Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 45

    Multi-hazard assessment and risk management in volcanic islands 

    López Saavedra, Marta (Data de defensa: 2023-10-25)

    [eng] Our planet is impacted by diverse natural and human-induced events, including weather-related events (floods, droughts, forest fires, etc.) and geological events (landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.). ...

    Aplicación de tecnologías avanzadas para la caracterización del depósito de vertidos mineros de la bahía de Portmán, Murcia (España) 

    Baza Varas, Andrea (Data de defensa: 2023-05-19)

    [spa] La afectación de ambientes costeros por vertidos mineros con altos contenidos metálicos procedentes de la explotación de sulfuros constituye un problema de alcance mundial. Aunque la mayoría de residuos mineros son ...

    Afloraments fracturats digitalitzats. Avaluació de tècniques remotes en models DFN i aplicació de Machine Learning 

    Blanco Núñez, Laura (Data de defensa: 2023-02-23)

    [cat] En l’actual transició digital, on es generen milions de dades cada dia, l’ús de tècniques remotes digitals i els processats amb tècniques de machine learning és cada cop més present i necessari, sense que l’àmbit de ...

    Holocene Climate variability in the Western Mediterranean Sea: an integrated oceanic and atmospheric perspective 

    Català i Caparrós, Albert (Data de defensa: 2022-02-17)

    [eng] The Mediterranean region is very sensitive to modern climate variability. Located in a temperate subtropical climatic zone and surrounded almost entirely by large continental masses, the Mediterranean region climate ...

    Yacimientos de ámbar del Cretácico de la Cuenca del Maestrazgo: tafonomía, bioinclusiones y paleoecología 

    Álvarez Parra, Sergio (Data de defensa: 2023-02-01)

    [spa] El objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral es el estudio de los yacimientos de ámbar de la Cuenca del Maestrazgo con foco en la tafonomía, el paleoambiente, el contenido paleobiológico y la paleoecología. En esta cuenca se ...

    Geophysical and geological characterization of fault-controlled geothermal systems: The Vallès Basin case of study 

    Mitjanas Colls, Gemma (Data de defensa: 2023-01-20)

    [eng] Geothermal energy is a renewable source of energy that harnesses heat from the Earth's interior. Temperature increases with depth, defining the geothermal gradient, which can be variable depending on the geological ...

    Salt Tectonics of the Offshore Tarfaya Basin (NW Africa): A Regional to Local Approach 

    Uranga Moran, Rodolfo Martín (Data de defensa: 2022-12-01)

    [eng] Although there is certain consensus on the Middle Jurassic to Present evolution of the Central Atlantic, the Early Jurassic rift to drift transition stage is still under discussion. Through the interpretation of ...

    Sedimentology and sedimentary architecture of the Middle Ordovician Hawaz Formation in the subsurface of the Murzuq Basin (Libya) 

    Gil-Ortiz, Marc (Data de defensa: 2022-10-14)

    [eng] The Hawaz Formation is a Middle Ordovician siliciclastic succession which extends for hundreds of kilometres across North Africa. This thesis uses a subsurface-based approach, mainly utilizing well data, complemented ...

    La Formación Caspe: análisis sedimentológico y estratigráfico de los depósitos fluviales del Oligoceno – Mioceno inferior del SE de la Cuenca del Ebro 

    Cuevas Martínez, José Luis (Data de defensa: 2022-10-24)

    [spa] La Formación Caspe corresponde a las facies fluviales de los depósitos de un abanico fluvial de edad oligo-miocena, referido en la literatura como Sistema aluvial del Guadalope-Matarranya. Dicho sistema tuvo su área ...

    Temporal Variability of Nepheloid Layer Structures on Continental Slope Environments: Natural and Anthropogenic Processes 

    Arjona Camas, Marta (Data de defensa: 2022-02-17)

    This Thesis aims to investigate the contribution of the deep-sea trawling activities, besides that of natural processes, to the sediment dynamics in different continental slope areas, particularly in the NW Mediterranean ...

