Mostrando ítems 8349-8368 de 42389

    Crítica e debate arquitectónico na 3ª série da revista “Arquitectura” Portugal, 1957/1974 

    Correia, Nuno Carlos Pedroso de Moura (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-18)

    O primeiro número da revista “Arquitectura” foi publicado em Janeiro de 1927. E embora com interrupções e alterações de orientação editorial, a revista publicou-se até 1984, em quatro séries. Nos primeiros 30 anos publicaram-se ...

    La crítica literaria en La Vanguardia (1914-1936). Mario Verdaguer y Agustí Calvet, Gaziel 

    Contreras Barceló, Elisabet (Fecha de defensa: 2013-09-12)

    La presente tesis doctoral tiene por objetivo inventariar y analizar la crítica literaria de dos personajes importantes, dentro de un período concreto y en un medio de comunicación concreto, a saber, La Vanguardia de los ...

    Crítica textual en el Libro de Ester: Un estudio sobre los textos “M”, “T”(Amb), “S”, “G”, “L” y “V” 

    Almeida F., Edno José (Fecha de defensa: 2012-03-14)

    Las diversas versiones antiguas que han llegado hasta nosotros del libro bíblico de Ester presentan notables diferencias entre sí. Esta tesis se propone investigar sobre el carácter y la idiosincrasia de los textos antiguos ...

    La cronicidad en enfermedad mental: políticas y modelos de atención integrados y centrados en las personas y la comunidad 

    Amo Mora, Isabel (Fecha de defensa: 2023-09-09)

    La creciente prevalencia de enfermedades mentales y cronicidad orgánica genera una comorbilidad con impacto en la salud, calidad de vida y eficiencia de los modelos de atención. Se necesita un enfoque multidisciplinario ...

    Cronicidad y multimorbilidad, un análisis bajo el concepto de red global mediante análisis de redes 

    Martínez Gaitero, Carlos (Fecha de defensa: 2017-06-27)

    Objectius: Descriure i visualitzar l'estructura de les xarxes de cronicitat, malalties cròniques i multimorbilitat. Mètodes: Estudi descriptiu i observacional amb una població d'estudi de 22.406 individus entre els 18 anys ...

    Crops and Environment in the Lower Indus Plain During the Bronze Age : A Multi-proxy Approach to the Agricultural Strategies of the Indus Valley Civilization 

    Jiménez Arteaga, Carolina (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-24)

    The Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) is the earliest known urban culture of South Asia (2600-1900 BCE). While archaeological research has been conducted in the region for over a century, systematic archaeobotanical analyses ...

    Cross section measurement of the muon neutrino charged current single positive pion interaction on hydrocarbon using the T2K near detector with 4∏ solid angle acceptance 

    Vargas Oliva, Danaisis (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-03)

    T2K és un experiment de neutrinos de base llarga situat a Japó que té com a objectiu medir les oscil·lacions de neutrinos. La línia de llum de neutrins està dissenyada perquè l’espectre d’energia dels neutrins es pugui ...

    Cross-border banking and the importance of parents banks' performance for subsidiaries' credit extensions: evidence derived from a newly constructed database 

    Zagorisiou, Angeliki (Fecha de defensa: 2017-09-29)

    The systemic role of foreign banks in the CESEE region coupled with the turbulence in financial markets back in 2008, have given rise to the study at hand. Some years after the global crisis, it is a perfect moment to ...

    Cross-correlating spectroscopic and photometric galaxy surveys 

    Borstad Eriksen, Martin (Fecha de defensa: 2014-01-16)

    En esta tesis se estudia el acotamiento en los paraámetros cosmología al combinar observaciones en catálogos de galaxias espectroscópicas y fotométricos. Los catálogos fotométricos miden las distorsiones de lente gravitacional ...

    The cross-correlation among tracers of the underlying large-scale mass distribution in the universe 

    Pérez Ràfols, Ignasi (Fecha de defensa: 2016-10-03)

    The work presented in this Ph.D. thesis is mostly related to the measurement and interpretation of the cross-correlation of different species. This is achieved using spectroscopic data from the BOSS survey of which I am a ...

    Cross-correlations in the dark energy survey: from redshift distribution inference to probes of gravity with the cosmic microwave background 

    Vielzeuf, Pauline Eva (Fecha de defensa: 2018-10-26)

    During the past decades, we have been the witnesses of unprecedented advancements in the understanding of our universe dynamics and evolution. Indeed, together with the theory General Relativity (GR) by Albert Einstein ...

    Cross-Cultural Leadership: A comparative Study between Brazilian and Portuguese Subordinates 

    de Azevedo Nogueira, Affonso Henriques (Fecha de defensa: 2012-05-30)

    L’objectiu d’aquesta investigació, ha sigut comparar patrons culturals de grups brasilers amb grups portuguesos. Per identificar i comparar els esmentats patrons, s’ha fet servir un instrument anomenat Values Scale. A més ...

    Cross-layer design and optimization of medium access control protocols for wlans 

    Kartsakli, Elli (Fecha de defensa: 2012-02-16)

    This thesis provides a contribution to the field of Medium Access Control (MAC) layer protocol design for wireless networks by proposing and evaluating mechanisms that enhance different aspects of the network performance. ...

    Cross-Layer Design for Quality of Service provisioning in AMC/ARQ-based wireless networks 

    Ramis Bibiloni, Jaume (Fecha de defensa: 2012-07-10)

    In the last years, the explosive development of wireless services and applications has produced an unprecedented revolution in wireless communications systems. The impact of wireless fading channels on the quality of ...

    Cross-layer modeling and optimization of next-generation internet networks 

    Pedrola Escribà, Oscar (Fecha de defensa: 2012-11-30)

    Scaling traditional telecommunication networks so that they are able to cope with the volume of future traffic demands and the stringent European Commission (EC) regulations on emissions would entail unaffordable investments. ...

    Cross-layer optimization in optical networks 

    Angelou, Marianna (Fecha de defensa: 2012-04-16)

    Network planning and operation in core optical networks require processes that lead to a cost-effective network able to effectively accommodate the given traffic demands. Crosslayer techniques that exploit information ...

    Cross-lingual sentiment analysis for under-resourced languages 

    Barnes, Jeremy (Fecha de defensa: 2019-01-28)

    Sentiment Analysis is a task that aims to calculate the polarity of text automatically. While some languages, such as English, have a vast array of resources to enable sentiment analysis, most under-resourced languages ...

    Cross-linguistic communication and public policy: the institutionalization of community interpreting 

    García-Beyaert, Sofía (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    Resums pendents

    Cross-modal multilingualism: a reflection on language emergence via Pattern Asociation 

    Menéndez Rodríguez, Bruno (Fecha de defensa: 2022-05-25)

    Cross-modal and intra-modal language transfer divergences were analysed along with developmental ones from the multilingual texts written by 13 deaf sign-multilingual teenage learners whose L1 and language of instruction ...

    Cross-modal predictive mechanisms during speech perception 

    Sánchez García, Carolina (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-29)

    El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar los mecanismos predictivos que operan de forma online durante la percepción audiovisual de una lengua. La idea de que existen mecanismos predictivos que actúan a distintos niveles ...