On the leaks and boundaries of imagination


Rivadulla Duró, Andrea


García-Carpintero, Manuel

Macià, Josep


García-Carpintero, Manuel

Fecha de defensa



164 p.


Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Filosofia


The present dissertation explores the role of imagination in different philosophical domains of inquiry. The thesis set out as a collection of self- standing essays and can be divided into two parts: leaks of imagination and boundaries of imagination. The first part concerns what I name leaks of imagination: Effects imagination has on attitudes and behavior. In Chapter 1, I review clinical and empirical evidence on the consequences imagining experiences has. To account for this evidence, I propose a theory—the Prima Facie View—and argue for the implicit assertoric force of imagination. According to this view, experiential imagination is not epistemically innocuous. Chapter 2 concerns the role of imagination in intrinsic symbolic actions. I argue that these actions elude an explanation in terms of a belief- desire pair or an emotion, and characterize them as symbolically displaced imaginings. The second part of the thesis, boundaries of imagination, delimits the appeal to the imagination. Chapter 3 criticizes the appeal to the imagination to explain the functional profile of delusions. This criticism is followed by a positive doxastic account of delusions in a fragmented and psychofunctional system of belief. Chapter 4 examines the Simulation Theory of Memory, which reduces episodic memory to imagination. I argue that given the way it equates episodic memory with imagination, the theory is in a compromised position to account for the characteristic phenomenology of episodic memory, and thus for its reliability. Overall, in this dissertation, I present a critical overview of four independent fields and propose new accounts of the problems at hand.

Palabras clave

Teoria del coneixement; Teoría del conocimiento; Theory of knowledge; Cognició; Cognición; Cognition; Imaginació (Filosofia); Imaginación (Filosofía); Imagination (Philosophy); Memòria (Filosofia); Memoria (Filosofía); Memory (Philosophy); Simbolisme (Psicologia); Simbolismo (Psicología); Symbolism (Psychology)


16 - Lógica. Epistemología. Teoría del conocimiento

Área de conocimiento

Ciències Humanes i Socials


Programa de Doctorat en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge






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