Amat Lefort, Natalia (Date of defense: 2023-12-15)
Platform-based services have brought a new era of connectivity, transforming various industries and redefining the way we interact, consume, and share resources. Peer-to-peer platforms (such as Airbnb) leverage the power ...
Tejo Otero, Aitor (Date of defense: 2021-07-28)
(English) Additive Manufacturing is the process of joining materials to make objects from a 3D model data, normally layer-upon-layer through series of some cross-sectional slices, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing ...
Montalbán Turón, Carlos (Date of defense: 2021-06-30)
(English) In this PhD Dissertation the structural performance of buildings with stairs submitted to lateral loads, is investigated. Because of the historical neglect of the interaction effects between the main structure ...
López-Basanta, Clara (Date of defense: 2023-09-26)
L'automòbil és un dels objectes de consum que més influència ha tingut a la nostra societat al llarg del segle XX fins als nostres dies. Ha estat estudiat des de perspectives tan diverses com l'econòmica, històrica, ...
Santos Ruiz, Ildeberto de los (Date of defense: 2021-06-11)
(English) This thesis presents a methodology to locate leaks in pipeline networks, with a focus on water distribution networks. Leak localization techniques using classifiers are proposed by associating the different classes ...