Design of secure mobile payment protocols for restricted connectivity scenarios


Téllez Isaac, Jesús Augusto


Sierra Cámara, José María

Fecha de defensa


Depósito Legal

B. 3466-2013


111 p.


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Telemàtica


The emergence of mobile and wireless networks made posible the extensión of electronic commerce to a new area of research: mobile commerce called m-commerce, which includes mobile payment), that refers to any e-commerce transaction made from a mobile device using wireless networks. Most of the mobile payment systems found in the literatura are based on the full connectivity scenario where all the entities are directly connected one to another but do not support business models with direct communication restrictions between the entities of the system is not a impediment to perform comercial transactions. It is for this reason that mobile payment systems that consider those situations where direct communications between entities of the system is not posible (temporarily or permanently) basically due to the impossibility of one of the entities connected to the Internet are required. In order to solve the current shortage in the scientific world of previous research works that address the problema of on-line payment from mobile devices in connectivity restricted scenarios, in this thesis we propose a set of secure payment protocols (that use both symmetric and non-traditional asymmetric cryptography), which have low computational power requirements, are fit for scenarios with communications restrictions (where at least two of the entities of the system cannot exchange information in a direct way and must do it through another entity) and offer the same security capabilities as those protocols designed for full connectivity scenarios. The proposed protocols are applicable to other types of networks, such as vehicular ad hoc network (VANETs), where services exist which require on-line payment and scenarios with communication restrictions.On the other hand, the implementation (in a multiplatform programming language) of the designed protocols shows that their performance is suitable for devices with limited computational power.


004 - Informática






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