Mostrando ítems 21047-21066 de 42462

    Hybrid photovoltaic-thermoelectric devices based on organic semiconductors 

    Jurado Carlin, José Piers (Fecha de defensa: 2022-12-15)

    En aquesta tesis, s’ha explorat el acoblament de generadors termoelèctrics (TEGs, per les seves sigles en anglès) a celes solars orgàniques (OSCs, per les seves sigles en anglès) en dispositius híbrids de estat sòlid per ...

    Hybrid plasmonic-photonic nanostructures for enhanced spectroscopies 

    Matricardi, Cristiano (Fecha de defensa: 2020-02-21)

    Aquesta tesi està dedicada a la nanofabricació, la caracterització i les aplicacions d’estructures híbrides plasmòniques-fotòniques. La possibilitat de treballar amb la llum a la nanoescala, controlar les seves propietats, ...

    Hybrid silica materials derived from proline sulfonamides, imidazolium salts and (NHC)AuX complexes as supported catalysts 

    Ferré Romeu, Meritxell (Fecha de defensa: 2015-06-05)

    La recerca de reaccions orgàniques que procedeixin amb eficiència, selectivitat i economia atòmica s'ha convertit en un objectiu important per la química sintètica. A més de la conscienciació sobre la sostenibilitat dels ...

    Hybrid systems for wastewater treatment in the framework of circular economy : coupling biological and membrane technologies for a sustainable water cycle 

    Ribera Pi, Judit (Fecha de defensa: 2019-07-23)

    The increasing water demand coupled to the depletion of natural water sources has raised the need to investigate and develop in wastewater treatment and reuse. Even more, the application of circular economy principies to ...

    Hybrid Systems for Water Oxidation Catalysis 

    Ventosa Rosquelles, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2021-03-26)

    El sistema energètic actual basat en combustibles fòssils ha derivat a una concentració creixent de CO2 a l'atmosfera sense precedents i perjudicial per a l'ecosistema. La fotosíntesi artificial té com a objectiu substituir ...

    Hybridization in Candida yeast pathogens 

    Mixão, Verónica de Pinho (Fecha de defensa: 2020-10-20)

    Candida species are among the most important fungal pathogens. Although Candida albicans is the most common cause of Candida infections, many other Candida species have emerged as pathogens. How pathogenicity is evolutionary ...

    Hybridization patterns in Balearic endemic plants assessed by molecular and morphological markers 

    Conesa Muñoz, Miquel Àngel (Fecha de defensa: 2010-07-15)

    La hibridació natural a plantes és un fenòmen àmplement conegut. És una important font de variabilitat que accelera l'evolució de les espècies. Es creu que és l'origen de moltes angiospermes, entre elles endemismes locals. ...

    Hydraulic behaviour of bentonite based mixtures in engineered barriers: The Backfill and Plug Test at the Äspö HRL (Sweden) 

    Mata Mena, Clemente (Fecha de defensa: 2003-07-17)

    In 1996 the Backfill and Plug Test Project started at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (Sweden) managed by SKB (the Swedish Radioactive Waste Agency). The Backfill and Plug Test Project makes up an important part of SKB's ...

    Hydraulic fills liquefaction : effect on quay stability 

    Tarragó Munté, Daniel (Fecha de defensa: 2021-06-03)

    The starting point of this thesis is the failure of part of a quay wall under construction. The quay was divided in two phases, failure affected Phase 1 only. The failure and all the relevant associated information on quay ...

    Hydrmagmatic monogenetic volcanism in continental and oceanic island enronments 

    Pedrazzi, Dario (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-07)

    Monogenetic volcanism is characterized by a large diversity of eruptive styles, morphologies and deposits. Monogenetic landforms are the result of a complex merging of internal (magma composition, vesiculation) and external ...

    Hydro-mechanical analysis of expansive clays : constitutive and numerical modelling. 

    Ruiz Restrepo, Daniel Felipe (Fecha de defensa: 2020-06-12)

    Bentonite-based materials are being currently considered in several countries as a backfill component in the multi-barrier concept for deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. The bentonite barrier fulfils several ...

    Hydro-mechanical behaviour of compacted binary mixtures : an experimental study 

    Mirsalehi, Sajjad (Fecha de defensa: 2018-04-30)

    This research focusses on an experimental investigation on the hydro-mechanical behaviour of binary ‘all-one’ mixtures. These mixtures –originated from the excavation of selected materials during earthwork constructions– ...

    Hydro-mechanical behaviour of pellet/powder mixture of bentonite and impact of gas migration 

    Mesa Alcantara, Arisleidy (Fecha de defensa: 2021-07-02)

    The hydro-mechanical behaviour of MX80 bentonite pellet-based mixture (80% high-density pellets in dry mass and crushed granular powder) has been explored in this thesis within the context of the French ‘Vertical Sealing ...

    Hydro-social transformations in the Lake Urmia basin, Iran 

    Ženko, Maja (Fecha de defensa: 2020-07-06)

    Les alteracions antropogèniques a gran escala dels fluxos d'aigua a través de la infraestructura hidràulica són la manifestació dels imaginaris hidrosociales de grups políticament i social poderosos que, sovint, produeixen ...

    Hydroacylation and C-N Coupling Reactions. Mechanistic Studies and Application in the Nucleoside Synthesis 

    Marcé Villa, Patricia (Fecha de defensa: 2008-05-23)

    The PhD work "Hydroacylation and C-N coupling Reactions. Mechanistic Studies and Application in the Nucleoside Synthesis" tackle two different objectives, a) developing new methods of synthesis of nucleosides (introduction, ...

    Hydrocalumite-based catalysts for glycerol revalorization 

    Granados Reyes, Judith Cecilia (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-27)

    En la producció de biodièsel s’obté glicerol com a subproducte en grans quantitats, generant-se un gran excedent. Per tant, és necessari buscar noves vies de transformació de glicerol en productes de major valor afegit, ...

    Hydrocarbons in the open ocean waters near the Galician Bank after the deep sea spill from the Prestige wrecks 

    Elordui-Zapatarietxe, Saioa (Fecha de defensa: 2009-06-03)

    Hoy en día existe una escasez de estudios sobre la distribución de los hidrocarburos en mar abierto, aunque el aumento de la explotación de yacimientos de petróleo y la intensificación del tráfico marítimo más allá de la ...

    Hydrodechlorination of chlorinated organic wastes over pd supported mixed oxide catalysts 

    Meshesha, Beteley Tekola (Fecha de defensa: 2011-07-01)

    Environmental pollution by polychlorinated chlorinated organic wastes is of great concern. Catalytic hydrodechlorination is considered clean and efficient methodology for safe disposal of chlorinated organic wastes. This ...

    Hydrodynamic and biochemical Computational Fluid Dynamic modelling of full-scale anaerobic digesters for wastewater treatment 

    Arnau Notari, María Rosario (Fecha de defensa: 2022-04-01)

    Anaerobic digestion is one of the most widely used biological treatments for the stabilisation of sewage sludge, but the effectiveness of the process depends on good mixing. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technique ...

    Hydrodynamic characterisation of aquaculture tanks and design criteria for improving self-cleaning properties 

    Masaló Llorà, Ingrid (Fecha de defensa: 2008-09-10)

    El propòsit del treball es caracteritzar hidrodinàmicament els tancs més utilitzats en el sector aqüícola, i donar pautes de disseny per millorar-ne l'autoneteja, i optimitzar l'eficiència d'utilització tant de l'espai com ...