low carbon buildings to sustainable cities : sustainability transitions in the built environment towards the UN Agenda 

    Penagos, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2021-07-06)

    This thesis addresses sustainability transitions in the built environment, from buildings to the metropolitan scale, while ranging from low carbon development to the multidimensional challenges currently faced by cities. ...

    Impacte ambiental de la valorització d’un residu industrial aviari per a l’obtenció de materials compòsits 

    Molins Duran, Gemma (Date of defense: 2023-12-18)

    (English) Chicken meat production has increased in recent years and is expected to continue growing, which also increases the generation of waste from the poultry industry. Chicken feathers (PlP) are one of these wastes ...

    Incidencias de las pymes industriales en la conservación del medio ambiente en territorios en vías de desarrollo : caso de la provincia del Guayas-Ecuador 

    Yance Carvajal, Carlos (Date of defense: 2020-12-31)

    Small and medium-sized companies have an impact on the environment where they operate, in some cases the effects on the environment can be very important within local communities, causing a series of negative processes ...

    Incorporación de la valoración de los servicios ecosistémicos en las políticas de sostenibilidad de entornos urbano-regionales: Medellín, Valle de Aburrá y la región central de Antioquia 

    González Valencia, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2024-01-24)

    (English) This paper explores the interdependent relationship of cities, as an expression of the process of urbanization and human agglomeration, as well as of all their spatial, political, social, economic and environmental ...

    Innovation of the process-equipment system in a context of sustainability 

    Ridaura Aldana, Gregorio (Date of defense: 2020-02-18)

    In search to contribute to the current fight against climate change, the industrial sector is immersed in a transition to the Circular Economy (CE) to achieve resource efficiency through the redesign of products and ...

    Instrumentos de gestión integral de la red viaria y el patrimonio territorial desde la accesibilidad para un desarrollo local y turístico 

    Clavera Ibáñez, Glòria (Date of defense: 2017-07-18)

    The road network service for mobility should respond to the challenges of sustainability and the new way of understanding the territory from a systemic, historical and topological perspective. In order to accomplish this ...

    Integració d'eines i mètodes de la mesura de la sostenibilitat d'un territori en un sistema d'informació 

    Bofill Abelló, Jordi (Date of defense: 2012-06-05)

    Es realitza una recerca aplicada en els camps de la mesura de la sostenibilitat d’un territori, i dels sistemes d’informació, estudiats com un sistema complex. D’una banda, s’analitzen les eines i els mètodes aplicats en ...

    Integrated assessment and sustainability frameworks : diagnosis, design and application of an adaptive tool 

    Calleros Islas, Alejandra (Date of defense: 2018-02-23)

    The present Ph.D. thesis aims to close a gap found in literature regarding the availability of a sustainability integrated assessment method to be carried at local level where generally, data and resources are restricted ...

    Integration of advanced off-line and on-line systems for the monitoring of surface and drinking water quality 

    López Roldán, Ramón (Date of defense: 2015-07-10)

    An optimal strategy for monitoring water quality should be based on a combination of different technologies depending on the particularities of the system being observed. The final solution will be a combination of laboratory ...