    Developing Advanced Photogrammetric Methods for Automated Rockfall Monitoring 

    Blanch Gorriz, Xabier (Data de defensa: 2022-03-17)

    In recent years, photogrammetric models have become a widely used tool in the field of geosciences thanks to their ability to reproduce natural surfaces. As an alternative to other systems such as LiDAR (Light Detection ...

    Barremian charophytes from the Maestrat Basin: taxonomy, palaeoecology, palaeobiogeography and biostratigraphy 

    Pérez Cano, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2021-11-25)

    This thesis is focused on the taxonomical, biogeographical, palaeoecological and biostratigraphical characterization of the Barremian charophytes of the Maestrat Basin (Eastern Iberian Chain, Spain). Thirty-four charophyte ...

    Paleoseismic transect across the Alhama de Murcia Fault and implications of a fault-based seismic hazard assessment for the Eastern Betics 

    Gómez Novell, Octavi (Data de defensa: 2021-10-25)

    The Eastern Betics Shear Zone (EBSZ) is one of the most active fault systems in SE Spain. It has caused damaging earthquakes in historical times, including the 2011 Lorca earthquake, which evidenced that the regional hazard ...

    Caracterització espaciotemporal de la dinàmica d’allaus de neu majors al Pirineu català 

    Oller Figueras, Pere (Data de defensa: 2021-12-10)

    Aquesta tesi té per objectiu avançar en el coneixement de la dinàmica de les allaus, i en concret, de les allaus majors, al Pirineu de Catalunya i, per extensió, als Pirineus, tot entenent per allau major l’allau la mida ...

    Sediment routing systems of the Eocene Tremp-Jaca basin: Stratigraphic analysis and numerical models 

    Vinyoles i Busquets, Andreu (Data de defensa: 2021-02-12)

    The Eocene South-Pyrenean foreland basin provides a continuum of outcrops representing a Source to Sink sediment routing system from subaerial canyons to deep marine environments. On this context, the specific objective ...

    Numerical modeling of continental collision and intraplate deformation. Application to the Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of North Iberia 

    Valverde Pérez, Ángel (Data de defensa: 2021-01-27)

    This thesis aims at improving the current understanding of the geodynamic controls on tectonic deformation during plate collision, using the Cenozoic evolution of Iberia as a case scenario. Despite the vast efforts during ...

    Vertebrats post-messinians de Mallorca i Eivissa (Illes Balears, Mediterrània occidental): descripció, origen i extinció d’espècies 

    Torres Roig, Enric (Data de defensa: 2021-03-02)

    La Tesi Doctoral inclou l’estudi de vertebrats fòssils post-messinians de les Illes Balears fins ara desconeguts. La investigació s’ha centrat principalment en el registre fòssil de vertebrats del Pliocè basal obtingut a ...

    Formation and subsequent inversion of extensional salt-detached ramp-syncline basins developed above ramp-flatramp faults 

    Roma Nuñez, Maria (Data de defensa: 2020-02-27)

    The widespread extensional deformation that took place during Jurassic to Cretaceous times in Western Europe and the North Atlantic margin resulted in the formation of several rift systems. Some of the resulting basins ...

    Identification of snow avalanche release areas and flow characterization based on seismic data studies 

    Roig-Lafon, Pere (Data de defensa: 2021-06-10)

    The main objectives of this PhD thesis are the identification of the snow avalanche release areas and the snow avalanche flow regime characterization with the use of seismic data. We aim to search for new methods for ...

    Dynamics of subduction systems with opposite polarity in adjacent segments: application to the Westernmost Mediterranean 

    Peral, Mireia, 1979- (Data de defensa: 2020-03-20)

    The objective of this thesis is to study the first-order dynamics of subduction systems characterized by opposite dip polarity in adjacent plate segments. The absence of previous studies analyzing the geodynamic evolution ...