Mostrando ítems 28542-28561 de 41897

    Modelling and nonlinear control of voltage frequency of hydroelectric power plants 

    Quiroga, Oscar Daniel (Fecha de defensa: 2000-10-27)

    Las centrales hidroeléctricas, como sistemas reales, tienen un comportamiento no lineal. Con el objetivo de diseñar controladores para turbinas, fue una práctica normal en el pasado considerar o simplificar estos comportamientos ...

    Modelling and numerical simulation of combustion and multi-phase flows using finite volume methods on unstructured meshes 

    Muela Castro, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2018-04-11)

    The present thesis is devoted to the development and implementation of mathematical models and numerical methods in order to carry out computational simulations of complex heat and mass transfer phenomena. Several areas ...

    Modelling and optimization of industrial prosumers with renewable energy sources 

    Urbano González, Eva María (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-01)

    (English) The current energy transition fosters the insertion of renewable energies and system decentralisation intending to achieve a more secure, sustainable and efficient energy market. The industry can play a key role ...

    Modelling and Physical Design Automation for Organic and Printed Devices and Circuits 

    Arnal Rus, August (Fecha de defensa: 2021-10-28)

    Durant aquests darrers anys, l’interès per la fabricació de sistemes electrònics de baix cost ha anat augmentant degut a l’interès en la sensorització de les ciutats intel·ligents i la indústria 4.0. Han anat apareixent ...

    Modelling and predicting extreme behavior in critical real-time systems with advanced statistics 

    Vilardell Moreno, Sergi (Fecha de defensa: 2023-03-13)

    (English) Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) are used in domains like transportation (e.g. avionics, automotive, space, and railway), healthcare, and industrial machinery. This subset of embedded systems requires ...

    Modelling and structural analysis of historical masonry systems including vaulted structure 

    Endo, Yohei (Fecha de defensa: 2015-06-17)

    The conservation of historic structures has been given special attention due to their cultural, social and economic importance. However they often show considerable structural vulnerability and have been seriously damaged ...

    Modelling and sustainable management of rainwater harvesting in urban systems 

    Morales Pinzón, Tito (Fecha de defensa: 2012-09-14)

    En esta dissertación se desarrolló un modelo para evaluar técnica, económica y ambientalmente sistemas de recogida de agua de lluvia para aprovechamiento doméstico urbano. Se analizaron diferentes tipologías de vivienda ...

    Modelling anxiety and schizophrenia-related symptoms in the roman rats: effects of neonatal stimulation on behavioral inhibition, attentional-cognitive processes and regional brain volumes 

    Del Río Álamos, Cristóbal (Fecha de defensa: 2017-07-14)

    La presente Tesis Doctoral presenta una serie de estudios centrados en los efectos de la manipulación neonatal temprana (NH, “neonatal handling”) sobre respuestas de ansiedad/estrés y atencionales-cognitivas. Todos los ...

    Modelling au catalyst from bulk to nanoscale 

    Roldán Martínez, Alberto (Fecha de defensa: 2010-09-27)

    En aquesta tesi ens centrem en les estructures d'or i la seva activitat catalítica. La tesi discuteix la producció d'epòxid de propè sobre les superfícies d'or, el mecanisme de formació de sistemes monodimensionals de gran ...

    Modelling colorectal cancer in Drosophila = Establiment d'un model de càncer colorectal a Drosophila 

    Martorell Aleman, Òscar (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-25)

    During last decades many researchers have tried to elucidate the different causes of tumour initiation and progression. For this purpose, multiple animal models have been developed to understand the cellular and molecular ...

    Modelling drug delivery mechanisms for microencapsulated substances applied on textile substracts 

    Carreras Parera, Núria (Fecha de defensa: 2012-07-03)

    Mathematical drug release modelling of biodegradable polymeric systems by microencapsulation technology in textiles has not progressed much yet, because it is generally too complex. The release of a therapeutic agent from ...

    Modelling emergent rhythmic activity in the cerebal cortex 

    Dornelles, Leonardo dalla Porta (Fecha de defensa: 2022-10-07)

    The brain, a natural adaptive system, can generate a rich dynamic repertoire of spontaneous activity even in the absence of stimulation. The spatiotemporal pattern of this spontaneous activity is determined by the brain ...

    Modelling environment for the design and optimisation of energy polygeneration systems 

    Ortiga Guillén, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2010-07-01)

    The optimal design and operation of an energy supply system is very important for the matching of the energy production and consumption especially in the residential-tertiary sector characterized by an energy demand with ...

    Modelling fragmentation in rockfalls 

    Matas Casado, Gerard (Fecha de defensa: 2020-11-04)

    The fragmentation process in rockfalls is a complex phenomenon that is not well understood and only a few rockfall simulation models consider it explicitly. Fragmentation significantly affects the evaluation of the hazard ...

    Modelling Li-ion battery aging for second life business models 

    Canals Casals, Lluc (Fecha de defensa: 2016-03-30)

    Electric vehicles are, slowly but steadily, entering into the automotive market. The slow entry is caused, basically, by the high cost of their batteries. Additionally, electric vehicle batteries are considered not useful ...

    Modelling location-dependent environmental impacts in life cycle assessment: water use, desertification and soil erosion. Application to energy crops grown in Spain 

    Núñez Pineda, Montse (Fecha de defensa: 2011-06-16)

    Soil and freshwater are two absolutely essential resources for ecosystems and humanity. Agriculture depends very much on these resources, and so, without their correct management, farmland practices can trigger many adverse ...

    Modelling Nano-Oxide Materials with Technological and Environmental Relevance: Silica, Titania and Titanosilicates 

    Cuko, Andy (Fecha de defensa: 2018-09-24)

    Properties of nanomaterials are known to be size dependent and generally are very different from those of the corresponding bulk. Such behaviour, which is strongly system and structure dependent, allows one to tune material’s ...

    Modelling Nanomagnetic Systems: Towards the Skyrmionic Bit 

    Castell-Queralt, Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2023-03-31)

    Aquesta tesi està dedicada a la modelització teòrica de dispositius skyrmiónics, en particular posa un especial èmfasis l’optimització del transport de skyrmions en condicions realistes sense comprometre el rendiment de ...

    Modelling neuronal mechanisms of the processing of tones and phonemes in the higher auditory system 

    Larsson, Johan P. (Fecha de defensa: 2012-11-15)

    S'ha investigat molt tant els mecanismes neuronals bàsics de l'audició com l'organització psicològica de la percepció de la parla. Tanmateix, en ambdós temes n'hi ha una relativa escassetat en quant a modelització. Aquí ...