Now showing items 2985-3004 of 42487

    Approach to acoustic mapping through continuous mobile monitoring 

    Quintero Perez, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2019-07-08)

    For the production of representative noise maps, a large amount of information is necessary, which includes, among others, on-site measurements of environmental noise. Thus, for noise maps based on measurements, mobile ...

    An approach to melanoma classification exploiting polarization information 

    Rastgoo, Mojdeh (Date of defense: 2016-06-13)

    Malignant melanoma is the deadliest of skin cancers and causes the majority of deaths in comparison to other skin-related malignancies. Yet it is the most treatable type of cancer, thanks to its early diagnosis. Subsequently, ...

    An approach to occasion-sensitivity 

    Picazo Jaque, Claudia (Date of defense: 2017-11-29)

    The aim of this dissertation is to explore the hypothesis that language is occasion- sensitive. To hold that language is occasion-sensitive is to hold that the truth-conditions of most of our utterances depend on the ...

    Approach to personalized medicine in endometrial cancer for the control of recurrent disease 

    López Gil, Carlos (Date of defense: 2022-11-09)

    El càncer d’endometri (CE) és el segon càncer ginecològic més freqüent a tot el món. En general, la majoria de les pacients es diagnostiquen en les primeres etapes de la malaltia amb una taxa de supervivència global a 5 ...

    Approaches for assessing whether the human hand evolved by natural selection in adaptation to stone tool use 

    Bucchi Morales, Ana (Date of defense: 2020-06-29)

    Els estudis en Evolució Humana han conclòs en general que els trets derivats en humans van facilitar comportaments relacionats amb l'ús d'eines i ens van fer primats especialment destres. La manera com els humans adquirim ...

    Approaches for the biological control of stored product pests 

    Solà Cassi, Mireia (Date of defense: 2018-01-19)

    Stored products include all postharvest agricultural foodstuffs that do not require refrigeration and that can be preserved for several months under proper conditions as cereal grain and other raw material or processed ...

    Approaches to Asymmetric Catalysis Mediated by Ploymer-Supported and Homogeneous Organocatalysts 

    Wang, Shoulei (Date of defense: 2018-03-15)

    Aquesta tesi se centra en la síntesi d'organocatalitzadors, especialment els suportats en polímer, i la seva aplicació en diverses transformacions asimètriques. En el capítol II, s'ha desenvolupat una cicloaddició [4 + 2] ...

    Approaches to asymmetric catalysis with polymer-supported pyrrolidines 

    Alza Barrios, Esther (Date of defense: 2011-06-17)

    El presente proyecto de investigación se centra en la inmovilización de sistemas catalíticos derivados de pirrolidinas sobre polímeros entrecruzados de PS que permiten realizar enantioselectivamente la formación de ...

    Approaches to characterize structural properties of RNA 

    Delli Ponti, Riccardo (Date of defense: 2019-01-16)

    The secondary structure of an RNA molecule is fundamental for its function. However, structural conservation and the structure of RNA in vivo are still poorly understood. Data from recent high-throughput experiments can ...

    Approaches to evaluate the pharmacology of new psychoactive substances 

    Olesti Muñoz, Eulàlia (Date of defense: 2018-11-29)

    In the last decade, the rapid emergence of a group of compounds known as novel psychoactive substances (NPS) has become a worrying problem due to their ambiguous legal status, their easy availability, their extensive ...

    Approaches to explain political transitions: the case of Tunisia 

    Rivera Escartin, Adrià (Date of defense: 2023-02-24)

    L’anomenada tercera onada de transicions polítiques va obrir la via a una vibrant literatura sobre els processos de democratització. En contrast, avui en dia, el canvi polític està numèricament dominat pel procés invers ...

    Approaches to variable pay systems 

    García-Hernández, Rosa (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    The general goal of this thesis is to analyze, in some European countries, the connections of Variable Pay Systems with company behaviour, collective bargaining, wage determination and wage inequality. We introduce three ...

    Approaching Complex Credit-Driven Economies From The Bottom Up: An Agent-Based Model for Open Economies And An Empirical Study on Loans’ Distribution 

    Petrovic, Marko (Date of defense: 2017-11-03)

    In this thesis we use methodologies that are grounded on a ``bottom-up'' approach, denoting the importance of considering the emergence of the aggregate economic behavior from the interaction of heterogeneous economic ...

    Approaching nuclear interactions with lattice QCD 

    Illa Subiña, Marc (Date of defense: 2021-09-09)

    Nuclei make up the majority of the visible matter in the Universe; obtaining a first principles description of the nuclear properties and interactions between nuclei directly from the underlying theory of the strong ...

    The Appropriation of Māori identities in the nation branding and public diplomacy of Aotearoa New Zealand: an attempt to understand how cultural identities are self-constructed, planned and projected for specific communication purposes 

    Séra, Jasmin (Date of defense: 2020-06-25)

    This interdisciplinary research investigated the construction of cultural identities in the Nation Branding and Public Diplomacy in Aotearoa New Zealand. On the example of New Zealand’s indigenous population, the Māori, ...

    Approximate algorithms for decentralized Supply Chain Formation 

    Penya-Alba, Toni (Date of defense: 2014-12-16)

    Supply chain formation involves determining the participants and the exchange of goods within a production network. Today’s companies operate autonomously, making local decisions, and coordinating ...

    Approximation and geometric processing of digital images with adaptive triangular meshes 

    Vintimilla Burgos, Boris Xavier (Date of defense: 2001-01-19)

    Esta tesis se ha enfocado en el desarrollo y evaluación de un conjunto de técnicas eficientes para generar y procesar mallas triangulares adaptativas obtenidas a partir de imágenes digitales.<br/>Tres objetivos diferentes ...

    Approximation in the Zygmund Class and Distortion under Inner Functions 

    Soler i Gibert, Odí (Date of defense: 2020-07-15)

    En aquest treball es tracten dos problemes. El primer és un problema d’aproximació en la classe de Zygmund per funcions del subespai I_1(BMO), que és l’espai de funcions contínues amb derivada a BMO en el sentit de les ...

    Approximation of phase-field models with meshfree methods: exploring biomembrane dynamics 

    Peco Regales, Christian (Date of defense: 2014-10-28)

    Las biomembranas constituyen la estructura de separación fundamental en las celulas animales, y son importantes en el diseño de sistemas bioinspirados. Su simulación presenta desafíos, especialmente cuando ésta implica ...

    Apreciación estética de estímulos abstractos y figurativos: datos conductuales y registros cerebrales 

    Flexas Oliver, Albert (Date of defense: 2013-12-02)

    - Introducció Les investigacions d’aquesta tesi s’emmarquen en la feina del grup Evolució i Cognició Humana (EvoCog), centrat en l’estudi dels trets específics dels éssers humans des d’un enfocament evolutiu-cognitiu. La ...