Now showing items 2945-2964 of 42439

    Application of the cyclobutane scaffold to the preparation and study of new foldamers, cell penetrating peptides and MRI contrast agents 

    Olivares Montia, José Antonio (Date of defense: 2018-11-23)

    En aquesta tesi, diferents sistemes que contenen una unitat ciclobutànica substituïda en posició  o han estat sintetitzats i estudiats com a foldamers, agents de penetració cel·lular i agents de contrast. Tot i no tenir ...

    Application of the generalized rank annihilation method (GRAM) to second-order liquid chromatographic data 

    Comas Lou, Enric (Date of defense: 2005-02-23)

    Les mesures analítiques i els instruments que les generen poden classificar-se en funció del numero de dades que s'obtenen al mesurar una mostra. Si s'obté una matriu de respostes, s'anomenen dades d'ordre dos.<br/>En ...

    Application of the vibration-assisted ball burnishing process on rotational symmetric parts to improve their fatigue strength and wear properties 

    Velázquez Corral, Eric (Date of defense: 2023-09-05)

    (English) This thesis is an experimental investigation into the beneficial effects of the ultrasonic vibration-assisted ball burnishing process on the wear resistance and fatigue life-cycle enhancement of rotational symmetric ...

    Application of ultra high-pressure homogenization (UHPH) in the production of submicron/nano-oil-in-water emulsions using vegetable oils and milk proteins as emulsifiers 

    Emam Hebishy, Essam Hassan (Date of defense: 2013-09-16)

    The overall goal of the present PhD thesis was to study some factors related to the choice of emulsifier (whey protein isolate or sodium caseinate) concentration, oil-phase volume fractions (10-50%) and homogenization ...

    Application of Ultra-Wideband Technology to RFID and Wireless Sensors 

    Ramos Félix, Ángel (Date of defense: 2015-03-16)

    Aquesta Tesi Doctoral estudia l'ús de tecnologia de ràdio banda ultraampla (UWB) per sistemes de identificació per radiofreqüència (RFID) i sensors sense fils. Les xarxes de sensors sense fils (WSNs), ciutats i llars ...

    Application of ultrasound in twin-screw extrusion and microinjection molding: improvements of properties of processed materials and nanocomposites : polymers and biopolymers 

    Pérez Llanos, Germán Aníbal (Date of defense: 2022-02-18)

    The plastics industry is in constant evolution looking to improve the properties of new materials and performance in different applications. Currently, the environmental impact associated with the use of plastics is one ...

    Application of X-ray Synchrotron Based Techniques to the Study of the Speciation, Sorption and Bioavailability of Hg in Environmental and Biological Systems 

    Bernaus Darbra, Anna (Date of defense: 2006-11-20)

    La toxicitat del mercuri depèn de la seva probabilitat d'exposició, factors geoquímics i ecològics, i en particular de l'espècie química en què es troba. No obstant això, el nombre i veracitat de tècniques analítiques ...

    Applications of biased randomised algorithms and simheuristics to asset and liability management 

    Nieto Ranero, Armando Miguel (Date of defense: 2022-07-22)

    Asset and Liability Management (ALM) has captured the attention of academics and financial researchers over the last few decades. On the one hand, we need to try to maximise our wealth by taking advantage of the financial ...

    Applications of Biased Randomization and Simheuristic Algorithms to Arc Routing and Facility Location Problems 

    González-Martin, Sergio (Date of defense: 2015-03-13)

    La majoria de metaheuristiques tenen una component aleatori, que normalment està basada en aleatorització uniforme -i.e., l'ús de la distribució de probabilitat uniforme per fer seleccions aleatòries. Per altra banda, el ...

    Applications of biased-randomized algorithms and simheuristics in integrated logistics 

    Do Carmo Martins, Leandro (Date of defense: 2021-09-13)

    Transportation and logistics (T&L) activities play a vital role in the development of many businesses from different industries. With the increasing number of people living in urban areas, the expansion of on-demand economy ...

    Applications of computed tomography in dry-cured meat products 

    Santos Garcés, Eva (Date of defense: 2012-06-29)

    Computed Tomography and Microcomputed Tomography are X-ray based technologies. They were tested in this thesis as potential tools for the optimization of the processing of dry-cured meat products. On one hand, several ...

    Applications of dissipative particle dynamics on nanostructures: understanding the behaviour of multifunctional gold nanoparticles 

    Raman Martín Dombrowski, Aslı (Date of defense: 2017-09-15)

    Una combinación (conjugate) compuesta por una nanopartícula de oro (AuNP), ácido 11-mercaptoundecanoico (MUA) y polietilentioglicol (SH-PEG) fue estudiada por métodos teóricos utilizando simulaciones computacionales con ...

    Applications of Flow Chemistry Methods and Computer-Aided Approaches to Expedite the Development of HBV Inhibitors 

    Raymond, Justine (Date of defense: 2021-07-15)

    L’hepatitis B és una infecció hepàtica greu, i la principal causa de càncer de fetge, causada pel virus de l’hepatitis B (VHB). Tot i que hi ha disponible una vacuna profilàctica, l’hepatitis B continua sent un problema ...

    Applications of hydrodynamic and water quality models to the Sau and Boadella Reservoirs 

    Takkouk, Saddek (Date of defense: 2011-05-06)

    Applicaciò d'un model de hydrodinàmica i de qualitat de l'aigua als embassaments de Sau i Boadella

    Applications of L-band missions for environmental research 

    Chaparro Danon, David (Date of defense: 2018-10-15)

    Human activity leads to environmental changes which threaten the vegetation. Global warm ing trends, deforestation and land cover, or modified Earth's surface albedo, are sorne examples of these environmental changes. ...

    Applications of machine learning in molecular simulations : Transcending barriers 

    Doerr, Stefan (Date of defense: 2016-09-16)

    Molecular dynamics has established itself over the last years as a strong tool for structure-based molecular investigation in biology. Stefan Doerr's thesis concerns the application of machine learning methods to molecular ...

    Applications of molecular dynamics in drug discovery and technology transfer via a web-based platform 

    Martínez Rosell, Gerard (Date of defense: 2017-12-20)

    In this thesis we apply molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and other in silico techniques in drug discovery. Specifically, (a) we developed an algorithm to detect cryptic pockets based on MD simulations of the protein ...

    Applications of network theory to human population genetics : from pathways to genotype networks 

    Dall'Olio, Giovanni Marco (Date of defense: 2013-10-28)

    In this thesis we developed two approaches to study positive selection and genetic adaptation in the human genome. Both approaches are based on applications of network theory. In the first approach, we studied how the ...

    Applications of next-generation sequencing in conservation genomics: kinship analysis and dispersal patterns 

    Escoda Assens, Lídia (Date of defense: 2018-05-11)

    Knowledge of the genealogical relationships among individuals of a population and their dispersal patterns are essential to many studies of endangered species, especially those with small and fragmented populations. The ...

    Applications of simheuristics and horizontal cooperation concepts in rich vehicle routing problems 

    Quintero Araújo, Carlos Leonardo (Date of defense: 2017-09-29)

    En una economia globalitzada, les companyies s’enfronten a nombrosos reptes associats a les complexes tasques de logística i distribució. Gràcies al desenvolupament de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació, els ...