Now showing items 29690-29709 of 41898

    Networks of Solidarity: Student mobilizations against sexual violence in universities 

    Vidu Afloarei, Ana (Date of defense: 2017-02-21)

    According to the United States Department of Justice (Krebs et al., 2016), 1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted in college. Gender-based violence occurring in universities and on university campuses is an issue researched ...

    Netzero de alta densidad : análisis de ciclo de vida y energías renovables aplicado a vivienda colectiva en Colombia 

    Ballén Zamora, Sergio (Date of defense: 2021-12-10)

    NetZero Energy Buildings or buildings with almost zero energy consumption, are buildings with high energy performance in terms of operational energy, and which also seek to reduce their CO2 emissions in addition to other ...

    Neumonitis por hipersensibilidad por exposición a hongos y aves: comparación de mecanismos inmunológicos e inflamatorios 

    Sánchez Ortiz, Mònica (Date of defense: 2018-12-10)

    Neumonitis por hipersensibilidad (NH) es un término que abarca un grupo heterogéneo de enfermedades resultantes de una reacción inflamatoria pulmonar de causa inmunológica, cuyos mecanismos no son bien conocidos, en ...

    Neumonitis por hipersensibilidad y fibrosis pulmonar: estudio etiológico y del perfil inflamatorio 

    Villar Gómez, Ana (Date of defense: 2017-09-21)

    La neumonitis por hipersensibilidad es una enfermedad caracterizada por una desestructuración del parénquima pulmonar, como resultado de una reacción inflamatoria de causa inmunológica en respuesta a una extensa variedad ...


    Neumonía adquirida en la comunidad. Rentabilidad diagnóstica de las técnicas de detección de antígeno y genoma bacteriano en muestras obtenidas por punción transtorácica aspirativa 

    Ruiz González, Agustín (Date of defense: 1995-12-20)

    La pneumònia adquirida en la comunitat (NAC) constitueix una entitat en estreta relació amb el clínic. Per no ser una malaltia de declaració obligatòria resulta difícil trobar una equivalència numèrica per a aquesta ...

    Neural and evolutionary correlates of rhythm processing through beat and meter 

    Celma Miralles, Alexandre (Date of defense: 2020-01-24)

    El temps és un component estructural de la música. A cada cultura, els sons de la música es produeixen i es perceben com patrons rítmics que posseeixen una pulsació isocrònica subjacent. Aquesta pulsació isocrònica ...

    Neural correlates of memory impairment and rescue in a mouse model of Down syndrome 

    Alemany González, Maria (Date of defense: 2019-07-09)

    Understanding the neural correlates of intellectual disability is still a central and unresolved problem in neuroscience. Here we have unravelled several candidate neural substrates of memory impairment and rescue using a ...

    Neural correlates of word learning and meaning acquisition 

    Mestres Missé, Anna (Date of defense: 2007-11-15)

    The series of studies that comprise this dissertation are aimed at simulating vocabulary learning and meaning acquisition of different types of words, namely words which differ in imageability. For this purpose, the human ...

    Neural efficiency of a specific cognitive training in working memory in multiple sclerosis patients 

    Aguirre Vidal, Naiara (Date of defense: 2021-12-13)

    Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune degenerative disease that produces cognitive impairment secondary to white and gray matter disruption of the central nervous system. The main objectives of this doctoral thesis were: ...

    Neural entrainment to languages of different rhythms in adults and infants 

    Özer, Ege Ekin (Date of defense: 2024-03-21)

    In this thesis, we explored neural entrainment as a potential mechanism to underline the behavioral evidence that certain phonological properties of listeners’ native language affects speech segmentation. In two experimental ...

    Neural Information Extraction from Semi-structured Documents 

    Carbonell Nuñez, Manuel (Date of defense: 2020-12-22)

    Sectors com la informació i tecnologia d'assegurances, finances i legal, processen un continu de factures, justificants, reclamacions o similar diàriament. L'èxit en l'automatització d'aquestes transaccions es basa en ...

    Neural inhibitory mechanisms regulating colonic mechanical activity: role of adenosine triphosphate, nitric oxide and hydrogen sulphide 

    Gil Folch, Víctor (Date of defense: 2013-09-30)

    La neurotransmissió inhibitòria participa en el control de l’activitat motora del còlon. Els neurotransmissors inhibitoris hiperpolaritzen la membrana del múscul llis, generant un potencial d'unió inhibitori (”Inhibitory ...

    Neural machine translation evaluation & error analysis in a Spanish-Korean translation 

    Kim, Ahrii (Date of defense: 2019-10-14)

    From RBMT to SMT and NMT, the MT field witnessed, first, a conceptual turn —from rule-based to data-base— and now, a technological turn —from MT algorithm to ML algorithm. Now that NMT became a new state of the art, this ...

    Neural map organization and development in the lateral-line system 

    Pujol Martí, Jesús (Date of defense: 2012-03-02)

    Les neurones sensorials projecten al sistema nerviós central seguint una distribució espacial ordenada, formant mapes neuronals que representen propietats dels estímuls sensorials i que són considerats essencials per a ...

    Neural mechanisms of abstract rule changes in speech : exploring phonologic and attentional constraints 

    Monte Ordoño, Julia (Date of defense: 2018-04-13)

    L’extracció de regles de la parla és crucial per a l’adquisició del llenguatge. La present dissertació estudia el mecanisme d’aprenentatge de regles explorant com el cervell detecta regularitats rellevants dins del senyal ...

    Neural mechanisms of willingness to fight and die for sacred values in the context of intercultural conflict 

    Pretus Gómez, Clara (Date of defense: 2016-10-17)

    Los conflictos interculturales a menudo se propagan y se mantienen en base a una defensa apasionada de puntos de vista opuestos, tanto de tipo religioso como nacionalista, por parte de miembros de una comunidad moral ...

    Neural network mechanisms of working memory interference 

    Barbosa, João Moura (Date of defense: 2019-05-24)

    Our ability to memorize is at the core of our cognitive abilities. How could we effectively make decisions without considering memories of previous experiences? Broadly, our memories can be divided in two categories: ...

    Neural networks connecting emotion and cognition assessed in psychopaths, cocaine users and obsessive-compulsive disorder using MRI 

    Contreras Rodríguez, Oren (Date of defense: 2013-09-12)

    Emotional processing is fundamental for normal socialization, interpersonal interactions, successful decision-making and overall to self-regulate behavior according to each context. Adequate emotional processing relies ...

    Neural networks for singing voice extraction in monaural polyphonic music signals 

    Chandna, Pritish (Date of defense: 2021-09-23)

    This thesis dissertation focuses on singing voice extraction from polyphonic musical signals. In particular, we focus on two cases; contemporary popular music, which typically has a processed singing voice with instrumental ...

    Neural signatures of semantic anticipation in sentence comprehension 

    León-Cabrera, Patricia (Date of defense: 2021-05-07)

    It has been proposed that the human brain is a proactive processor. Rather than passively receiving information, it is seen as continuously attempting to predict what will happen next. In the domain of language, ...