Ensayos sobre excelencia operacional: una interpretación evolucionista del papel de las tecnologías de la información y de los retos medioambientales 

    Sartal Rodríguez, Antonio (Fecha de defensa: 2015-06-16)

    Lean practices have been associated with high firm performance in terms of productivity, quality and safety at work, and in fact there is still a long way to spread these practices in SMEs and support activities in the ...

    Entrepreneurship, ties and relational networks: the case of a public-private cross-border tourism product 

    Solé Pla, Joan (Fecha de defensa: 2012-02-13)

    The thesis aims to understand the processes of entrepreneurship that try to create businesses or products with a high degree of complexity. This complexity comes from the fact that these products or initiatives can only ...

    Esdeveniments esportius i generació de xarxes turístiques i esportives 

    Sallent Bonaventura, Oriol (Fecha de defensa: 2013-12-04)

    Sporting events strongly affect the relations of agents that become involved during the preparation and execution. This relationship can continue or may disappear. The purpose of this study is to explore the generation of ...

    Essays on innovation in manufacturing environments: strategy and production 

    Llach Pagès, Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2010-02-02)

    La present tesi doctoral és un recull de cinc articles científics que analitzen l'ús d'innovacions dins l'àmbit manufacturer. Entenent el concepte innovació en un sentit ampli, no només tecnològic. La tesi està estructurada ...

    Estratègies de finançament dels municipis turístics i competitivitat: el cas dels municipis catalans 

    Ruiz García, Ernest (Fecha de defensa: 2010-07-23)

    La problemàtica del finançament dels municipis turístics és un assumpte present en el món local des de fa anys, tot i que no ha trobat una adequada resposta. Aquest treball pretén avaluar si les finances locals representen ...

    Evaluación de materiales compuestos por inyección a partir de fibras procedentes de la biomasa de maíz (Zea mays L.) y polipropileno 

    Rodríguez Monteagudo, Manuel (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-24)

    The present PhD work has been done within the research topics of the Laboratory of Paper Engineering and Polymer Materials (LEPAMAP) at the University of Girona. Composite materials from high yield corn biomass fibers ...

    Familiness in tourism family firms 

    Presas i Maynegre, Pilar (Fecha de defensa: 2014-01-31)

    The family firm have the ability to generate a competitive advantage which lies on the nature of its resources and capabilities arising from the interaction between family and business, known as familiness. This thesis ...

    Food consumption of Chinese outbound tourists in Spain 

    Lin, Jiayi (Fecha de defensa: 2017-12-15)

    This dissertation aims to understand the food consuming behaviours of international tourists in their long-haul travel. This thesis is presented as a compendium of publications, which the first one intents to build a new ...

    From energy saving technologies to green product innovation: evidence from the European Manufacturing Survey 

    Pons Pairó, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2020-07-07)

    Green manufacturers and an understanding of their differentiating characteristics and environmental and economic performance when applying green practices are at the centre of this doctoral thesis. The focus is set around ...

    Gestión de la imagen de marca de destinos turísticos maduros usando herramientas online. El caso de la Costa Brava 

    Marin Rabiol, Jaume (Fecha de defensa: 2022-09-16)

    The marketing and promotion of tourist destinations have evolved exponentially with the passage of time and use of the internet. This change has generated different attitudes in tourists and altered how they consume ...

    La gestión de la innovación en las empresas de servicios intensivas en conocimiento tecnológico (t-KIBS) de Cataluña 

    Amores Bravo, Xavier (Fecha de defensa: 2015-11-16)

    The present thesis analyses data from 45 t-KIBS (Technological Knowledge Intensive Business services) of Catalonia that are provided with a minimum dimension and activity during the last few years to ensure certain capability ...

    HRM 4 Innovation: from determinants to performance. Essays from the Spanish context 

    Manresa Matas, Alba (Fecha de defensa: 2018-07-09)

    Human resource (HR) practices are possible contributors to a firm’s success. There is a pressing need for empirical research that addresses how HR practices contribute to a company’s ability to be creative and innovative. ...

    Identifying factors for the customer delight in tourism industry: model and measurement scale 

    Escobar Rivera, Dalilis (Fecha de defensa: 2019-05-24)

    The objective of the present dissertation is to empirically identify customer delight in customer’s most memorable experiences in the context of tourism services. Specifically, the aim of the present dissertation is to ...

    The impact of ISO 9001 on employee engagement 

    Yazdani, Shirin (Fecha de defensa: 2021-07-07)

    In the past few decades, ISO 9001 quality management and human resources are major issues in business and management research, due to their potential impact on a range of individual and organizational outcomes. In this ...

    Impacte de l'estandardització de la gestió de la innovació mitjançant la norma UNE 166002 

    Mir Mauri, Moisès (Fecha de defensa: 2018-03-16)

    The present doctoral thesis studies the Spanish standard for Innovation management “UNE 166002 R&D&I management system requirements”, from two complementary perspectives. The first, eminently exploratory, analyzes the ...

    Industria y concentración de cultivos: la contribución de la industria del frío en la fruticultura leridana 

    Badia Roig, Carmina (Fecha de defensa: 2005-10-28)

    Para avanzar en el estudio de la concentración espacial de cultivos, se ha elegido el caso de la manzana, la pera y el melocotón en Lleida, desde 1962 a 2000. La evolución de ese fenómeno se ha estudiado mediante técnicas ...

    Influence of individual dynamic managerial capabilities over business sustainability commitment, stakeholder engagement and gender 

    Buil Fabregà, Marian (Fecha de defensa: 2017-06-22)

    In today's dynamic environment, which is characterized by continuous and unpredictable changes, companies need new strategies to maintain their competitive advantage in the market, ensure long-term sustainability and ...

    Innovació i desestacionalització de la demanda hotelera en un districte turístic: el paper de les xarxes relacionals 

    Comas Trayter, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2005-10-21)

    La tesi es planteja en quina mesura l'estructura de la xarxa social existent en un districte turístic entre els diferents actors que la conformen, i la posició que aquests ocupen en la mateixa, afecta a la estacionalitat ...

    Innovation, entrepreneurship and outsourcing: essays on the use of knowledge in business environments 

    Bikfalvi, Andrea (Fecha de defensa: 2007-09-14)

    Innovació, emprenedoria i subcontractació són els pilars temàtics de la present tesi doctoral. L'ús del coneixement per part de les empreses representa l'element comú d'aquestes temàtiques. Les evidències empíriques provenen ...

    Integració de sistemes estandarditzats de gestió: anàlisi empírica 

    Bernardo Vilamitjana, Mercè (Fecha de defensa: 2009-12-23)

    Els sistemes de gestió permeten millorar l'eficiència de les organitzacions i en aquest context, una organització pot tenir implantats múltiples sistemes. La forma preferible de gestionar-los és integrant-los, perquè ...