Mostrando ítems 18063-18082 de 41887

    Exploring approaches and biotechnological tools to better characterize sweet potato viruses 

    Chase, Ornela (Fecha de defensa: 2022-09-05)

    Les malalties virals plantegen un gran repte per a una producció agrícola sostenible. El moniato (Ipomoea batatas) és un dels cultius més importants a nivell mundial i la seva producció està amenaçada per molts virus que ...

    Exploring Arterial Dynamics and Structures in IntraVascular UltraSound Sequences 

    Hernàndez i Sabaté, Aura (Fecha de defensa: 2009-07-07)

    Les malalties cardiovasculars són una de les principals causes de mortalitat als països desenvolupats. La majoria d'elles són degudes a malalties arterials (especialment les coron ries), que vénen causades per l'acumulació ...

    Exploring autobiographical memories: from neurocognitive mechanisms to real-life experience 

    Nicolás Berenguer, Berta (Fecha de defensa: 2020-10-28)

    Our daily life event experiences fall into two general classifications: those that are remembered and those that are not. The act of remembering involves a perfect gearing of neurocognitive operations that begin with the ...

    Exploring Biomimicry: Integrating materials science strategies with 3D printing technologies to enhance the replication of biological tissues 

    Nieva Esteve, Gloria (Fecha de defensa: 2024-05-03)

    Recentment, hi ha un interès creixent en el desenvolupament de noves teràpies que intenten identificar les diferències entre els pacients i adaptar-les a ells per millorar els resultats dels tractaments mèdics. Aquesta ...

    Exploring coordinated software and hardware support for hardware resource allocation 

    Figueiredo Boneti, Carlos Santieri de (Fecha de defensa: 2009-09-04)

    Multithreaded processors are now common in the industry as they offer high performance at a low cost. Traditionally, in such processors, the assignation of hardware resources between the multiple threads is done implicitly, ...

    Exploring dietary strategies to enhance feed intake and growth of piglets after weaning by a multidisciplinary approach 

    Blavi Josa, Laia (Fecha de defensa: 2017-02-03)

    El deslletament és un període d'adaptació i estrès on els porcs poden patir el síndrome post-deslletament, caracteritzat per una baixa ingestió i creixement i per diarrees. És de gran interès per a la indústria porcina la ...

    Exploring effects of board diversity on strategic decision making: Benefiting from board processes, coping with social barriers 

    Kanadli, Sadi Boğaç (Fecha de defensa: 2018-07-17)

    La presa de decisions estratègica ja no és un àmbit exclusiu de l’alta direcció. A més, no és només a través de les tasques tradicionals de control i assessorament que el consell influeix en el procés estratègic. Les marques ...

    Exploring European Firms' Heterogeneity: Perspectives on Finance, Export, and R&D 

    Cattaruzzo, Sebastiano (Fecha de defensa: 2021-01-11)

    La tesi explora tres dimensions rellevants de las empreses, com son l'exportació, las finances i la R+D, sota la lent de l'heterogeneïtat. Tant la selecció de bases de dades com de metodologies van explícitament en aquesta ...

    Exploring factors influencing individual geopolitical preferences in the Association Agreement countries (Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine) 

    Torres Adán, Ángel Luis (Fecha de defensa: 2022-01-20)

    Aquesta tesi, presentada com a compilació d'articles, es centra en explorar diferents factors que influeixen en les preferències geopolítiques individuals als països dels Acords d'Associació (AAs). Les preferències ...

    Exploring fitness landscapes 

    Meer, Margarita V. (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-09)

    Fitness landscape is a concept, which describes the dependence of phenotype on genotype. It was proposed almost a hundred years ago but only recent burst of technologies finally allowed exploring it. We studied different ...

    Exploring flatland nano-optics with graphene plasmons 

    Woessner, Achim (Fecha de defensa: 2017-05-11)

    Plasmons are charge oscillations coupled to electromagnetic radiation. One of their most intriguing properties is their deep subwavelength confinement resulting in strongly enhanced light-matter interaction. Metal plasmons ...

    Exploring Food System Transformations in Spain (1980-2021) 

    Parajuá Carpintero, Noelia (Fecha de defensa: 2023-12-20)

    [eng] In this PhD Thesis, I examine the transformations of the Spanish food system from 1980 to the present, focusing on its socioeconomic structural changes and their impacts on sustainability and social equity. My research ...

    Exploring free-energy landscapes and microscopic interactions of selected small-molecules and proteins with cell membranes 

    Lu, Huixia (Fecha de defensa: 2020-09-29)

    The present Thesis is devoted to the study of the physical-chemical properties of selected small-molecules (such as amino-acids like tryptophan or hormones like melatonin) and proteins (such as KRAS-4B) absorbed in model ...

    Exploring functional connectivity dynamics in brain disorders: a whole-brain computational framework for resting state fMRI signals 

    Demirtaş, Murat (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-15)

    Brain activity, on every scale, spontaneously fluctuates, thereby exhibiting complex, dynamic interactions that manifest rich synchronization patterns. The past ten years have been dominated by studies intended to further ...

    Exploring G protein-coupled receptor allosterism by in silico methods 

    Díaz Sanzo, Óscar (Fecha de defensa: 2023-03-24)

    Els receptors acoblats a proteïna G (GPCRs) són proteïnes transmembrana involucrades en el procés de senyalització cel·lular i constitueixen importants dianes terapèutiques. Donats els avenços en tècniques de cristal·lització ...

    Exploring graphic pathographies construction: a multimodal analysis 

    Santamaría Martínez, Mezteli Suyapa (Fecha de defensa: 2023-02-08)

    In the last couple of years, medical information has been presented across different digital and visual forms of communication. Mainly, comics are published on various social media platforms and websites to submit a ...

    Exploring heterocyclic scaffolds in the development of multi-target anti-Alzheimer and multi-trypanosomatid compounds 

    Di Pietro, Ornella (Fecha de defensa: 2015-11-06)

    The aim of this PhD thesis consists of the synergistic combination of both highly efficient synthetic approaches and molecular modelling tools for the structure-based drug design and synthesis of novel bioactive heterocyclic ...

    Exploring individual differences relations between executive function and parenting styles 

    Cruz Alaniz, Yuria (Fecha de defensa: 2015-11-20)

    En los últimos años una creciente investigación se ha enfocado en comprender cómo el ambiente social y las funciones ejecutivas del infante interactúan entre sí. La parentalidad esta clasificada como el agente social más ...

    Exploring interactions between music and language during the early development of music cognition. A computational modelling approach. 

    Salselas, Inês (Fecha de defensa: 2013-04-26)

    This dissertation concerns the computational modelling of early life development of music perception and cognition. Experimental psychology and neuroscience show results that suggest that the development of musical ...

    Exploring intersubbands in 2D materials 

    Schmidt, Peter, 1989- (Fecha de defensa: 2019-04-16)

    Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are semiconducting layered materials that can be isolated up to the limit of a single atomic layer. Next to graphene, they are some of the most intensively studied materials within ...